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spirit connecting and sexuality (Read 24914 times)
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Re: spirit connecting and sexuality
Reply #75 - Oct 11th, 2007 at 4:50pm
Yes, Ahso and Hawkeye, below is what I meant. Therefore, "Albert" wasn't needed, because Ahso answered.

hawkeye wrote on Oct 11th, 2007 at 1:37pm:
Recoverer, Sorry for any confusion. I did not want to seem like I was in any way tring to glorify what the bombers did. Or do I believe that there will be any virgins waiting for them in their heaven. My thought are more along the lines of their created spiritual end and to the sexual aspect thinking that revolves around this virgin thing that they expect. I believe that you create you own heaven or hell. I will manifest what I believe in and what I am ready to experience and understand on a personal level of enlightenment. Only I can deside what I will experience. An example is that as I don't believe in organised religion, I wont be spending time in the belief system territorty that has that covered. Nor will I get stuck there and need to be assisted along from there. I think that these bombers will go to their belief system territory and experience just what they believe. They may as a part of this

Hi Joe, i agree with much of what you said, but you make it sound almost as if its completely a conscious thing...whereas, much of the time, the 'creating' that we do is very, very unconscious, and that many times people are automatically attracted to a place they may not consciously like or want to go to, because of their unconscious creating.  All energy and conscious follows the same basic universal energy reaction and law, like attracts and begets like.    You can consciously think and have a certain belief system all you want, but if you live a certain way, in the nonphysical you are going to be automatically attracted to that dimension which was manifested by a collective of those on a similar wavelength.  

 One suicide 'bomber' because of his inner ideals, motivations, and intents, etc. may 'go' to a hollow heaven belief system territory (with the virgins et al), and yet another may be attracted into the lower hells.  In some respects, they had similar certain conscious belief systems, but the difference comes in how they lived, the attitudes and ideals within, and how that matched up their actions and conscious beliefs to that.  It's these inner ideals, intents, attitudes, and motivations which matter more than the surface actions, which is probably one of the reasons why Yeshua counseled us to not judge others since we tend to only perceive the action, obvious parts, and not so much the inner part of the individuals.  

 This is how people get stuck in the first place, by a combination of how they live and their more focused on or stronger conscious and unconscious belief systems.  Sometimes its more one than the other, but almost always its a mix to a certain degree.  

 I believe that Recoverer may have been trying to say this earlier, as well?  Where is an Albert when you need one.

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Re: spirit connecting and sexuality
Reply #76 - Oct 11th, 2007 at 10:15pm
Hi again Orlando,

Nah, in that 2nd part of my post, i wasn't directly referring to your reply, i was just getting back to the main gist of the thread, or at least my perspective of it.   Yes, i understood that you meant that sometimes sexual attraction or lust can just simply complicate human relationships at times.  Lol i wasn't inferring that you are a sex maniac.   Are you though??!!  Shocked Lips Sealed Just kidding! Cheesy

   I was hinting in general, to any and all reading, that deep consistent meditation can help to transform the physical, lust aspect of the sexual energies, if that is something they are interested in lessening.

  But, like you sort of touched upon, getting out of my 20's will probably help a bit, but it's usually not that bad nowadays anyways, nothing compared to when i was a young teen and my body and energy system was really imbalanced from various reasons.   I guess i'm just saying that all in all, i wouldn't particularly miss my sexual drive if it completely went away.
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Re: spirit connecting and sexuality
Reply #77 - Oct 11th, 2007 at 10:37pm
LaffingRain wrote on Oct 11th, 2007 at 4:15pm:
Hi Justin, hope u don't mind I call u Justin?  u put the Virgin Mary into a better perspective for me, so thanks, makes sense that Mary would have been prepared both physically and spiritually to bring forth JC, that would include even her family members participating in this event.

nice thread this turned out to be, was it Joe started it? thanks whoever did.

love, alysia

  Please do!  I'm kind of getting tired of the Ah So a bit.    I'm glad you liked the perspective behind Miriam and her role in attracting Yeshua into materiality.   I believe that in a sense, she was the more feminine half of that Soul.  And the feminine always comes first, its the very pattern of Creation, and its even the pattern within the Earth.  Without Miriam and her very fast vibratory energies, there would have been no Yeshua as we knew him in the Earth...   So while the role of women, is less glamorous and less in the spotlight, its an infinitely and equally important one as the more active in the world, masculine role that Yeshua played out as the other half of that Soul.  The receptive seeding, and the sprouting plant.

Justin, about the lust, the hormones, the attraction a male has for the curves of the woman, its all necessary to perpetuate the race, or who would bother?  Smiley
you and your wife are one now, speaking from a woman's perspective, she feels fulfilled if you even notice her walking by, maybe wink at her..she'll like that!

  Yeah, i know what you mean, and hey i would be a liar if i said that i didn't enjoy certain aspects of the arrangement here, BUT for me personally life would be easier and more simple without it.   If we didn't manifest the illusionary world to begin with, we wouldn't be doing these kind of things to begin with either.    

  Thanks for the advice.  Is that why we don't seem to have passionate sex anymore?  She's fulfilled in other, more important ways?   It's a nice thought, and probably something to it, but i  also get the feeling her body is a bit imbalanced lately.   The last 2 times she went to give blood, they declined her because her iron levels were too low, and i think she might have tendencies to anemia besides, which with stress from her job, recent moving, money issues, etc. may also contribute to the lack of that drive. 

I feel like your marriage is top of the line somehow. I feel very happy about it.

  Wow, thank you!  That was a very kind thing you said.   I'm somewhat excited about eventually having children, especially since Becky has been getting waking visions and dreams about our little girl recently, which in one of the visions she called her little strawberry because she has golden reddish hair.   She seemed like such a happy, and joyful child to Becky.

  I've had a couple sensitives tell me that at least one of our children is going to be a near avatar type, not in the strict or religiously dogmatic sense of the word (such as Albert has  explained to me before), but in the general new agey sense of very, very intune and spiritually developed.   

  I've long felt that one of my future children, probably the daughter Becky has been getting glimpses of, is an aspect of the Total self which also expressed my Mother, whom i was very close too, and who was/is a rather old soul.  Well, while i'm excited and looking forward to raising a child with Becky, i still hope its a few years off yet, because of certain probable events i see coming.
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Re: spirit connecting and sexuality
Reply #78 - Oct 12th, 2007 at 12:42am
I used to worry some about those probable events you mentioned Justin. I asked a good friend who is a master on the inner levels, my opinion because of certain experiences I've had with him obe, but anyhoo, just passing this thought on for anyone's benefit to know that whatever outpictures in our total world, the universe is unfolding exactly as it should, even though we may see a population world wide reduction here and there until things settle down. the changes appear to be spaced out enough for us to handle them better. thats my thought. the only thing I was shown once was myself being taken away to a camp to attend to some refugees, as in boosting their moral. which I was happy to do. the area I was in was in a martial law state. the young people who kept the order were very kind souls sent to do that.

did not get bad vibes from the dream at all. what my friend told me is there are alternate realities in our universe, not just the probable or possible realities, but alternate realities, like dimension slide type realities. Some will slide into these other realities and one minute you're here, then next minute you're feeling quite natural in another reality which looks the same as the other and most times you won't notice that you slipped into it, this other reality or dimension where you continue.

something to do with soul choices and not needing to experience war or needing to fulfill a mission in certain circumstances more conducive to that in another reality. something also to do with the planning committee or event planners.

so I thought what he said was interesting. but I have to fall back on my own learnings of course, that the universe is unfolding exactly as it's also very good to be very vigilant right now and aware of the world events and send healing where and when we can with our minds while we are taking care of our own little turf of necessity.

you and Becky will probably attract a soul that has known you before and is assured of a good childhood so that he or she can the more faster get their intentions done here.
a lot of the indigo children are masters, but its hard to tell at first; they are very sensitive and sometimes misdiagnosed as hyper and medicated. I know you won't make this mistake. the color Indigo is the transmution ray..the highest spiritual color there is, my opinion from reading up on the rays.

I like that u mentioned Mariam and JC, to be twin flames, or the same soul, divided, I've been studying up on this too, its a little mind boggling to think about and grasp, but quite logical in a way.

well goodnite all! I'm reading about the warrior path, which is Shambhala.
which is actually the open heart path. might get a chance to discuss it here someday. love, alysia

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