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spirit connecting and sexuality (Read 24932 times)
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Re: spirit connecting and sexuality
Reply #60 - Oct 10th, 2007 at 8:10pm
orlando123 wrote on Oct 10th, 2007 at 6:54pm:
I don;t think there is either. I was just amazed at the insensitivity of the person who thought someone was a "better woman"becasue of their boob size. That sounds more like the less admirable kind of man thinking than someone I would consider feminine.

I agree with you 100%!  I think he was tuning something very masculine in that moment.

I think self-identification as transsxexual and deciding to act on it is a complicated area that for some people is definitely right and they know they need to do it and can;t be happy any other way

If you get stuck in a very narrow tunnel vision and don't acknowledge the other aspects of life that make you happy, you might do something that leaves you in a place you'd rather not be.  It's very easy for a transgendered person to "obsess" on gender and lose sight of the big picture.

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Re: spirit connecting and sexuality
Reply #61 - Oct 11th, 2007 at 12:13am
recoverer wrote on Oct 10th, 2007 at 2:36pm:
Perhaps to say the World was created on purpose, not just a big illusory mistake like some sources of information claim.  Your sentence can be interpreted to mean that there is nothing wrong with making use of the creative aspect of being, as long as it is done in the spirit of love and light. 

  Perhaps, but not necessarily.  Perhaps it was more of a personal message for you regarding certain of your own beliefs?

  As far as rest of your thoughts, which world are you talking about, the consciousness patterns created by the Planning Intelligence, OR the physical world which was densified and projected out of that via collective, sustained spiritual error/unsourceness/unlove on the part of many?

  I would say that while these two worlds are connected and one came from the other, there is still a rather big difference between the two in the broader sense.  One is pure, true beingness, eternal, the other simply a temporal reflection of the former.
  The physical body is not completely 'neutral'--it has certain tendencies, but yet, Spirit can use it to further its ends and ways, and so Spirit, or Soul using the physical in a spiritual manner can be and is a beautiful thing, such as what i talked about and you quoted earlier regarding a couple consecrating themselves as conscious channels for spiritually mature soul to be born through.   Eventually when enough of us do this consistently, and collectively, it will speed up the vibrations of the physical, back to its original state of pure, limitless light, and thus what we know as the 'physical' will cease to exist. 

  This doesn't mean to me, that the physical world  was manifested by Source like creating, but rather just simply that ever, always, and in any and every dimension, like attracts and begets like. 

  How do you think Yeshua was born into this world?  By chance, or by and through  slower vibrating energies around the mother, and her peoples?   Nah, by centuries of work, discipline, and holistic balance, leading up to the birth of a mother whom from a young age was consecrated by her parents and people, to be a pure channel through which such a Soul as the Christ could manifest through.   Trained emotionally, mentally, spiritually, and physically--special diets, constant emphasis on practicing patience, kindness, keeping the mind and body active, and well balanced with the spiritual.

  Or in other words, the vibrational patterns within, and immediately surrounding the mother, were vibrating in a unusually balanced manner at an unusually fast rate, for those times, and even for our times or in general.   The same could happen today, and its not necessary that a woman know a man in a physical manner for her to conceive--her own Spirit self, acting in tandem, merging with the evolved Spirit self of that Soul seeking to enter, can quicken and spark the conception in even a 'physical' manner, yet purely from an energetic/'invisible" standpoint.    That's a hard one for many to believe, even yet, but doesn't mean its not possible...
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Re: spirit connecting and sexuality
Reply #62 - Oct 11th, 2007 at 12:41am
Aeyna wrote on Oct 10th, 2007 at 8:10pm:

I agree with you 100%!  I think he was tuning something very masculine in that moment.

  Maybe its more that this person was expressing ego, which is neither just a 'man' or 'woman' issue? 

    Maybe both women and men with ego are competitive (or rather 'ego' is competitive in general), but tend to express it differently, and with men and their overall and average tendency to greater 'yang' polarized and thus projective energy, its simply just more obvious and noticeable?   

  On my journey through life, i've noticed a common pattern particularly with those who are overall imbalanced more to the Yin expression essentially thinking that 'ego' wise, that their shit doesn't stink as much, so to speak.    This is because yin energy or expression, tends to be much more subtle, and inward directed, and not so obvious as the more Yang polarized energy/expression is. 

   This does not necessarily mean women vs. men btw, i've seen this both with women, and with men who are more imbalanced to the yin within self on the mental and emotional levels.  Yes, on average, women do tend to be more imbalanced to the Yin polarization, just as more men do tend to be imbalanced towards the Yang polarization. 

  Going into more detail, relating to the paragraph above this and the last one, this can be illustrated well in the Zodiac signs of Cancer and Leo.    Cancer is a feminine sign, ruled by the very yin polarized Moon.   Leo is a masculine sign supposedly ruled by the more yang Sun (i believe its really ruled by Mercury and Mars together, and that the Sun is neither Yang, nor Yin, but represents an almost perfect balance, but that's a whole nother discussion). 

  Anyways, both Cancer and Leo are rather self centered and selfish (thus essentially "egotistical") in many ways, and yet Cancer isn't really known for this, and Leo is supposedly this personified or to the nth degree.   Why the big difference in perception?   Because Cancer's energies are so inward turned, passive, reflecting, absorbing, and subtle in nature, and Leo's are very projective, expressive, active, and much more directly obvious.    Is one expression really better than the other, if both are at their core self centered and ego centered (speaking of the signs, and not of individuals born under these indications)?   

  Not to me, we just have a polarization and extreme comparison between ultra feminine (Cancer), and ultra masculine (Leo).   Lot's of times, i've noticed that strong and imbalanced feminine energy being expressed from the false self, is EXTREMELY manipulative and unconscious/reactive/irrational in nature (and thus doesn't tend to be too honest or direct with self or others).  And we all know the downside to strong, imbalanced masculine energy being expressed from the false self, since this is often commented on in our society lately, particularly by women and a percentage of gay men (and understandably so).    Anyways, point is, ego is ego, no matter how it comes across on the surface. 
   We're all human, we're all souls, and if we consciously, completely, and always transcended the ego, we would consciously and always completely transcend the physical itself...
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Re: spirit connecting and sexuality
Reply #63 - Oct 11th, 2007 at 9:53am
Ah So said:  "How do you think Yeshua was born into this world?
By chance, or by and through  slower vibrating energies around
the mother, and her peoples?   Nah, by centuries of work, discipline,
and holistic balance, leading up to the birth of a mother whom from
a young age was consecrated by her parents and people, to be a
pure channel through which such a Soul as the Christ could manifest.
Trained emotionally, mentally, spiritually, and physically--special diets,
constant emphasis on practicing patience, kindness, keeping the mind
and body active, and well balanced with the spiritual."

Many thanks for the reminder, AhSo!
I've read about the practices of that sect and Mary's role that was prepared for her. Today with no such lifestyles given much public attention, too many of us seem to think that the spiritual is all magic, or we disbelieve entirely. Very few people seem to understand that excellent physical health and attitudes are required to have spiritual qualities fully operate in earthly life.


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There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
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Re: spirit connecting and sexuality
Reply #64 - Oct 11th, 2007 at 1:27pm
betson wrote on Oct 11th, 2007 at 9:53am:
Many thanks for the reminder, AhSo!
I've read about the practices of that sect and Mary's role that was prepared for her. Today with no such lifestyles given much public attention, too many of us seem to think that the spiritual is all magic, or we disbelieve entirely. 


  Many welcomes Bets.  Personally i find that topic and history fascinating.   I agree, there is not much public attention or understanding, even in the "new age" world, on stuff like this.   There are though, some intentional communities here and there, who are seeking to foster similar conditions as did the Essenes in that space/time cycle.  I've noticed that some of these tend to either be too 'fluid' in nature, and lack structure, or the other extreme, they tend to be too structured and lack enough fluidity.   Yet another Yin-Yang balance issue, which i seem to be speaking obsessively on lately.
Very few people seem to understand that excellent physical health and attitudes are required to have spiritual qualities fully operate in earthly life.

Here, here!  You don't know how much i (lol or my ego) appreciates someone else also recognizing and saying this!

  And yet it's so essentially simple, life comes from and perpetuates life, and death comes from and perpetuates death.....

   The Essenes knew this well, and knew it pertained to the physical, the mental, and spiritual, and while none of them lived it perfectly like Yeshua eventually did, they did perceive the necessary balance which must take place for that complete redeeming of the physical to take place.   They also fostered brining in such a one who would eventually perfectly live as they themselves only perceived and dreamed of...

  We ever live in a reciprocal reality, whether speaking physicality or nonphysically. 

  Cayce's source once said that the Essenes practiced a form of spiritual eugenics, not even remotely resembling the materially based one that Hitler and many Nazi's bought into.   But that they fully understood the energy reaction/law of like attracts and begets like, or also called "energy resonation", and that it pertained to all levels of being.

  My guidance has been rather insistent on certain even physical disciplines and dietary changes, and i know that when i finally master these more physical and dietary aspects of life (as well as more consistency in meditation), that MUCH will be opened up for me, and it will be easier to spiritually act from my center within the physical at all times.   But, alas i can be lazy and have tendencies to procrastination.   Strangely, there is almost a sense of urgency with this, with them, not that they are controlling, but rather that they know that deep within i know better and thus feel i should be living up to my ideals, and in the future not just for my sake and happiness.
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Re: spirit connecting and sexuality
Reply #65 - Oct 11th, 2007 at 1:31pm
  On a lighter note, who in the world would have thunk that a thread containing the word "sex" in the topic headline would produce so many replies and get so many counter hits. Shocked Roll Eyes Cheesy Grin

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Re: spirit connecting and sexuality
Reply #66 - Oct 11th, 2007 at 1:37pm
Recoverer, Sorry for any confusion. I did not want to seem like I was in any way tring to glorify what the bombers did. Or do I believe that there will be any virgins waiting for them in their heaven. My thought are more along the lines of their created spiritual end and to the sexual aspect thinking that revolves around this virgin thing that they expect. I believe that you create you own heaven or hell. I will manifest what I believe in and what I am ready to experience and understand on a personal level of enlightenment. Only I can deside what I will experience. An example is that as I don't believe in organised religion, I wont be spending time in the belief system territorty that has that covered. Nor will I get stuck there and need to be assisted along from there. I think that these bombers will go to their belief system territory and experience just what they believe. They may as a part of this
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Re: spirit connecting and sexuality
Reply #67 - Oct 11th, 2007 at 1:45pm
Aeyna wrote on Oct 10th, 2007 at 8:10pm:

I agree with you 100%!  I think he was tuning something very masculine in that moment.

  Maybe its more that this person was expressing ego, which is neither just a 'man' or 'woman' issue? 

    Maybe both women and men with ego are competitive (or rather 'ego' is competitive in general), but tend to express it differently, and with men and their overall and average tendency to greater 'yang' polarized and thus projective energy, its simply just more obvious and noticeable?   

Absolutely. Sorry if I implied otherwise.  I simply found his assertion of "womanly superiority" over his wife amusingly ironic, because it was so stereotypically male in its delivery.

Women play the same game, just differently (and in many ways more insidiously).

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Re: spirit connecting and sexuality
Reply #68 - Oct 11th, 2007 at 2:05pm
  Yeah, i know what you mean Aeyna, it was kind of ironically amusing.  No need to apologize, i wasn't offended in the least bit, i've just been on both a balance and expressive kick lately.  Lately, i'm starting to feel more and more androgynous and don't particularly strongly identify with masculine or feminine, though i can't seem to shake the physical, hormone, lust attraction to the female body though i think life would be much simpler without it!

  Very beautiful name by the way, i like its vibratory pattern and sound.  You kind of remind me of another person from here, with whom i talked to on occasion.  I haven't seen them around for awhile and kind of miss their voice here.
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Re: spirit connecting and sexuality
Reply #69 - Oct 11th, 2007 at 2:18pm
hawkeye wrote on Oct 11th, 2007 at 1:37pm:
Recoverer, Sorry for any confusion. I did not want to seem like I was in any way tring to glorify what the bombers did. Or do I believe that there will be any virgins waiting for them in their heaven. My thought are more along the lines of their created spiritual end and to the sexual aspect thinking that revolves around this virgin thing that they expect. I believe that you create you own heaven or hell. I will manifest what I believe in and what I am ready to experience and understand on a personal level of enlightenment. Only I can deside what I will experience. An example is that as I don't believe in organised religion, I wont be spending time in the belief system territorty that has that covered. Nor will I get stuck there and need to be assisted along from there. I think that these bombers will go to their belief system territory and experience just what they believe. They may as a part of this

Hi Joe, i agree with much of what you said, but you make it sound almost as if its completely a conscious thing...whereas, much of the time, the 'creating' that we do is very, very unconscious, and that many times people are automatically attracted to a place they may not consciously like or want to go to, because of their unconscious creating.  All energy and conscious follows the same basic universal energy reaction and law, like attracts and begets like.    You can consciously think and have a certain belief system all you want, but if you live a certain way, in the nonphysical you are going to be automatically attracted to that dimension which was manifested by a collective of those on a similar wavelength.   

  One suicide 'bomber' because of his inner ideals, motivations, and intents, etc. may 'go' to a hollow heaven belief system territory (with the virgins et al), and yet another may be attracted into the lower hells.  In some respects, they had similar certain conscious belief systems, but the difference comes in how they lived, the attitudes and ideals within, and how that matched up their actions and conscious beliefs to that.  It's these inner ideals, intents, attitudes, and motivations which matter more than the surface actions, which is probably one of the reasons why Yeshua counseled us to not judge others since we tend to only perceive the action, obvious parts, and not so much the inner part of the individuals. 

  This is how people get stuck in the first place, by a combination of how they live and their more focused on or stronger conscious and unconscious belief systems.  Sometimes its more one than the other, but almost always its a mix to a certain degree. 

  I believe that Recoverer may have been trying to say this earlier, as well?  Where is an Albert when you need one.
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Re: spirit connecting and sexuality
Reply #70 - Oct 11th, 2007 at 2:49pm
  Lately, i'm starting to feel more and more androgynous and don't particularly strongly identify with masculine or feminine, though i can't seem to shake the physical, hormone, lust attraction to the female body though i think life would be much simpler without it!

Oh, but it's so much fun surrender to body/physical, don't you find?  It's one of the more enjoyable paths to the spiritual, I've found. 

  Very beautiful name by the way, i like its vibratory pattern and sound.  You kind of remind me of another person from here, with whom i talked to on occasion.  I haven't seen them around for awhile and kind of miss their voice here.

Thank you. It resonates with me as well.   I hope I stay awhile.  I really enjoy the energy here.

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Re: spirit connecting and sexuality
Reply #71 - Oct 11th, 2007 at 3:26pm
Aeyna wrote on Oct 11th, 2007 at 2:49pm:
[quote author=AhSoLaoTsuAhhOmmra link=1191016668/60#68 date=1192125906]  Lately, i'm starting to feel more and more androgynous and don't particularly strongly identify with masculine or feminine, though i can't seem to shake the physical, hormone, lust attraction to the female body though i think life would be much simpler without it!

I generally think life would be simpler without it too. I sometimes think of myself as having an identity, but how I feel about myself varies from time to time     I think the world woulod be better with fewer gender expectations/stereotypes
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Re: spirit connecting and sexuality
Reply #72 - Oct 11th, 2007 at 3:54pm
Orlando, are you also a male in your 20's?  Lol, dunno about you, but in my case, that might have something to do with the lust tendencies.   

  I know when i conserve my sexual energies not through repression but through deep consistent meditation and concentration on the real in everyday life, i have more energy and clarity in general, and my energy field seems a lot more expansive and powerful.

  Similar to, but also different, from when i eat less but eat more healthy live foods and what not.

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Re: spirit connecting and sexuality
Reply #73 - Oct 11th, 2007 at 4:10pm
Orlando, are you also a male in your 20's?  Lol, dunno about you, but in my case, that might have something to do with the lust tendencies.  

 I know when i conserve my sexual energies not through repression but through deep consistent meditation and concentration on the real in everyday life, i have more energy and clarity in general, and my energy field seems a lot more expansive and powerful.

 Similar to, but also different, from when i eat less but eat more healthy live foods and what not.

Hi   I'm male and in my 30s. Not completely sure what your comments have to do with what I said, but they sounds quite good advice anyway . Or did you think I meant i am obsessed with attractive women's bodies so should find another outlet? I didn;t exactly mean that LOL, I meant more generally that sometimes sex and sexual attraction complicates life and human relationships. For the first meaning, I think I find that aspect somewhat less distracting than I did at your age, though I wouldn't say it was something that has been a huge problem to me - I'm not the type of man who can't meet a woman without having rampantly lustful thoughts all the time  Grin  (might depend on the person though, I suppose  Wink)

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Re: spirit connecting and sexuality
Reply #74 - Oct 11th, 2007 at 4:15pm
Hi Justin, hope u don't mind I call u Justin?  u put the Virgin Mary into a better perspective for me, so thanks, makes sense that Mary would have been prepared both physically and spiritually to bring forth JC, that would include even her family members participating in this event.

nice thread this turned out to be, was it Joe started it? thanks whoever did.

Justin, about the lust, the hormones, the attraction a male has for the curves of the woman, its all necessary to perpetuate the race, or who would bother?  Smiley
you and your wife are one now, speaking from a woman's perspective, she feels fulfilled if you even notice her walking by, maybe wink at her..she'll like that!

I feel like your marriage is top of the line somehow. I feel very happy about it.

love, alysia
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