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spirit connecting and sexuality (Read 24955 times)
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Re: spirit connecting and sexuality
Reply #45 - Oct 6th, 2007 at 7:43am
Think too that as Alysia says that bombers and the like may well initially experience the reality they expect because they create it in the early stages of the afterlife, but that as they progress towards rebirth and ego is stripped away that they are likely to become aware of the total reality of what they have done.

If they they can't wholly open to this, and as a result drop the delusion/part of them created by the conditioning that led them to do what they did (and the million dollar question we've recently discussed a few times is whether or not this sort of learning is possible at this stage of the afterlife) then it's probably off on another life to learn the lesson the hard way.

On outside sexual relationships from within marriage. I doubt that it's an option in the context of a committed intimate relationship (think it probably confuses energies - although the big question is whether or not our usual inability to handle a more than two way relationship is something that's fundamental, or that it's the result of ego and jealousy), but that's not always the reality of relationships.

Many get stuck in marriages where the relationship has in any meaningful human sense long since died - out of financial necessity, out of a conditioned view that marriage has to be for life, out of cowardice and insecurity, out of a lack of self love, out of fear of loony court decisions on alimony, out of fear of social consequences or whatever.

There are almost certainly basics about sex which make an emotional engagement with a partner inevitable. But that's OK - in a relationship that's died, that's not working any more it's time to move on anyway. So many sell themselves down the river by hanging in there when in truth its over.

Moving on may presumably entail leaving for a new relationship, or perhaps if circumstances force it to outside appearances staying put while having an outside 'friend'.

I think what I'm basically saying is that while it's not possible to engage in sex without commitment without denying something in yourself and risking hurting others, that it's the reality of how it plays for (all of) the parties concerned that ultimately determines what's feasible in terms of the various ways  that loving relationships can be configured and not vice versa as societal rules usually imply...

Maybe I'm wrong..

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Re: spirit connecting and sexuality
Reply #46 - Oct 9th, 2007 at 9:11am
Hi Vajra, sorry I'm late for kids arrived in town and I don't know how lucky a person can be to have such children..they put in some landscaping for me.

soo anyhoo, basically I think perhaps all of life is like an experiment and that may include, well, it must include all facets of life, sex included. just rambling, but for example heres a list of friends I've known and their respective dramas:

Dotty: married to a man many years, bore a child, he decides to become a woman, grows breasts, on his way to remove his manhood, he meets another woman and decides he wants to remain as a man. the high point of this drama was when his breasts grew larger than Dotty's, he declared he was the "better woman." arrggg. Dotty took the news pretty well, but she was a stalwart spirit who hid her pain well.

Sylvia: married and divorced 9 times, emasculates men without realizing it consciously, she is now single with 3 dogs and 19 cats.

Karen: seduced at 14 by gym teacher, she remains a virgin the rest of her life and never experiments with the opposite sex. has a relationship.

Gary: a slightly build gay fellow used to come to work at least once a week with a busted lip or black eye given by his lover, he acted like he had a trophy with each scar.

I worked for a porn magazine as typesetter awhile...typing wanted ads...75% of the ads I typed were guys listing the measurement of their organ, up to 9"...the other language I won't list here so not to cause shock but it was graphic and sick. business was booming. I lasted a year there; spirit put me there to observe humanity.
maybe to toughen me up to what goes on.

While my sister lay dying of cancer, her husband of 20 some years was rounding up a new partner and planning to move her into the house when sis died. she did, and he did. It didn't work out, the new arrangement, imagine that?
He goes looking for my sis in the afterlife areas, finds her, begs forgiveness, she declines, shes got a new beau over there.
she'll forgive someday, but not just yet...its really hard to die all alone while your husband is playing around. wow, humans have got the drama going on! my sis was never able to enjoy sex because her father molested her. the point is, even after death, relationships continue the same as they did on Earth with folks still trying to learn and grow and get over hurts and find out what real love is.

Gina: is neither of black race nor white, is both, looks white. she hangs in black bars and nearly gets raped while shes trying to find her rightful place. finally finds a white man 20 years older than her who is emotionally her age and its a perfect match, last I heard.

I did find in my travels a couple who are happy! was looking to find more like them and I know they are out there. he's a farmer, he names each horse and animal he has. he likes to stay and wants to die on his farm in Wisconsin. his wife of many years is a world traveler, doing this several times a year.

well, this is just a few examples of human drama, relationships. the body though, is just a tool for gathering experiences and humanity is moving along towards the fuller expression of our afterlife where PUL just is, and is not something to attain nor express, but just is, existent in the atmosphere and is the foundation we walk on, and shines on all the same, in the levels of completion.
I say let the body serve you, but don't let it's needs have authority over our lives and our dramas and our well being.
well, gee, on a high note, at least we have a body to express in!


happy Halloween, this is one of me kids, ok everybody pull out your kids pics!

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Re: spirit connecting and sexuality
Reply #47 - Oct 9th, 2007 at 10:23am
That's a pretty fair cross section Alysia, your life has been rather more colourful than mine I suspect!!  Smiley  I'm in comparison (stable marriage, few ups ad downs but basically works very well) just a theorist. Not even an observer of the varieties that occur.  Roll Eyes

There's nevertheless maybe a core issue in the middle of all this which we've kind of brushed past. Is monogamy truly the optimum form for male/female relationships, or would loving multidimensional relationships be possible if ego/fear/jealousy/issues of 'ownership'/societal and other consequences and so on were  removed from the equation?

My personal sense is that multidimensional relationships are not really a runner without a lot of risk of causing hurt to others and running into trouble, at least at today's typical levels of consciousness. And that (at least from the male perspective anyway) this is the primary  reason for remaining monogamous.

But that if ignorance plus grasping egotistical behaviours were removed from the equation (selfish and predatory carry on that hurts others, fear driven clinging, and just plain lack of management skill/wisdom - a big ask given the stuff you describe Alysia) that all sorts of configurations would become feasible.

The outcome mind you would be a long way from so called 'free love'.

Thoughts, especially from the female perspective?

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Re: spirit connecting and sexuality
Reply #48 - Oct 9th, 2007 at 11:11am
free love concept is not true enlightenment PUL expressing but a learning stage so I hear what you're saying I think.
theres this Jackson Brown tune I been practicing (almost got the rhythm down!)
and the lyrics are "if I'd only known what your heart cost, can we call it a loan, and a debt that I owe on a bet that I lost?" oh, there seems to be two, one steals the love, the other one hides.

thanks Jackson! there does seem to be two worlds here, one spiritual, one physical, but really one is the extention in the cosmic mirror of the other, so there's just one world with different folks focusing in on different viewing points, which exclude other viewing points of necessity to get our individual experiences that we came here for.
on this other level there is oneness already existent, so theres individuals, but also a One Mind we surf in which is PUL everywhere, like I said, we were born from PUL and return to this creative essense with our free will intact, less all the selfishness motives that we used on the lower levels, perhaps with passions still there but governed by wisdom gained in each life.

or like Dave here has said several times, enlightenment is achievable in one lifetime with concentrated effort; you don't have to wait till yer dead, in enlightenment I would suppose one begins to sense the underlying oneness of everything and everyone and it's not forced, but it's a focus point of oneness, through the desire to see and experience the harmonics. so thats how two worlds become the one world.

relationships on the other side of the coin, since the oneness is evident already, the merging aspects are a moot point; one is an open book on the other side, all is known what another person has collected in their earth travels, as it exists as color in their thought aura surrounding them, this would be like Spock mind melds..ah! thank you Star Trek!
Mind melds produce understanding which produces PUL, or more of it. PUL is also inspiration which is like a conveyor belt on the other side. so it is said "I was moved."

PUL, in the heavens is our natural heritage for one and all. retrievers move those stuck into areas closer to PUL by an act of love. it's like throwing a fish back in the water, the fish swims away, it would never forget how to swim.

Monogamy, right or wrong? both and neither I'd say. this is between two people and their highest guidance what they will make. every relationship is One. something is produced from it and contributes an effect into the entire collective Mind.
One does not need to suffer in a relationship for the "sake" of the other to have peace of mind and not be hurt. honest communication is the only thing takes away the hurt. if a relationship does not seem to go forward in PUL no matter what effort you are trying for. its easy enough to become a martyr for love just as its so easy to slip out the back Jack.  somewhere a balance would occur with open communication, even about taboo subjects, like, I have to leave because I'm unhappy.
open communication can even make people fall in love all over again with each other.

so its not even a question if monogamy is the answer or free love, at some point I should say, it's not important to declare what is true for another, just what is your own truth?

Back to ACIM, it taught me what relationships are for. I really didn't know. It simply said relationships were "to make happy."

if each partner were in the same mindset, they would be making each other's happiness the priority and theres no problem then. however, as a whole we are not there yet, because we all have these different ideas what makes the beloved happy! haha!  I give up!  live and learn! I'd just say do what makes you happy, just make sure you're not stepping on someone to get where you want to go.

love, alysia
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Re: spirit connecting and sexuality
Reply #49 - Oct 9th, 2007 at 7:18pm
[quote author=LaffingRain link=1191016668/45#46 date=1191935502]Hi Vajra, sorry I'm late for kids arrived in town and I don't know how lucky a person can be to have such children..they put in some landscaping for me.

I am glad you have a good relationship with your kids  Smiley

soo anyhoo, basically I think perhaps all of life is like an experiment and that may include, well, it must include all facets of life, sex included. just rambling, but for example heres a list of friends I've known and their respective dramas:

Dotty: married to a man many years, bore a child, he decides to become a woman, grows breasts, on his way to remove his manhood, he meets another woman and decides he wants to remain as a man. the high point of this drama was when his breasts grew larger than Dotty's, he declared he was the "better woman." arrggg. Dotty took the news pretty well, but she was a stalwart spirit who hid her pain well.

Angry what an idiot. If he thinks being a "good woman"is measured by how large your breasts are.. well, what can I say? Glad he realised he was just confused and stopped when he did, anyway. i know a 40-year-old who has decided he is transsexual, even though he is a married man with two kids, but I think s/he is a much more deserving case, even though it's tough on the family. Sometimes you get people who can function as a straight family man, but never feel quite right about theri gender inside and take a long time to decided what they want to do. I have even heard of couples staying together after the man changed sex, which is surprising. I also wonder about the legality now ! I am in the UK and transsexuals can now change birth certificates - but if they do, then what happens? We have legal 'civil partnerships" for gay people, but no gay "marriage"yet. Or maybe it's like the Catholic church where, I understand, if you were a married protestant pastor and become a Catholic priest, they let you stay married (must make the long-term Catholic ones annoyed).

Sylvia: married and divorced 9 times, emasculates men without realizing it consciously, she is now single with 3 dogs and 19 cats.

9 times!!!! If life is trying to teach her something, she must be a bit of a slow learner!

Karen: seduced at 14 by gym teacher, she remains a virgin the rest of her life and never experiments with the opposite sex. has a relationship.

? never experiments, but has a relationship? with a woman? or do you mean, she WAS like that but now has a relsationship? Sorry about the gym teacher - likely to have been damaging for her, and a terrible abuse of trust, a reponsible position, and normal human decency by him

Gary: a slightly build gay fellow used to come to work at least once a week with a busted lip or black eye given by his lover, he acted like he had a trophy with each scar.

..guess it takes all sorts... I wish people would not stay with abusive partners.. I sometimes find it quite hard to see why they do

I worked for a porn magazine as typesetter awhile...typing wanted ads...75% of the ads I typed were guys listing the measurement of their organ, up to 9"...the other language I won't list here so not to cause shock but it was graphic and sick. business was booming. I lasted a year there; spirit put me there to observe humanity.
maybe to toughen me up to what goes on.

I didn;t expect you to have done something like that! Well, like you say, i guess it's all experience. Sorry it left you with a pretty poor opinion of (those) men. Don't suppose you find the finest , most well-balanced, examples of the male sex writing in to porn mags though..

While my sister lay dying of cancer, her husband of 20 some years was rounding up a new partner and planning to move her into the house when sis died. she did, and he did. It didn't work out
, the new arrangement, imagine that?

Angry what a bastard. How awful for you and your sister

He goes looking for my sis in the afterlife areas, finds her, begs forgiveness, she declines, shes got a new beau over there

she'll forgive someday, but not just yet...its really hard to die all alone while your husband is playing around.

You don't say  Angry

wow, humans have got the drama going on! my sis was never able to enjoy sex because her father molested her. the point is, even after death, relationships continue the same as they did on Earth with folks still trying to learn and grow and get over hurts and find out what real love is.

Yeah, I guess anyone who thinks we suddently all become really wise and sorted out when we die has another think coming. I am sorry for the sadness your sister went though and am glad things seem better where she is

Gina: is neither of black race nor white, is both, looks white. she hangs in black bars and nearly gets raped while shes trying to find her rightful place. finally finds a white man 20 years older than her who is emotionally her age and its a perfect match, last I heard.


I did find in my travels a couple who are happy! was looking to find more like them and I know they are out there. he's a farmer, he names each horse and animal he has. he likes to stay and wants to die on his farm in Wisconsin. his wife of many years is a world traveler, doing this several times a year.

Glad to hear it! I am sure I know some happy couples too - I hope so, anyway! Hard to know exactly what goes on behind the masks people sometimes wear, and closed doors. It would be sad if we were left thinking it was impossible to find real love. I guess it needs many, not-so-common ingredients like being quite like-minded and understanding each other well and enjoying each other's company; communicating properly; having at least some physical attraction; not projecting too many expectations on the other person, or wanting them to be something they are not; not being too needy or jealous; appreciating the best in them and being able to forgive the faults etc

well, this is just a few examples of human drama, relationships. the body though, is just a tool for gathering experiences and humanity is moving along towards the fuller expression of our afterlife where PUL just is, and is not something to attain nor express, but just is, existent in the atmosphere and is the foundation we walk on, and shines on all the same, in the levels of completion.
I say let the body serve you, but don't let it's needs have authority over our lives and our dramas and our well being.
well, gee, on a high note, at least we have a body to express in!

Good advice, LR, and nice that you ended on a positive note  Smiley whether we find a perfect relationship or not the main thing is not to let life's shitty aspects crush our spirit, and still be able to love

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Re: spirit connecting and sexuality
Reply #50 - Oct 9th, 2007 at 11:23pm
gee Orlando, its like your in the same room with me and we're talking.. Smiley

those stories are just snippets of their lives, I don't have their whole lives to look at so I don't wish to present just negatives. for instance, suppose that Dotty and the guy who was doing a gender change, suppose in another life he had been a woman? then u could see he might be having a hard time with his gender choice this time.

the woman who was introduced to sex at 14 and never tried a heterosexual relationship said it was directly related to the tryst with the female gay gym teacher. she didn't seem very happy but acted stuck with her lifestyle, so I mentioned it because all of this is humanity. we are very vulnerable as teens, I am wanting to protect young people so I thought it was sad. it was her destiny I suppose. being heterosexual, I enjoyed men, so I would naturally think she was missing out, but its not my call to judge her that she missed out. she met a gay woman and I lost touch with her after she discovered we would not be intimate, not physically. if its true and it is, we can have intimacy without sex, meaning unconditional love, she is not missing out on anything because you can't miss what you never had before.

I hope you find a very loving relationship Orlando, you are so sweet and deserve it truly! if thats what your heart desires of course. love, alysia

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Re: spirit connecting and sexuality
Reply #51 - Oct 10th, 2007 at 7:48am
Thanks you Alysia. I think we're in the same sort of space. That it's what works for happiness that matters, not some societal once size fits all view. Ans that what works for happiness depends a lot on the awareness and ability of the parties concerned to act in the interest of the other and not get sucked into negative egotistical or unwise behaviours.

It's such a pity that society can't simply let what are often useful generalisations from experience be but instead almost always has to turn them into a rules to be forced on all. And will often take pleasure in watching an experimenter that's got it wrong suffer. Nya nya nya!!!! We told you so!!! Now lie in your own bed!!!

We're all responsible for our own life decisions, and if we get it wrong can't expect others to make it painless for us. (there would be chaos if there were no downsides - it's what keeps most of us honest) But love suggests that it's certainly reasonable to expect a caring attitude and a dig out where possible.

This sort of vibe makes it easy for us to be critical of some of the examples you listed, but actually it only takes the tiniest of hang ups on specific issues for us to end up in strange places. Not to mention that there's often 'good' historical reason for these hang ups, and that what we presume to be a mess can often be an important learning experience or even source of happiness or important knowledge when viewed the right way...

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Re: spirit connecting and sexuality
Reply #52 - Oct 10th, 2007 at 2:36pm
Perhaps to say the World was created on purpose, not just a big illusory mistake like some sources of information claim.  Your sentence can be interpreted to mean that there is nothing wrong with making use of the creative aspect of being, as long as it is done in the spirit of love and light. 

recoverer wrote on Oct 4th, 2007 at 4:18pm:

Occasionally my spirit guidance will flash a star by a particular sentence.  It did so for the below sentence you wrote.

"Nothing more beautiful or worthy than a conscious couple coming together, consecrating their bodies and lives to become channels for a spiritually developed soul to come through."

 Is that a good thing?  Sounds like it.  Man, i feel like a kid again at school, "Justin, you get a gold star!"   "Whoo hoo!"

 lol just joking around with you a bit.  

 But why do you think that they flashed this for you?

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Re: spirit connecting and sexuality
Reply #53 - Oct 10th, 2007 at 2:42pm

I agree with your POV. Love/oneness can be shared in many ways. Lust is a lower chakra thing.

What's PUL? Huh  Just kidding.  Smiley

betson wrote on Oct 5th, 2007 at 9:51am:
For Recoverer,

POV means 'point of view,' referring in this case to the Truth/point of view that the source of PUL love is holy and is from God.
But God or The Source can't reach out and touch each of us with his finger like he did with Adam, so it has to be channelled through other means.
I think it's important to realize that craving for God's love, even if it comes channelled through a spiritual partner, is not the same as lusting. Craving love is craving union with Love. Lusting is seeking (uh-0h) umm seeking stimulation of just a single chakra, the lowest.

That's my POV sent with PUL.

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Re: spirit connecting and sexuality
Reply #54 - Oct 10th, 2007 at 2:55pm

First of all, I don't know. Just speculating. Even if they met up with 75 virgins, those virgins would be imaginary virgins. Eventually, hopefully, they would come out of their state of confusion and see how empty those virgins are.  

Robert Monroe and others speak of spirits trying to have sex in a physical way but not being able to do so completely, despite what they want and believe. What happens to a guy who can't completely have sex with 75 virgins? After a while he might start to wonder.

Plus various sources of information state that what we believe competes with what is true, after we die. For example, say a man called himself a Christian throughout his life, but he didn't come close to loving his neighbor as his self? Would he get to go to heaven right away, or would his negative way of being have to be taken care of first?

I'd say they are willing to die because they believe they are going to be rewarded with 75 virgins. They also believe their victims, the so called infidels, will end up in hell for all of eternity. So obviously their field of knowns has nothing to do with love.

Regarding their victims going to hell for all of eternity, I once saw a man get interviewed who had his suicide bombing attempt stopped. He believed his victims would go to hell for all of eternity.  He had a really indifferent attitude about this. It meant nothing to him that his victims would have to suffer horribly for all of eternity while he enjoyed his virgins. Obviously he listened to his ego, not his heart.

I don't mean to sound judgmental. If I lived his life I might've ended up the same way. But when you wrote "they are willing to die for their knowns" you seem to be glorifying something that isn't worth glorifying.  Unloving behavior is unloving behavior, even if a person claims to do so for the sake of God.

hawkeye wrote on Oct 5th, 2007 at 12:09pm:
I take it from your post that you don't believe that these fundamentalists that go around killing people in the name of their jihads will go to their heavens and have their virgins. Consider the distinct possibility that as powerfull of beings that we are, we are able to create our own situations in heaven, focus 27, hells, etc. Therefor due to the collective agreement of tens of thousands of people,even hundreds of thousands, this place exists within their reality. There is a place that these being are going to that they have created. Why are we, although we do not agree with their realities, to not recognise their knowens. They have no doupts about where they are going and what they will have when they get there. They are willing to die because of their knowns. As you have no control over my reality and beliefs and what my creation of my heaven or hells will be, how can it be assumed theirs can not be as they have designed. I would think that

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« Last Edit: Oct 10th, 2007 at 7:40pm by recoverer »  
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Re: spirit connecting and sexuality
Reply #55 - Oct 10th, 2007 at 5:43pm
LaffingRain wrote on Oct 9th, 2007 at 11:23pm:
gee Orlando, its like your in the same room with me and we're talking.. Smiley
those stories are just snippets of their lives, I don't have their whole lives to look at so I don't wish to present just negatives. for instance, suppose that Dotty and the guy who was doing a gender change, suppose in another life he had been a woman? then u could see he might be having a hard time with his gender choice this time.

Speaking as a transgendered woman, but one who appears to the rest of the world as a family man and father, it's hard to convey the unfulfilled yearning one feels in this position.  There's no frivolity in it at all.  When I say, "I am a woman," it probably appears absurd to someone looking at me, but it comes from a place that is so utterly true for me.

I can't really fathom anything that would make me say I was a better woman than my wife based on cup size.  There are things no person raised a man will ever understand about the nature of being woman (in this life, that is).   Those unknowable experiences give me a sense of loss.

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Re: spirit connecting and sexuality
Reply #56 - Oct 10th, 2007 at 5:57pm
perhaps Aeyna, you can look at it this way; each life is a drop in the bucket, once we get home, we have access to all of them for study, but more than that prospect, here and now we can tap into those akashic records.
so if we have eternity to become all that we want to be and to experience all that we wish to, you should not lament that you will never have certain experiences.
besides, what I really wanted to say is we've already pointed out here on this thread we can become fully enlightened, to experience the fullness of PUL totally without the use of the body as in physical expression of sexual dimension, so the body is really nothing. Nothing but a sensory apparatus for the use of spirit.

thats why ACIM calls the body an illusion. because its not the real intrinsic you.

the you that continues. I believe you when you say you are a woman. It sounds like a difficult life that you chose to grow through. its ok nowdays for a man to express the softer qualities of a woman, it's ok for you to change your mind..we women have that right u know!  Smiley maybe after all, its time we put all roles aside and just try to tell our truth knowing ahead of time, a blow or two might come our way, but like the Eagles said in "Take it Easy" just find a place to take your stand and take it easy.

love, alysia
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Re: spirit connecting and sexuality
Reply #57 - Oct 10th, 2007 at 6:18pm
LaffingRain wrote on Oct 10th, 2007 at 5:57pm:
so if we have eternity to become all that we want to be and to experience all that we wish to, you should not lament that you will never have certain experiences.

Oh, I agree with that wholly.  A psychic who gave me a past life regression told me that I was reluctant to take on this incarnation because i had "perfected" the female side and that my goal here in this life was to manage the transition back to balance.    It sounded a little pat to me, to be honest.  Not that taht means it's not true.

Consciously, in this life, I feel the powerful urge to align my thoughts and my external body. I have glimpse of PUL where I am beyond this, and PUL makes the yearning small in comparison, but in my more "solid" and body-focused mental states (much more common), I feel deep, profound need to be woman.

the you that continues. I believe you when you say you are a woman. It sounds like a difficult life that you chose to grow through. its ok nowdays for a man to express the softer qualities of a woman,

It's true that I need not act totally against my nature, which is very nice and makes thinks flow more easily.

it's ok for you to change your mind..we women have that right u know!  Smiley

Well, that just put a big smile on my face!

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Re: spirit connecting and sexuality
Reply #58 - Oct 10th, 2007 at 6:54pm
Aeyna wrote on Oct 10th, 2007 at 5:43pm:
LaffingRain wrote on Oct 9th, 2007 at 11:23pm:
gee Orlando, its like your in the same room with me and we're talking.. Smiley
those stories are just snippets of their lives, I don't have their whole lives to look at so I don't wish to present just negatives. for instance, suppose that Dotty and the guy who was doing a gender change, suppose in another life he had been a woman? then u could see he might be having a hard time with his gender choice this time.

Speaking as a transgendered woman, but one who appears to the rest of the world as a family man and father, it's hard to convey the unfulfilled yearning one feels in this position.  There's no frivolity in it at all.  

I don;t think there is either. I was just amazed at the insensitivity of the person who thought someone was a "better woman"becasue of their boob size. That sounds more like the less admirable kind of man thinking than someone I would consider feminine. I think self-identification as transsxexual and deciding to act on it is a complicated area that for some people is definitely right and they know they need to do it and can;t be happy any other way, for others is more of a grey area, and for others would be completely wrong and a big mistake and they only consider it becasue they are confused about themselves and don;t really know what they want/need
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Re: spirit connecting and sexuality
Reply #59 - Oct 10th, 2007 at 7:19pm
Aeyna wrote on Oct 10th, 2007 at 5:43pm:
 When I say, "I am a woman," it probably appears absurd to someone looking at me, but it comes from a place that is so utterly true for me.

It is a great shame that people place so much importance on exterior things. What someone appears to be isn;t necessarily how they really are.  When it comes to transsexuals, it also doesn;t say that much about who they are inside if they are physically feminine in the first place or not; those ones are just luckier. However, I guess the average member of the public finds it easier - for the same superficial reasons - to accept it if the person looks feminine than if they are tall or bulky, and masculine-looking

On a different note, I suspect that if people felt completely accepted and free to express all sides to themselves - and were not pigeon-holed and restricted by expectations based on their physical body - then some people who decide to have SRS would feel less of a strong need to do so. It is good that gender stereotypes are somewhat less rigid than in the past, but there is a fair way to go
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