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spirit connecting and sexuality (Read 24928 times)
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Re: spirit connecting and sexuality
Reply #30 - Oct 4th, 2007 at 4:14pm
We have the awareness aspect of being, and the creative aspect of being. Kundalini seems to represent the creative aspect of being. Since the act of reproduction is a creative act, kundalini and sexual energy are associated while we are physical.

In order for reproduction to take place, some sort of sex drive needed to be encoded within us. A female lizard is programmed to respond to the pink throat of a male lizzard. A human male is programmed to respond to curves (Why are curves such a big deal?).

Human beings connect lust with their attempt to obtain love and oneness,  because of their misidentification with the physical body. If you believe you're a body, quite naturally you'll try to obtain love and oneness with another body. Lust confuses the issue, because lust could care less about what is loving and wise. Resultantly, things such child molestation, rape, porn, prostitution and sexual perversion result.

I believe that one of our main goals as spirit beings is to gain control of our creative aspect of being. Other wise, it controls us and determines what we experience. Sexual attachment is a problem because it causes us to be confused and limit our ability to find love and oneness spiritually.

Some of my energy is bogged down in my lower chakras because I haven't been able to let go of the attachment of believing that love and oneness are available in an "essential" way, by becoming involved with a woman I find physically attractive.  My spirit guidance has let me know in various ways that once I let go of this attachment, the amount of love and oneness I'll experience on a consistent and effortless basis will improve significantly.

Here is something I've gone through while trying to overcome my attachment. I feel like this is having an effect, but not completely yet.

1. It isn't possible for that woman's body to either create or send love. Love and oneness come from spirit and don't require the existence of a physical body in order to be.
2. It is also impossible for my mind's image of that woman to create or send love. Love and oneness come from spirit, and don't require the existence of an image in my mind in order to be.
3. It is impossible for a woman's body or my body to experience love and oneness. They are just objects of perception. Only awareness, which doesn't require the existence of a physical body, can experience love and oneness.

Another thing I consider is how my mind's image of a woman's body has very little to do with what a woman's body actually is. The image I have is just a very partial interpretation.  In truth a woman's body is a biological organism made up of organs, cells and numerous biochemical reactions. Even her skin, which seems so appealing to my deluded mind, is just an everchanging cell culture. Plus, why is one type of look more appealing than another kind of look? For example, why are sharp facial features often considered to be more attractive than less sharp features? Or why is one set of eyes supposedly more pretty than another set of eyes?

I buy into the above delusions because they provide me with an arbritary just pretend mindset that enables me to have an energy build up that leads to the pleasure of sexual orgasm.  The guidlines for such delusions could've manifested in various ways, they just happened to manifest in the manner they manifested.

In the end I don't believe we can have our cake and eat it. If we want to be able to experience love and oneness completely, we have to be willing to let go of the limitations that prevent us from doing so. Sometimes this isn't an easy thing to do. I've been completely celibate for almost a year now. It hasn't been hard. However, I still feel like turning my head when an attractive lady walks by. When will I ever learn? Smiley
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Re: spirit connecting and sexuality
Reply #31 - Oct 4th, 2007 at 4:18pm

Occasionally my spirit guidance will flash a star by a particular sentence.  It did so for the below sentence you wrote.

"Nothing more beautiful or worthy than a conscious couple coming together, consecrating their bodies and lives to become channels for a spiritually developed soul to come through."
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Re: spirit connecting and sexuality
Reply #32 - Oct 4th, 2007 at 4:53pm

I agree with Recoverer completely, although our POVs seem to differ.

Everybody is a channel for God's Love, and a clearer channel can focus and transmit the universal energies more directly. The force of directed energies can help clear more channels, in the partner and/or in the self. The source of the directed energies is the holiest of holies, so to speak, and anytime we use those energies without honoring the source, we are dishonoring ourselves.

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There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
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Re: spirit connecting and sexuality
Reply #33 - Oct 4th, 2007 at 5:32pm
it always concerns me when I see an attempt to connect faith, religion, spirituality with sex. One of the concerns is with the polygamists and what I consider to be child molestation and and multaple wifes. Now from what I understand, its their ticket or free pass into heaven.  Sort of a " just three wifes and a twelve year old and I'm in". (not meant to offend as its not funny)Twisted to me yet OK by them. Perhaps someone can explain to me just how by having a number of wifes and perhapps by some of them being childern, gets you into heaven. Does having more than one wife raise your spiritual awareness and connect you closer to God? Is there a person here who might be able to give me some insite about this or why they believe it. (Perhaps they are concerned with my one wife (at a time) rule?)
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Re: spirit connecting and sexuality
Reply #34 - Oct 4th, 2007 at 5:33pm
What's a POV?

betson wrote on Oct 4th, 2007 at 4:53pm:

I agree with Recoverer completely, although our POVs seem to differ.

Everybody is a channel for God's Love, and a clearer channel can focus and transmit the universal energies more directly. The force of directed energies can help clear more channels, in the partner and/or in the self. The source of the directed energies is the holiest of holies, so to speak, and anytime we use those energies without honoring the source, we are dishonoring ourselves.


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Re: spirit connecting and sexuality
Reply #35 - Oct 4th, 2007 at 6:01pm
Further to my last post... Then there is the Islamic fundamentalists ,whom if I am to understand right , that when them blow themselfs up for jehad, they go to their heaven and get a bunch of virgins (sex) for them selfs. Is that right or is that some kind of propaganda from our goverments? Raised spiritual awareness (going to heaven) through killing with the reward of sex with virgins.???Huh??
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Re: spirit connecting and sexuality
Reply #36 - Oct 4th, 2007 at 6:20pm
Regarding what Hawkeye wrote, if a man believes he is going to be the master of the universe when he dies, will his belief come true? Not!

Regarding men who fly airplanes into buildings with the thought of being awarded with 75 virgins, my guess is that their lack of love is more likely to determine what their afterlife reality will be like, rather than their unexamined brainwashed beliefs.

Regarding men (men again?) who believe there is a divine purpose for having multiple wives, they are probably more interested in serving themselves than finding out what divine truth actually is so they can serve it in a loving and wise way.
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Re: spirit connecting and sexuality
Reply #37 - Oct 5th, 2007 at 7:23am
hey you guys  Smiley I now know how to manipulate a thread for discussion  Cheesy

I said to you all "why is it a secret that we seem to have and we never talk about sexuality?"

lol. then Vajra said this: .." most of us are emotionally and intellectually constipated on the issue.
nice summation u made before this statement..thanks Vajra!

hey, below is a stereo typical kind of male thought to sex: (my opinion as a woman observing men's sexual behavior within my world:)

part of Vajra's statement "....more recreational approach to the whole thing."

A recreational approach is where society is at present to sexual experimentation. unfortunately, this approach, again, to my experience is dehumanizing and demeaning if a woman is looking for love, but the guy is looking for "recreation." the problem is either both should be engaged in a recreational approach, or both looking to create a relationship which is more than mere recreation, so long as that communication is, where both state their intentions up front. perhaps u meant to say that wisdom and compassion be engaged in any sexual encounter. then I agree with you, but wisdom and compassion only come with age it does appear at present, unless one could be blessed with wise and highly evolved parents who impart their wisdom to offspring.
so we might instruct the younger ones to listen to their heart intelligence and not just their hormones, we might also teach the art of cognitive thinking when considering sexual liaisons, which is to thoughtfully consider all the possibilities in any given situation arising (pun!)  before humping. consider this in view of civilizations which have fell due to too much self indulgence, Atlantis being one of them.

Personally, I think Cat Houses made legal and respectable, could be the solution to some predator type situations in our society, to at least provide that resource to some of our society that cannot restrain themselves. call them young souls, whatever.

also u said:
Monogamy and the nuclear family it's fairly clear is a pretty dysfunctional model around which to structure a society anyway.
I disagree. The home, the family is where we learn to relate to the world from, it's our foundation from where we send the kids out into society. the schools along with the parents need to teach the kids how to make marriage or relationship work, how to get along with others in general, not just how to put on a condom conveniently located in the bathroom of the school. perhaps we shouldn't wait until high school to introduce human psychology courses. although maybe even now this is being taught in elementary schools or will be.

to sum up, I'm like you Vajra, I use this board as a place to develop my ideas and don't mean to make you defensive in any way, so I think u know I respect you highly and won't take offense anything I say while I'm exploring.
its just that I notice the difference between what a woman's needs are, and they are quite different from the man's needs, so the whole thing boils down to the sexes, and this would include our gay generation, that communication on mental levels is so important before physical intimacy.
dream on, right!  Smiley 
love, alysia
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... Who takes away death's sting deprives life of bitterness
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Re: spirit connecting and sexuality
Reply #38 - Oct 5th, 2007 at 7:50am
Ah so,  Smiley thanks for giving us so many ah so moments here  Wink u have much knowledge around these subjects; I can read everyone here and see how what someone said sparked off in someone else a thought, so this thread is hopping.

but do please injest some food! love, alysia
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... Who takes away death's sting deprives life of bitterness
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Re: spirit connecting and sexuality
Reply #39 - Oct 5th, 2007 at 9:15am
No hassle Alysia.  Wink For me writing like this is just thinking, not an attempt to lay down law.

Maybe my use of 'recreational' wasn't the right term. What I meant was that the way sex has got to be such a big deal and is so closely tied in with it's use as a bargaining chip, as an ego prop and as a major rule based focus in religious dogma leaves most confused and strips much of the spontaneity, intelligence, joy and life out of it.

We always seem to end up with either irresponsible promiscuity, or the constipation I mentioned. And a lot of grief.

I wasn't advocating the zipless f*** any more than I'd advocate the use of hallucinatory drugs just for kicks. You actually described exactly what I had in mind in your alternative interpretation of what i might have said - as something that might be ventured in a considered and caring way as a part of the 'getting to know you' in a potentially serious relationship.

But in a lighter, more loving, less egotistical and more exploratory mode than is often the case today. So that if the relationship does not take off or if it fails later that the result is not recrimination, jealousy, a sense of loss of 'it' or of a partner now symbolically owned - of having given all and got nothing back.

On the nuclear family. It's clear that kids need a stable home base. But I'd argue that older more tribal forms where people live in communities (villages) while working and playing together may be a better idea. (adapted to modern environments of course)

The parents are still the CG and lead in responsibility for the kids, but extended family and other members of the group can help with child care, provide support in the case of age or illness and a much wider range of influences.

Not to mention that couples have more space - they don't have to be in each other's faces every minute of the day, there's scope for close friendships and relationships but in controlled circumstances outside of the family and so on. Not to mention that if it fits the needs of all there may be scope for sexual relationships outside of the couple.

There's something incredibly lonely about the modern nuclear family -  about the associated isolation, and the legal, behavioural and expectation driven straightjacket it imposes.

Especially later on when relationships cool down but a lot of care still exists  - out of fear of making the all or nothing total break that society demands they end up locked together and driving each other nuts. When perhaps a lighter, more middle of the road arrangement might have been a better idea...

But it's just musing. The real issue is not so much structure as consciousness driven. What you get is mostly a reflection of where people are on stuff. Things will always sort themselves out if people are motivated to live through love, and have the wisdom to make that a reality.....
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Re: spirit connecting and sexuality
Reply #40 - Oct 5th, 2007 at 9:41am
LaffingRain wrote on Oct 5th, 2007 at 7:50am:
Ah so,  Smiley thanks for giving us so many ah so moments here  Wink u have much knowledge around these subjects; I can read everyone here and see how what someone said sparked off in someone else a thought, so this thread is hopping.

  Thanks for the kind comments Alysia.  I'm not sure if i have a lot of knowledge about this, more like i'm just a person who has begun to learn how to listen, and sometimes relays what i hear, which is something we all can do and inner answers are generally better than some dude like me telling ya something (doesn't mean i will completely stop, since i'm working on expression issues in this life).   I agreed with much of your above post too. 
but do please injest some food! love, alysia

  Done and done  Wink

With love,
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Re: spirit connecting and sexuality
Reply #41 - Oct 5th, 2007 at 9:46am
recoverer wrote on Oct 4th, 2007 at 4:18pm:

Occasionally my spirit guidance will flash a star by a particular sentence.  It did so for the below sentence you wrote.

"Nothing more beautiful or worthy than a conscious couple coming together, consecrating their bodies and lives to become channels for a spiritually developed soul to come through."

  Is that a good thing?  Sounds like it.  Man, i feel like a kid again at school, "Justin, you get a gold star!"   "Whoo hoo!"

  lol just joking around with you a bit. 

  But why do you think that they flashed this for you?
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Re: spirit connecting and sexuality
Reply #42 - Oct 5th, 2007 at 9:51am
For Recoverer,

POV means 'point of view,' referring in this case to the Truth/point of view that the source of PUL love is holy and is from God.
But God or The Source can't reach out and touch each of us with his finger like he did with Adam, so it has to be channelled through other means.
I think it's important to realize that craving for God's love, even if it comes channelled through a spiritual partner, is not the same as lusting. Craving love is craving union with Love. Lusting is seeking (uh-0h) umm seeking stimulation of just a single chakra, the lowest.

That's my POV sent with PUL.
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There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
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Re: spirit connecting and sexuality
Reply #43 - Oct 5th, 2007 at 12:09pm
I take it from your post that you don't believe that these fundamentalists that go around killing people in the name of their jihads will go to their heavens and have their virgins. Consider the distinct possibility that as powerfull of beings that we are, we are able to create our own situations in heaven, focus 27, hells, etc. Therefor due to the collective agreement of tens of thousands of people,even hundreds of thousands, this place exists within their reality. There is a place that these being are going to that they have created. Why are we, although we do not agree with their realities, to not recognise their knowens. They have no doupts about where they are going and what they will have when they get there. They are willing to die because of their knowns. As you have no control over my reality and beliefs and what my creation of my heaven or hells will be, how can it be assumed theirs can not be as they have designed. I would think that
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Re: spirit connecting and sexuality
Reply #44 - Oct 6th, 2007 at 3:59am
I've thought about the bst's. and the hijackers. #1. whats so great about a virgin in a man's mind? a virgin is just a gal ain't had sex yet. those hijackers are probably getting emotionally beat up by the virgins..think about it. eventually they have to face karma if they want to evolve, and it's my point we have this built in boredom monitor inside the mind which forces us to take responsibility for our own growth sooner or later, dead or alive. all questions about sex were solved for me after reading about Monroe's excursion to the sex pile where he tried to pull one of the lively participants out of the pile and the poor sap just kept wiggling back into it, so no retrieval there, but the guides who surf this area know that in time, one by one they will be retrieved to a better place as they start to question the repitition and the quest for satisfaction that does not arrive, by the very nature that the harder they try, the more it alludes them. thats an example of a hell zone. u want it, but u can't get it. and its not PUL, but all can be retrieved eventually.

hey Joe, I wouldn't be surprised at all, the virgins are fake, and in disguise, they are guides playing a fast one on the hijackers, they snuck up on us, right? now on the other side they get snuck up on too. speaking of different ways to retrieve the unenlightened. bsts are probably full of fun and games and rude awakenings just like here

no offense Vajra, opportunity for sex outside of marriage is called swinging. this will always produce jealousy in the marriage and comparison of one person's fruit to another, so it breaks down trust. I've researched it. it doesn't work to make intimacy greater or love stronger. and also I would agree with you on one point; not all marriages or relationships are necessarily supposed to last for years and years; it depends on the individuals and whether the reasons they came together have been completed. if they're fighting over who gets the house or the car, they are still in a relationship that has not been completed, their lessons. I seen divorced folks who are actually still married to each other emotionally.

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