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Afterlife Knowledge Member
Posts: 1655
central california
Hi Albert- Two immediate thoughts, my practice, and Ramana Maharshi.
In my own practice I work with the "soul" as it manifests through the medium of the present day physicl embodiment. Like any musical instrument, there is need of a "sonding board", and the body offers the apropriate and convenient apparatus. The abstract nature of that with which I work is usually undefined, but would fit in with common ideas. Placement in the cosmic hierarchy seems to be somewhere between the everyday level of experiences, and direct awareness of God. The session might have been called in order to deal with smekind of past life trauma, fixation or other issues, but once in awareness of the "spirit world", the viewpoint is free to move about the entirety of "inner space". In the usual case, the location of God is in the middle of a lot of light and activity that is some distance from the viewpoint as it moves about the rest of the spirtual space.
I've never worked with multiples, and my efforts with schizophrenics has been unsuccessful. The personality structure is interesting, but I have yet to clarify it, even for myself.
While I have done little with respect to direct access to Godhead, I very often use an analogy in which people go to a Library, Magic Shop, Warehouse or other place in which one can "read the book of your life", or a good habit can be bought for the price of giving up a bad habit. I usually suggest looking for "the one in charge", and then afterwards point out that in the spirit world there is only one entity in charge, but at that moment, in the guise of a Librarian, Storekeeper or whatever.
The only part of the "soul" that seems to be more or less constant, at least to my mind, is the part at the very root, where it attaches to Godhead, which is what is commonly acessed under the name of "Higher Self". That carries both the idea of God and also of person-hood, and seems to exist as a sort of projection that has not quite crystallized into a life form. All the rest is tied to some kind of material extension.
It is this "Higher Self" that I address when I suggest that a person, "Go back to a place at the Beginning, or just before, and sense the Creative Joy bursting forth, the Infinite Understanding, and total uncompromised Love. - And now, as the world forms, select a place and lifestyle for yourself." (Or sometimes with spcific instructions, such as to forgive, release pain etc.)
Because this is, in its ultimate nature, a way to view God, it is impossible to give materially limiting properties, like size, shape, appearance etc. Functionally, however, it seems to work as desired, providing only that the person accepts God.
I'm not sure that this answers your question, but this is what I've experienced. dave