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Afterlife; my Brother's new home (Read 6771 times)
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Afterlife; my Brother's new home
Sep 19th, 2007 at 10:05pm
Good evening all,

I am new to this site and indeed, this is my first post. I believe in the afterlife and in fact, I frequently talked to my Gaurdian angel and my Grandmother as a child. As I grew, I became less and less aware of their presence but always knew they were there.

I am a normal, professional man. I have a loving wife, a great son and a wonderful family support system that I can always count on. A beautiful home, 2 dogs and recently 1 cat. My wife sings in the choir, My son goes to Catholic School and when we are not on our boat on Sundays, you can find us at 11 am Mass.

There have been times in my life that I have been literally saved by what I consider my Gaurdian Angel. I served in The Army from 1982-1990. While in Germany, two occasions my Gaurdian Angel saved me.

The first, a buddy asked me to go out with him and a couple of other guys. I was glad too but as I was getting dressed to go, I got a chill down my spine and a loud voice telling me to stay.  I stayed in the Barracks and the next morning we got the news that they were involved in a car crash and no one survived.

The Second, we were on high alert during the "Pershing Missile Crisis". There had been several bombings of American insulations thru out Europe by a group named; "The Red Army Faction". I was in a duece in half truck with my squad on a German road in Bad Krueznach, Germany. I heard a voice say; Look at Him. then louder LOOK AT HIM! I looked out the truck and in a Mercedes was a young man stopped behind us. As I looked at him, he was sweating and looking nervous. I saw him reach in his glove box and I immediately drew my M16 on him and jumped out of the truck. The rest of the guys followed me. This man was reaching for a grenade and he had 150 lbs of explosives in his car.

Several years later, I was in my car in Pueblo, Colorado. Stopped at a light in the right lane to go home. A voice told me to get over. I pulled my car in the left lane. Just as my wife asked where are we going?..... A car came at a very high speed and rammed into the car I was behind in the right lane severly injuring all involved.

There have been other times but in each of the above, I believe my life was saved by me being able to hear my gaurdian angel.

I have always been opened to communicating with souls, spirits, entities or, whichever tag we place on the ones who pass before us. Going against my Catholic teachings, sometimes I get confused on what is real and what is not.

Last month, My brother passed on unexepectally (where is the spellcheck?). I felt in my soul that he was in agony, confused and lost. I struggled with this for days. Praying for him and even talking to my Priest about it. For days, I felt that I needed to help him and he was asking his older brother for help. I couldn't sleep and just felt miserable. Last weekend, my Mother came to my house for dinner. She told me that she has been feeling that Gary is not at peace. She knows of my ability and asked me to try to talk to him. I told her that I have felt the same and I have been praying for him.

Desperate, I looked on the internet for something, anything that could help me. I found Bruce's site and the article of: Guidelines for afterlife contact. I followed the steps and placed myself almost in a hypnotic state. I started to visualize darkness and cloudiness if that makes sense. I felt my Brother's presence so I spoke in thoughts. I could not hear him, nor see him but I felt his presence. I just kept telling him that we all loved him and forgive him for leaving but you must go to the light. You will find your answers there. Go to the light. I began praying for God's help, begging him to cross. Finally, I felt a chill run down my spine and I heard his voice; "Thanks Bro". I instantly felt relief. I knew at that moment, he crossed over.

The following day, My mother called me saying; that last night she finally started to feel that Gary was at peace. I told her that I know he is.

I went to order Bruce's books and sent an email thanking him for posting the guidelines for without it, I would not of been able to help my Brother. I told him my Brother's name and the date he died.

To my surprise, today I got an email from Bruce. He was able to make contact with my Brother and he is now with older people figures which I assume are my Grandparents. Bruce told me that he is still a bit aggravated because he did not mean for the situation he got into to end his life but he is being guided to recovery.

I have never read any of Bruce's books, never have given a second thought or even imagined that this site and others like it even existed. I live my life by using my soul and heart everyday. I know when something is wrong because I can feel it in my soul just as I know something is right. Helping these poor helpless souls crossover is the right thing to do if you can do it. For all of you that have, You have my deepest appreciation as I am sure the appreciation of the loved ones of the souls you have helped.

Bruce, if you read this.... Thank you from the bottom of my heart. You have helped me, my brother and family more than you may ever know. May God have a special place for you in Heaven for what you do.
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Re: Afterlife; my Brother's new home
Reply #1 - Sep 20th, 2007 at 2:36am
wow those were amazing stories about your life being saved
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Re: Afterlife; my Brother's new home
Reply #2 - Sep 20th, 2007 at 2:40pm
Hi Jkely -

Thanks for that post - it's always nice to read success stories.

Hope you'll stick around. You obviously are well developed spiritually, and evidently have a talent for getting stuck souls unstuck. To my knowledge, the Catholic Church doesn't actually negate all this stuff - my impression is that they just sort of infer that it's only for saints, while the level of their message is for the common people who are less aware.

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Re: Afterlife; my Brother's new home
Reply #3 - Sep 20th, 2007 at 8:21pm
Great Jkelly!

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"I'm going where the pavement turns to sand"&&Neil Young, "Thrasher"
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Re: Afterlife; my Brother's new home
Reply #4 - Sep 20th, 2007 at 11:30pm
Hi JKelly,

It's wonderful to have you here and sharing those amazing stories.  The way you hear your guidance sounds like many of my own personal experiences, some being very mundane experiences and some being very profound.  It gives a great feeling of protection doesn't it.  I'm happy to hear that you heard from Bruce and that he was able to contact your brother.  We've all come to Bruce's books and this site for a variety of reasons, and I speak for many when I say we feel fortunate to have been guided here.  I know you will enjoy his books!! Did you order all of them then?  You have your reading cut out for you for a while.  Once you begin you will not be able to put them down.  Enjoy!

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Re: Afterlife; my Brother's new home
Reply #5 - Sep 21st, 2007 at 1:16am
"I stayed in the Barracks and the next morning we got the news that   they were involved in a car crash and no one survived."

This kind of story bothers be a lot. For an accident to take place,
there has to be exact timing. Just a few seconds difference, and it
would not take place. The cars would miss each other. One driver
might be able to stop in time. For your angel to know some time
ahead, like even 10 minutes ahead, means that the event was already
in position, destined to happen. If anyone delayed for a few
seconds, like they went back to get something to take with them, it
would throw off the timing, so the accident would not happen.

This calls for some extraordinary kind of destiny involved in
events that I can not understand by any ordinary thinking at all.
Why were you only, warned, and what about the others, why were they
not warned? And why is the timing so precise, over a long interval
of time? And so inevitable? It would have taken only a slight
intervention to prevent the accident, by throwing off the timing.
And if some force had intervened, so the accident did not happen,
no one would know that. It would just have gone on record as a
close call, or maybe not even that.

This is beyond the reach of any paradigm that I can come up with.
This brings up serious questions of free will. Just the slightest
invoking of free will anywhere in this drama would throw off the
timing of the accident, and cause it to not happen. Destiny would
have been changed.

It is things like this that discourage my attempts to create a
paradigm that will work scientifically or logically or
mathematically. This is just out of my reach. About all I can do is
grope for whatever thinking I can come up with, but then throw up
my hands, beyond that.

This invokes the idea of planned events intervening in the normal
randomness of the machine. But what about the destiny of the
accident victims? Was there some plan for them? Who or what would
be qualified to make such a plan? What if it was not a good plan?
Is any force, evil or good, at work here?

Certainly in your case, a force of good was at work for you.
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Re: Afterlife; my Brother's new home
Reply #6 - Sep 21st, 2007 at 3:13am
. For your angel to know some time
ahead, like even 10 minutes ahead, means that the event was already
in position, destined to happen.

think of it this way - do we both agree that a future exists?  of course a future exists.  so just because the angel is able to see into the future does not mean that free will choices don't lead to that future.  i know i have a future, but i know it is not set in stone, even though it may have "already happened" in heaven, because supposedly in heaven time is meaningless or non-existent.

This invokes the idea of planned events intervening in the normal
randomness of the machine.

of course humans are not in complete control.  anyone who thinks that is highly delusional.  i can't control whether someone shoots me or an earthquake kills me.  but our souls have surely made some decisions for us.

Why were you only, warned, and what about the others, why were they
not warned?

my guess is because it was not his time, but it was the others' time to go.  we all have to die some time, so it's no big deal when you die.  life is short anyway - what does it really matter if your life is 20 years vs. 80 years, when heaven is for eternity?

But what about the destiny of the
accident victims? Was there some plan for them?

i think so as i think there's a destiny for all of us.  we all have to die some way.  supposedly many people have planned their deaths, or even planned accidents that will cripple them.   death is really not such  a serious thing, it only seems so to a fragile limited human mind.
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Re: Afterlife; my Brother's new home
Reply #7 - Sep 21st, 2007 at 4:07am
Hi Boris, Bob McKelvy is writing a book, heres a link to an excerpt

he mentions the future unfolding in parallel dimensions meaning there's more than one future time line. also it's "under construction".

love, alysia
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Re: Afterlife; my Brother's new home
Reply #8 - Sep 21st, 2007 at 7:57am
Oh WOW, Alysia, I am certainly glad you showed me that.
I will look forward to that book with great expectations.
What is happening here is really something!
It is all finally unfolding, at last!

Love, Boris
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Re: Afterlife; my Brother's new home
Reply #9 - Sep 21st, 2007 at 8:29am
Thank you all for responding. I think I may have written my post wrong. It was not to draw attention to my gaurdian Angel but rather to give some idea of my past experiences to show I have had a link of some sort for most if not all of my life with some sort of spiritual beings that I like to consider my guardian angels.

The important message I wanted to relay was that finding this site and Bruce's guide to afterlife contact, along with my openess of past experiences, allowed me to help my Brother who was lost in the afterlife due to his confusion and anger of passing. He is now I feel in a much better place and I wanted to thank publicly Bruce for placing his guideline online for me to view.

I have not been able to order all of the books as of yet although I did order his books that were available thru a publisher and look forward to reading them.

As far as the accident that took my friends life. I think it was more that my Guardian wanted me out of a situation that was dangerous. If I had known anything about that accident before hand, I would of tried to talk them out of going at all. As in all of my previous experiences, I have no idea what is about to happen just that I hear or sometimes feel that something is wrong and change directions to avoid whatever it may be that is coming.

For the person who broke everything down, I don't know the answers. As I stated before, I am not an expert. Just a normal man who has experienced these things. But I will try to answer 1 of them for you:

[i]Why were you only, warned, and what about the others, why were they
not warned?
Who is to say that they were not warned? What if they were and did not hear?

I believe that every human is placed on earth for a particular reason. Call it Karma, destiny or whatever you wish. I just think that it would be a pretty terrible thing to be born and go thru life's challenges and die before accomplishing what it is you are supposed to. Maybe I have been saved because what it is I am supposed to accomplish has not been done yet.
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Lights of Love
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Re: Afterlife; my Brother's new home
Reply #10 - Sep 21st, 2007 at 11:31am
Welcome to the board Jkelly!

I always enjoy reading posts that describe experiences such as yours.  Like you I usually call my guidance guardian angels yet in my experience I recognize them to be a portion of myself at higher levels of my being or perhaps another way to say this is when interacting with them I do not sense any separation except perhaps a difference in consciousness that is communicated by means of one or more of my five senses except in ways that expand these senses to a higher frequency of vibration, like you mentioned with hearing or feeling.

I also believe that everyone has the ability to tap into his or her expanded senses.  It is only a matter of learning how.  And the more one practices, the better one becomes at communicating with the higher levels of their being.  It is like traveling a line of consciousness back to the higher consciousness of our being in a feedback process.  To me this is what answers the question of why some are “saved” and some are “not saved” from accidents and so forth, yet I do not rule out divine intervention and the miraculous occurring as this has occurred in my life and I have no other explanation except that God intervened for some reason or that I was “saved” by my guardian angel, higher self or whatever one chooses to label something like this. 

However, as humanity progresses I believe that each of us will learn to make use of the higher senses that are our birthright and the world as we know it will be changed in ways that what we call miracles today will be understood as a normal and natural part of our being.

Again welcome!

Love, Kathy
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Tread softly through life with a tender heart and a gentle, understanding spirit.
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Re: Afterlife; my Brother's new home
Reply #11 - Sep 21st, 2007 at 12:15pm
Beautifully stated Kathy!
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Re: Afterlife; my Brother's new home
Reply #12 - Sep 21st, 2007 at 2:30pm
JKelly, so glad u posted your story! I too loved reading it. Also, I utilized the resources at the top of this page, to contact my grandmother back in 2001, and you are the first person in my 6 yrs of being on this site who also used those guidelines to success and took the time to acknowledge Bruce for putting it there in public. If there are others who also used those guidelines, they have not posted here about it that I have seen.

I am in awe whats happening on our board here of late, and I may suppose its all over the world that we are shifting our focus to a healing perspective.

I too consider nonphysical entities who are at one with myself to occassionally deliver something I really need. I tried to write about it in a book. so I am understanding, we will transition here when it's our time and I've had a few experiences similar to yours but still I need to know about everybody's experiences, otherwise we get to feeling a little alone. be assured the ones supposed to read you, they will find your words of inspiration through their own guidance system, and u r now written into the history of this wonderful flowering board. U have officially accomplished your first retrieval through the bond of love, and quite naturally I might add!

ah, we don't have spell check but don't worry about it. we do have

welcome again. hope u drop in now and then. happy reading! alysia
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... Who takes away death's sting deprives life of bitterness
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Re: Afterlife; my Brother's new home
Reply #13 - Sep 21st, 2007 at 2:35pm
yes Boris, I am rather excited is how I feel about Bob's upcoming book if I may indulge myself here
...  ...   ...

btw, for newbies, I only use my bouncer figure in a threesome when the occassion is overwhelming my emotional nature.

just so long as thats clear. love to all, alysia
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... Who takes away death's sting deprives life of bitterness
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Google toolbar
Reply #14 - Sep 21st, 2007 at 7:39pm
Alysia, I recommend the Google toolbar, like I have. It has a spell
checker in it, that works on any site. It also has a search facility
for searching the site that you are on. It rides in a single row
above the top of your open space on your screen, and rides under
the address bar. I don't know your system, so I don't know how it
would fit on yours.

It also has a slot like the slot on Google, so that you can put a
search into Google directly from the toolbar without first going to
the Google site.

To use the spell checker, you click on an icon in the tool bar that
looks like a check mark, and Google will then look at what is on
your screen and identify the post that you are now writing, and
spell check it. It does not spell check things that are already
posted. It marks the misspelled words and gives you a menu when you
click on them.  When finished, you click on "end check" on the tool

The search for the current site only, has a separate icon to the
right of the icon you click on for searching the whole web.
This gives you a report sheet like the regular Google reports, but
for the current site only. This is a supplement to a search engine
that may be already on the site, and may be different in some ways.
I still sometimes find that search engines miss things on sites,
but these existing search engines are better than nothing.

You can download the tool bar from Google, its free, no charge.

Google also has ways you can search your own disks. I  haven't
tried those yet but hope to get to that.
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