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Afterlife Knowledge Member
Posts: 1655
central california
Hi Mikizee-
Some gratuitous opinion - Considering his exit, "rope" and "hard" seem like appropriate identifying terms. I'd be inclined to think that he has decided that his choice was the "hard way out", and is now interested in carrying on with you. He might be hanging around in between Here and There, worried about somekind of cosmic penalty. Fortunately, God forgives all - in fact the sense of love is overwhelming, and a lot more powerful than any negative feeling could ever be.
In the "spirit world", there is a tendency for people with confusion or strong emotions to view things as either "black or white", which is very possibly the essence of the image of his hands. However, associating that and the computer would possibly suggest that he is trying to find a way to communicate.
To settle his spirit a bit, reading the tale of the Prodigal Son for him, sending him unconditional love, with confidence that he will be OK (of course he has a couple lessons to learn, but they're not terrible ones), or even reading the Bardo Thodol for him, if that's appropriate to your spiritual thinking, maybe making a gift in his name to a charitable organization might be a good idea.
My Mom, with a somewhat Eastern outlook, seemed to haunt the house that she died in, according to my tenant. So, when I rented it, I went to a Chinese store and bought some "Hell money", to which I added a real dollar bill, plus a batch of incense. So she got an incense invocation, the gift of endless money to "pay her way through the underworld", and a respectful send off to a more beautiful and better state of being. Solved the problem. I suppose that your guy would be the same, more or less.