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how can spiritual entities work? (Read 4292 times)
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how can spiritual entities work?
Sep 8th, 2007 at 2:42pm
Hey everyone,

spiritual beings must be energetic beings. But what keeps the energy, of what this beings consist, inside them? From biology we know, that energy is important for e.g. transporting information from one cell to another, an electrical impulse sets acetycholin free,it passes the synapsis and is again connected with the receptors of the other cell, there it sets free another electrical impulse.
Our body is a closed system, the energy (as electrical impulse or biochemical reaction, both interact, like in the example I wrote down) therefor moves inside us.
So the energy needs a vehicle, where it can "work", the same with electrical components like an rlc circuit (if wanted, I explain how it works,
it needs devices where it can manifestate.

But how can beings exists, that are only energy? Are they something like a closed system, where the energy can manifestate?


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Re: how can spiritual entities work?
Reply #1 - Sep 8th, 2007 at 6:39pm
Hi Pulsar,

  I like your rational approach.  May I suggest you 2 authors that you may like?

  The first one his Dr. Yang, Jwing Ming.  A martial arts and QiGong expert, with a strong university background in physique and mechanical engineering.  His "Understanding QiGong" dvd  series, has strong scientific approach to understand Chi energy.

  The other one, is Adam "The dreamhealer".  He is a very gifted young man that can at will, phases in the energy field (or spiritual energy) and retrieve informations about the life, person condition and of course, the main part of his work, doing distance healing.  For him, there is nothing mystical in it.  He has a very strong rational mind with a scientific approch.  In his last book "The path of dreamhealer" he talks a lot about how "spiritual" energy manifest itself in the body and vice versa.
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Re: how can spiritual entities work?
Reply #2 - Sep 8th, 2007 at 7:15pm
Simply put, we don't know.

The spirit realm is something completely different from the earth.

What we consider to be "nature's laws" probably don't exist in the spirit realm.

How can spiritual entities work? I'm afraid only God can answer that.
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Re: how can spiritual entities work?
Reply #3 - Sep 8th, 2007 at 8:17pm
I mirror Elite's statement.

The problem starts already with "spiritual beings must be energetic beings". What is meant by this? For example, when I say something on this site, like: "I had energy sensations" or sth alike, this is not limited to the present natural science concept of "energy". It is more a something, a fluid, that has a potential (like Aristoteles' term "energeia" suggests).

We are heavily influenced by the natural sciences, but it's field is the physical, and we don't know much of the connections there might be, or not be, to nonphysical areas.

Some natural-science way talk: Our body is not a closed system. It has a structure, so it must "digest" or "guide" the energy in special ways, but it is more like a swirl in the water- the material is constantly changing, while the structure more or less remains. It is, so to say, a "fluid-balance" (I think it was Prigogine who invented this term). In fact, a closed system is hardly to imagine- wouldn't it be perceivable at all? (Ok, physicists like to see the whole universe as a closed system, and maybe black holes, but where's the beef?  Wink )

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Re: how can spiritual entities work?
Reply #4 - Sep 9th, 2007 at 3:58am
Hi Pulsar-
"Energy" is a construct that relates to the amount of changes in attribution that can be made. Thus, energy relates to information, entropy (Claude Shannon at Bell Labs did a nice paper on this). Information exists in potentiality as well as manifestation. So if we start by building the world in potential state space, rather than trying to make it work in matter, we can account for a lot of these things. Then, by observing that the same logic applies to abstractions as to manifestations, we can see the relationships of potential states and their logical limits as identical with the same relations of material states - in fact they are not discriminable.

This is why I take the perspective that "material reality" is an epiphenomenon, and that potential states are the fact - especially since we can have potential states in voidness. As one example, there is the potentiality to have potential states. Another potentiality is the potentiality for us to be here.

Given this perspective, spirits can work by simply creating - which amounts to identification with some states more than others, so that certain things become more probable ... and eventually, here we are.

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Re: how can spiritual entities work?
Reply #5 - Sep 9th, 2007 at 5:17am
Hi. I personally take the same view as you - that spiritual matters should eventually be able to be explained and understood like physical ones. Saying "it's spiritual, therfore it has no explanation, only God understands" - I can;t see any reason why this should necessarily be the case, assuming that they are just as objectively real and not just in our imagination, which I hope (and on the whole, think) is the case.

The only person i know who claims to have scientific explanations for the soul and the spirit world is an Englishman called Michael Roll, who's website is here. You may or may not find his approach useful or interesting.
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Re: how can spiritual entities work?
Reply #6 - Sep 9th, 2007 at 10:45am
Hey there,

thanks for your replies.

@ PhantasyMan

Thanks for your recommendations, I will definitively keep my eyes open on Dr. Yang and Adam. I liked your link concerning Consicousness and quantum physics a lot, as it provided reliable, proven evidence.
But it will take some time until I can respond on Dr. Yangs and Adams books, before I have to finish plato and Voyges into the Unknown, I try to be as fast as possible.


There is obviously a lot that cannot be known about the spiritual realms, and I think that we will never be able to reveal every little detail about the world to come, but at least when it comes to appearances, there must be something like a connection between here and there. Otherwise they could not travel to our earth realm.
I can only make assumptions on this one, but if our soul has the ability to travel to the other side, there must be similarities, the first point to hang on then really is energy, as it never fades, but changes its states.
If we have something like a soul or a "light body", that came from over there, then there is a link, some call it silver chord, if I got it right, the connection from our "I/there" (spirit, "energetic" being) and the "I/here" in carne, nothing like retrivals or spiritual contacts would be possible without a connection.
If I had to imagine the afterlife, I think Platos approach is the most "realistic" (my pov), that this world is only an imperfect image of the world to come (or the world the soul came from and will go again after death).
So if it would be possible to find evidence for "heaven's gate", I think we would have crossed the last boundary in human mind and understanding.
The natural laws...yes they belong to the physical, but even a place like heaven must have laws, even if they are far away from that, we can imagine and understand while trying to explain it via rational approach.
It is after all the lacking evidence... I thought if there was a chance to crash the last boundary, we would have to start research there, where physics and religious beliefs cross.

@ spooky

Maybe there is something like an energetic field crossing the boundaries between our and the spiritual world, a connection, through which information from over there can "travel" to psychcs/ medial/sensitive people who have not lost their "third eye".

energeia: Aristotle statet > energeia is the "living activity" (different from  dynamis, the pure potential or possibility to "do sth."). It is an aspekt of the "shape" (eidos), that is also suggested as energetic, because it includes energiea, the "living activity". The other aspect seems to be the "entelechy", the "goal" (or for what a certain thing is meant to be, e.g. a tree or a flower blooms) a thing has included in itself.
So if our entelechy says "you are born to be ceased to exists after death" then it would be much like this.

The term "closed system"...yes it is of course a little bit too simple, but to imagine how the energy floats around in our body, their must be at least something like a "circuit" (like a circuit you need to run lamps) in which it can float, and manifests in the happenings it causes inside the body. If we take a closer look on our skin, there so much "holes" in it, energy has the ability to vanish from the body "caloric energy".
If it was really closed, it could live as an autonomic being, to have a "perpetuum mobile" as driving force, but this is not the case, if you do not "feed" the body regularly, it starves until breakdown.
So if there are beings on the other side, and we will also be like them after passing over, it must be at least possible to "access" those areas, my assumption is via energetic change, might be that the energy on the other side has more different aspects than our physical energy, or that we can produce via technical devices, but there must be at least a similar aspect, to make contacts or "phase shifting" after death possible.

@ dave

So it is very much like having different "planes", each one has is own amount of information included. Reminds me a lot of what I read on a link bets postet, that we live along an large amount of information, and everyone feeds the universe with new ones, so to say the universe as our "over-brain".
Potentials, that was because I relied in this case on energy, like in physics, the stone example again, if you pick it up, you stored "potential energy", if you let it go, it changes to "kinetic energy", also "caloric energy" through the friction that comes up while "hitting" the airs molecules.

So if it is possible to change like in our example, it makes sense to talk about building a world of "potential states". It was where I put all my hope, for us to have the possibility to find the key maybe via quantum physics, it opened new doors in science, why not in meta-science?.
You see where I stuck..not in focus 23 but even worse...Smiley

Epiphenomenon, means entities that have a cause, but no impact on sth. else, so the material reality is, according to our "real" (spiritual) reality, nothing more than a nuance, like Plato said.


And there comes the problem, in saying "it is not really to know by us" (not even the smallest details like a "gate to heaven", or the entrances that "information from the other side" can use to manifest here. If we are not to understand any spiritual detail, that we would have to come to the conclusion that we are non of them, were never, and will never be.
It is hard to belief in something or take it for granted, if emotion/intuition/assumption is part of to reveal something, especially an existence after this life, so how could we or our soul-aspect ever exist in spirit realms, when not really being able to remind ourselves of anything that was before birth, if we rely on a system, that makes us being part of oversouls or a higher self. I often recitet Plato when it comes to afterlife principles, but even Plato says, the "eros", our craving for the higher realm he thought of were our soul has lived before incarnation, is an emotional aspect, longing for the "higher world", the perfect world, of which the earth realm is an imperfect copy.
I read the article briefly, and it corresponds with my outlook on paranormality. You will get a more detailed answer, but I have to think about it for a moment.

So let's see how far we can go



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Re: how can spiritual entities work?
Reply #7 - Sep 9th, 2007 at 6:55pm
Not only Plato's cave, but millennia of directly experiential analyses by Hindu rishis have concluded that what we experience is only an image of some underlying "other", which they term "dreams flitting through the mind of God" - hence, a projection, one of the very many interpretations that can be forced onto the underlying states. Thus we have not just one, but a potentially infinite (or nearly so) number of epiphenomenal realities, each centering upon a single observer.

The interpretations made at the epiphenomenal level, such as why that cloud changes from looking like  castle into looking like a horse, are at once subjective, and also objective when we start looking deeper, such as a study of wind currents and convections. When we reach the very bottom, it seems that what we have left is a single Mind, out of which all the rest emerges - quite like the rishis postulated. In between there and here we have successive levels of definition, all of which are congruent, despite different perspectives. These include our spiritual commonalities, the physical world, and all the myriad potentialities available for us to interpret.

The key is that every logical interpretation is logically valid, even if it seems to be at odds with other ideas. That's a matter of perspective, which nobody can share fully, so no two people ever live in exactly the same reality. We're all subject to a sort of "exclusion principle" quite like that which Pauli proposed for electrons.
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Re: how can spiritual entities work?
Reply #8 - Sep 10th, 2007 at 7:10am
Lynn McTaggart's book 'The Field' which I mentioned in the 'skeptics' thread has lots to say about how phenomena might occur based on the idea that it all involves manipulating the zero point energy field by quantum means. That memory probably resides there.

Lots in this book for those on the brain/spirit thread too, she mentions the scientist who removed large parts of the brains of rats and removed motor skills, but not memory. Lots of others who did the work underpinning her ideas by name too - it could be interesting to follow up on some of these.....
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« Last Edit: Sep 10th, 2007 at 11:44am by N/A »  
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Re: how can spiritual entities work?
Reply #9 - Sep 10th, 2007 at 12:30pm
I would say the physical World is energy programmed to act in a particular way. This causes fragments of energy to bind together in a particular way.

Certainly the laws by which is energy programmed at the physical level, aren't the only laws that exist.

At the spirit level energy more flexible. For instance, consider how to bodies of energy can experience complete merger with each other.

I would say that mental intent sets the parameters. Mental intent is applied at different levels and in different ways.
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Re: how can spiritual entities work?
Reply #10 - Sep 10th, 2007 at 4:31pm
Have to agree R that there's energies in play in the spiritual realms (which it's suggested is essentially a play of energies) that mainstream science does not recognise. How else can it be possible for a person to raise their energy levels by say kundalini  meditation, or something like TMI's Vibe Flow?

These energies are very real, and can make an enormous difference to healing and how one feels when ill for example.

More realised people almost glow. Some very ordinary people can enter a room and raise the mood of all almost immediately...
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