Yes PhantasyMan, that was a good example with the gunshot, and I understand your explanations. In fact, when I'm meditating, or half-asleep and something suddenly comes on my mind, or I hear a sound, it causes immediately a little shock in my solarplexus area. It's constantly under pressure, or feels like something is stuck in it.
I've tried various methods to ease my solarplexus area. All had success, but only for a little while, and sometimes one works, the other not. --To imagine to expand the edges of "you" beyond the edges of your body. Sometimes like a stable ball around you (the diameter can vary greatly), sometimes ever-expanding limitless. --When "expanded", sometimes it helped me to imagine what is inside my expansion is belonging to me, instead to the outside-world; in extreme, to imagine everything is you. --To imagine to widen the opening in the body middle (that is probably chakra-work); I see-imagine the chakra there as more or less disc- or plate-shaped, and it is quite big, wider than my body. I then widen this chakra, and it's opening largely with the intent to let the disturbing energy out of it, in front direction. The widening action direction is most effective when thinking I would pull this chakra-disc and it's hole with my hands to the left and the right. --To imagine I was permeable like air, and nothing could touch me --To imagine my body was empty --To imagine my legs, and feet would be "open" and the blocking/tensioning energies would run down my legs into the ground --To imagine the energy flow is always in move, never stopping, running out and in again through the top of the head and the feet.
One time I felt so expanded, like I had encompassed the whole universe, that I felt absolutely relieved and eased, healed of all my pain, not only that, even enlightened to the max, but it lasted only half a day. Heck!!!