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My father passed away yesterday 8/31/07 (Read 7695 times)
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Re: My father passed away yesterday 8/31/07
Reply #15 - Sep 4th, 2007 at 5:14am
Hi Lorri-
This forum is an exotic place. While I regret the manner in which you were led here, I'm glad you arrived, and are "quickening" in your path of enlightenment. I've found this place to be filled with love, wisdom, and some pithy controversy at times, which has greatly improved my life. I hope that you will join us, and that you will find the same, and even greater, blessings.
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life is too short to drink sour wine
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Re: My father passed away yesterday 8/31/07
Reply #16 - Sep 4th, 2007 at 5:41am
Hang in there Lorri, this is a good place to gather insight....
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Re: My father passed away yesterday 8/31/07
Reply #17 - Sep 4th, 2007 at 9:03pm
Hi Nanner,

Thanks for checking up on me.  There has been another development with my brother.  He is suicidal now and we have called social workers and police to intervene.  When the police came to his house, my brother denied that he was suicidal so there was nothing they could do.  I'm sorry to report that I feel his death is imminent and I feel powerless to do anything.  He has now taken off in his car to some unknown destination since we've called the police and social workers.  I know my brother was close to my father but I had no idea why he is now suicidal.  He is saying that our father was his best friend and he feels responsible for his death because my father refused hospital treatment at first and my brother feels that he should have forced him to the hospital.  My sister and I have talked with him for hours and he is not responding to our thoughts and pleas.  I do not know where he is and I fear now that I will get a call in the middle of the night about his death.  I am sorry to report that I not only have lost my father but my brother does not wish to live and I feel hopeless and powerless.  I worry where he will find himself if he kills himself because your state of mind is carried with you when you die.  I am sorry to report all this.  I am overwhelmed and I dont know what to do.  Please pray for me and my family.
Thank you for your concern.

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Re: My father passed away yesterday 8/31/07
Reply #18 - Sep 4th, 2007 at 9:16pm
Dear Lorri,

you have our prayers and concern.

Love, Bets
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There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
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Theres only AGAPE

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Re: My father passed away yesterday 8/31/07
Reply #19 - Sep 5th, 2007 at 8:22am
Hi Lorri,
When did your brother "take off"? I`m just a little interested in the time it happened. Not that it matters much.

To you, Lorri - I have come to understand that every soul (yours, mine, your brother`s, your next door neighbors, President Bush`s) has a different PLAN, however which coincides with the soulfamily incarnation plans. We are intertwined with another.  Theres no question in my mind that its NO COINCIDENCE that you were led by whatever means to this forum and to any of the others that you`ve come to reap strength, understanding and therefor retain a higher consciousness level thru.

Although our lifes "plan" may sometimes seem hard to understand because of circumstances that happen within our lifespan, keep in mind that the reason we were incarnated is to "experience". We have free will, yes but only to the extent of making choices of going towards that which our soul wants to "experience". Your brother is doing that right this min. I would suppose. He is "experiencing" the feeling of "loss". Inturn, you and your sister are "experiencing" the feeling of "worry". Neither of you are victums of the circumstance. Be glad that he still can "feel", as some souls living here on earth find it very hard to even do so. They are very "stuck" in hardness and hate. That your brother is living out his feelings is a wonderful thing. His soul is "under construction" so to speak.  Wink

Have you ever noticed that in your life so far, when you haven`t experienced something, that it "feels" different than when you`ve already experienced something. (Read that sentence again pls.) Everything is all about "feeling and developing love" Lorri. The first time you get on a roller coaster, your heart throbs a mile a min. It "feels" the newness of the situation, it "experiences".. Get on it 200 times right after another and the "feeling" isn`t the same, so you tend to search for a "new feeling" using something else.  (I DO NOT LIKE ROLLER COASTERS... by the way  Wink ) You do not need to be affraid of your brother for he is "experiencing" and even with you being affraid, it will not change the plan whatsoever, might I add.

I invite you to ask Peter and his crew for grieving support, he will be able to explain much much better than I. Or when your brother gets back home, that you send him there to Peter. Just click on the link of my thread below. Your or his questions should go into the "support" section of their forum. The people there are qualified in such things, especially the cross over of a loved one. They have answered thousands of such situations and helped each one of them. If Peter, Caro and co. can locate your father for your brother and he then come to find out that your father is doing "honky doory", can you imagine the "feeling" all of you are going to feel? Maybe thats the reason why all of this is happening the way it is, who knows?

Lorri, you`ve found a lot of good tiny little souls here and we think you of with loving thoughts, we know what you are going thru and stand behind you 100%. I hope you can feel that, when you read our words to you. Its all about love, caring and being a tiny little soul to the next tiny little soul.

Feel free to just let it all out and experience the feeling of "relief" in doing so. That too helps to heal. But foremost never stop asking the questions, so that you may continue to learn.

Love and consider yourself hugged,

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Re: My father passed away yesterday 8/31/07
Reply #20 - Sep 5th, 2007 at 8:35pm
Dear Nanner,

Thank you so much for your insight and love.  It seems my brother returned home and then was picked up by the police because of his suicidal ideations and has been put involuntarily into a center for evaluation.  We have called the center to speak with him but he is refusing all calls.  The center cannot release any information without my brother signing a consent form.  They cannot even tell us if and when he will be released.  I feel like things are out of my hands at this moment.  I do hope the professionals can give him some hope although my feeling is that my brother will get out of the hospital and try to do something to himself.  I don't know if it's right of me to say this but this is the feeling I get.  I will continue to stand watch over him and try to help when and if he's successfully released.  I will also contact the support group you mentioned and see what happens.  I feel my sister and I are doing all we can to help him and while he is in this care facility there isn't much we can offer accept our prayers.  I will keep you posted on what is happening.  I do know there are no coincidences and I'm sure I did agree to experience this yet it's not easy.  I don't know how to give hope to the hopeless.  I agree that we all came to experience certain things wih the ultimate goal of growing stronger in understanding Love and all that entails.  Thank you for your love and everyone on here who is praying for us.  It does mean so much, more than I can ever express in mere words.

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Theres only AGAPE

Posts: 764
Hamburg, Germany
Gender: female
Re: My father passed away yesterday 8/31/07
Reply #21 - Sep 7th, 2007 at 9:47am
Hi Lorri,
Hope you keep in touch with us, we are thinking of you and your current experience dear.
Share with us, what you`re learning and how its affecting your spirit.

Sending a hug and wonderful thoughts,
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