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My father passed away yesterday 8/31/07 (Read 7693 times)
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My father passed away yesterday 8/31/07
Sep 1st, 2007 at 3:23pm
Hello everyone,

My father passed away last night.  He lives near Ocala Florida.  He did not believe in God or an Afterlife and i'm concerned that his spirit will be stuck on the earth plane.  Is there someone that can help him to pass over to the Afterlife?  I am going to try to use Bruce's technique to talk with him but I'm pretty new at this and I don't know how successful I will be.  I'm afraid he won't believe he's dead and get stuck here on earth.  His name is Herbert, but he went by the nickname Pete.  He was 71 years old when he passed.  My brother was very close to him and is very distraught over his passing, and I think my father will feel responsible for him and not want to leave the earth.  If anyone has any words of advice I would surely appreciate it.  Thank you so much.

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Theres only AGAPE

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Re: My father passed away yesterday 8/31/07
Reply #1 - Sep 1st, 2007 at 4:03pm
To begin with Lorri,
we here in the conversation board would like to extend the warmest greetings to you. I believe I can incorperate the audacity to speak for everyone on that note. Each of us knows what hard time you are going thru at the moment and we send loving thoughts your way.

Pete is most likely pleasantly surprised  Huh that there is an Afterlife considering that you state that he did not believe in such. Providing that he is "stuck" (as you called it) then yes, there are qualified medial souls which can help him. At the time of becoming deceased the spirit of your father gained in consciousness. Rest assured, that this is the first step of many to follow. You reaching out and reacting to this situation can also been seen as a "wake up call". You will find lots of support and information within this site and in Bruce`s books. Plus your inner most instinct (which you have carried within all of your life) is telling you to get more educated in the subject. I am placing a link under my webaddress below to help you get furthure educated, so to be able to help your uncle as well.

We are all here for you Lorri, to help you Wink - each and every soul.  
Consider yourself hugged!

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Re: My father passed away yesterday 8/31/07
Reply #2 - Sep 1st, 2007 at 4:16pm
Hi lorri,i,m so sorry you have lost your dad i know how you feel i lost my dad too 7 yesrs ago but it only seems like yesterday ,i was worried about my dad because he did not believe in god or the spiritworld ,so i went to my local spiritualist church and they have a medium on every sunday and the medium came to me and said i have got your dad here ,your dad says he didnt believe but he certainly does now, dad said he was okay and he had met the rest of his family who had already passed to the spiritworld ,dad said when he died his mum was there to meet him and i,m sure there was someone in your dads family was there to meet him too ,their are quite a few people who pass over without believing ,your dad is not stuck on the earth plane he is in the spiritworld now bless him so i wouldnt worry ,i will send love and healing to you and your brother lots of love deanna
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Re: My father passed away yesterday 8/31/07
Reply #3 - Sep 1st, 2007 at 4:19pm
Dear Nanner,

Thank you so much for your kinds words.  I can only hope that he is pleasantly surprised about the Afterlife and goes to that place and doesn't remain on earth.  There are many family members that have passed on before him, so I pray that they may make his transition easier for him.  I do appreciate you and all that are on here.  I know it will be a tremendous support and that I will learn a lot.  Thank you for your website I will be looking at it and learning.  God bless you and thank for your warmth and caring.

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Re: My father passed away yesterday 8/31/07
Reply #4 - Sep 1st, 2007 at 4:25pm
Dear Deanna,

Thank so much for sharing your story about your own father.  That does give me GREAT hope that my own father will be okay.  There have been quite a few family members that  have passed on already and so he does have people that could help and greet him.  It gives me such hope that your father had similiar beliefs as my own father and that your father is just fine.  You have no idea how much this helps me.  You have been a very big blessing to me.  God bless you Deanna!

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Theres only AGAPE

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Re: My father passed away yesterday 8/31/07
Reply #5 - Sep 1st, 2007 at 4:37pm
You are quite welcome Lorri,

To clear up any misconception. That website is not my website, I do not feel worthy as I feel Bruce Moen and a person like Peter H. Kirchner are, to have such vivid information about the Afterlife. These are truely wonderful spirits to share all this with us!

I extend that website to you because I had found solid based research there, which had completely blown me away. Maybe you want to read my "experiencial episode" (which literally knocked the snot out of my nose) in my own thread eariler this week, that was how I ended up where I am at now. I LOVE LIFE, THE WORLD, EVERYBODY AND EVERYTHING IN IT! EVEN the itzy bitzy spiders I used to dispise, ergo I let them roam now, instead of mushin their lights out. (Just not in my house!
Hope you smiled a little for me on that one.  Wink

Never the less Sweetness, there is a difference between you "hoping" that Pete had a pleasant cross over and you "knowing" that he did. And I bet your innerself is giving you a warm feeling as your reading this. That is your spiritual Guide honey, which is inducting that. Listen to it, your getting back in touch with your true "self".

Hugs from 6000 miles away.  Smiley
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Re: My father passed away yesterday 8/31/07
Reply #6 - Sep 1st, 2007 at 5:01pm
Hi lorri ,your very welcome i am so glad that my story was a comfort to you god bless you lorri lots of love deanna
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Re: My father passed away yesterday 8/31/07
Reply #7 - Sep 1st, 2007 at 5:34pm
Hi Lorri-
My deepest sympathies with your loss.

From what people say when they come back in regression sessions, everything becomes immediately clear as we die. For some that's a shock, for others it's a blessing. However, there's nothing that needs concern us in tems of the well being of the dead - unless they have gotten temporarily stuck and Bruce or one of the other soul retrievers goes out to pry them loose. But that's unusual. The dead are aware of our prayers and good wishes,  and your care and love are probably more effective than anything else.

Sometimes we worry that if we don't believe in God that we'll get stuck in some kind of limbo. It actually doesn't work that way, because God always believes in us. That's true for your father as well. The key is to be as good as we can be in life, and all the rest takes care of itself.  Were this untrue, animals who have no concept of God would all rot in hell, which simply makes no kind of sense, since it's all part of the same vast wave of creative life force.

If you practice soul retrieval, you'll eventually also develop the ability to communicate to others in the spirit world to some degree. Then you can tell your father in person how you feel.

My God grant you peace in your time of adversity and lead you to greater wisdom through which it all makes sense.

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Re: My father passed away yesterday 8/31/07
Reply #8 - Sep 1st, 2007 at 5:47pm
Hi Lorri I am Deanna's twin sister and i am so pleased the story of our dad has helped you to know that your father is okay in the spirit world,Gods loves us all and he knows that some of us on this earth plain dont beleive in him or the spirit world,but like our dad who did not beleive has said through the medium that now he knows and has always said how happy he is there with his family and how beautiful it is there and the spirit world is full of unconditional love,your father is in a beautiful loving world with all his family.Talk to your father Lorri as he hears what you say and also your brother ,if he talks to his father he will hear him to.There is only a very thin veil between us and the spirit world.

My love i send to you and your brother and God bless you both.    Juditha
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Theres only AGAPE

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Re: My father passed away yesterday 8/31/07
Reply #9 - Sep 1st, 2007 at 6:15pm
I can only agree with Juditha, Lorri.

The only difference between there and here is the consciousness of the planes.

Bless you Juditha, you too are being thought of clear across the ocean 6000 miles away dear. Its amazing, some of the insight and peace which you stray. Thanks.

Hugs to all,
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Re: My father passed away yesterday 8/31/07
Reply #10 - Sep 1st, 2007 at 7:27pm
Dear Anja,

As I was reading your words a soft warm peaceful feeling came into the core of my being.  Somehow I know my father is okay and that he is being greeted warmly and tenderly in his surroundings.  I don't know how it possible to feel this so quickly.  I went back and read it again and received the same feelings.  I know what I am feeling is true and I thank you for facilitating that.  There are very loving kind people on here and it is a wonderful feeling.  Thank you so much for your presence it means more than you will ever know.


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Re: My father passed away yesterday 8/31/07
Reply #11 - Sep 1st, 2007 at 7:35pm
Dear Juditha,

I had a chat with my brother and I told him my feelings that he will see our father again.  My brother is aware of a higher purpose in our lives although he feels he has been "bad" in this life and worries he will be going to a bad place.  I tried to assure him that there is no bad place and that our Creator will welcome him with open arms no matter what he has done.  I asked that he keep these thoughts in his mind although he may not believe them now.  The seeds are planted and I know he will have a glorious reunion with him one day when it is his time.  I will mention that he can have prayerful words of love from his heart sent to our father.  It was quite remarkable he mentioned that our father had a "hallucation" when our mom passed away 20 plus years ago.  Our father "hallunicated" our mom comforting him after she had passed.  He thought he had made it up!  Imagine that I never knew about this story until today.  It seems my father was in contact with someone who passed over but denied it as a hallucination because of his beliefs.  That is awesome to me because it means that another seed was planted to allow him to cross over peacefully and know that life does indeed go on!  You and your sister have helped me and my family so much.  I cherish your kindness.  Thank you for being here for us in our time of need.  God bless!

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Re: My father passed away yesterday 8/31/07
Reply #12 - Sep 1st, 2007 at 7:40pm
Dear David,

Thank you for your words of wisdom.  They resonate as truth with me and give me comfort.  I am feeling quite blessed with all the words of comfort and wisdom I am receiving here.  I feel like I am having what i feel is a "quickening" for lack of a better term.  As if my spiritual growth is expanding suddenly with this event.  I feel like I'm being catapulted into a new level of awareness.  I have not felt anything quite like it before and i feel like it's going to bless and radiate to others as well.  It's hard to put it into words but this is the feeling I am getting.  Thank you for your presence it is very much cherished in my heart.

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Theres only AGAPE

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Re: My father passed away yesterday 8/31/07
Reply #13 - Sep 1st, 2007 at 8:03pm
our father had a "hallucation" when our mom passed away 20 plus years ago.  Our father "hallunicated" our mom comforting him after she had passed.

Lorri dearest,
That which had been labeled as a hallucination, was infact your mother. Because of our different consciousness levels, (even though all human beings can be sensitive), some can recieve the higher frequency needed inorder to see into an afterlife plane dear. These are known as medial persons. At the time of passing, the consciousness of the spirit is greater as well. We incarnate (are born) with a 25% consciousness level.

A very good friend of mine works in a very large hospital in germany and even though I have never spoken to her about such a subject, she tells me of her work. Fortunately she stands by the person whom is dying. She is a wonderful loving person. She told me that most all of the people whom she stood by in there last moments on earth, all speak to someone whom is already deceased in the process of their passing.  Huh Interesting huh? In doing my research in numerious websites and books, I found millions of such cases, from far back into history all the way to just last week. I even found one particular case which had been "the end all for me" out of South Carolina! A Grandma was seriously ill, and was in the process of crossing over, the doctors called her family from all over the country in to tell her goodbye. She was "speaking to someone" whom they didnt know, so they said she hallucinating. Then she looks at her daughter and asks her : Hey, thank you honey, thank you for bringing Katy (I changed the name for privacy reasons okay) with you". "Come over here Katy, come hug this old lady she says". What convinced that family that theres a life after death, is that Katy had already been deceased several weeks priorly in an accident! They had just not told it to Grandma because she was ill herself.  Huh Makes ya think, doesn`t it honey? How did Grandma "see" Katy, if Katy "wasn`t" there?

Doing research on NDE`s and OBE`s - all report identical happenings in some shape or form, and these people are scattered all across the world and have no contact to another.

You will learn what we all already know so far, I am sure of it, you merely have a little bit of catching up to do Sweetie.

Feel safe within the creation.

Sending loving greetings,
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Theres only AGAPE

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Hamburg, Germany
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Re: My father passed away yesterday 8/31/07
Reply #14 - Sep 4th, 2007 at 3:20am
just wondering how you are doing?  Smiley
Sincere thoughts of you,
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