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Of Daydreams, and Being a New Age Wackadoodle (Read 16867 times)
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Re: Of Daydreams, and Being a New Age Wackadoodle
Reply #30 - Sep 1st, 2007 at 11:55pm
spooky2 wrote on Sep 1st, 2007 at 9:50pm:
P.S. I wouldn't keep the PC running while sleeping or absent, risk of fire.

Thanks for mention it, as my CPU fan has been making audible noises during heavy loads of video processing.  I'll get around to checking the condition of the fan.
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Re: Of Daydreams, and Being a New Age Wackadoodle
Reply #31 - Sep 2nd, 2007 at 3:39am
Not to be outdone, someone evidently sent a spook that ate my computer. Blew the P-4 chip and everything attached as far as I can tell. Just bought a new (used) one. Whoever is guiding this thing into computers, please poin it some other direction Smiley

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Re: Of Daydreams, and Being a New Age Wackadoodle
Reply #32 - Sep 2nd, 2007 at 5:32am
Shocked Dave,
I promise you I have nothing to do with it. I just know how frustrating it can be! I know that some of us in here know more about PC frequencies than others. It would really be nice to hear if anyone understands how the spirit may use such form of communication. As consciousness grows, so do the possibilities and probabilities, Am I on the right track?

Good thoughts to all,
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Re: Of Daydreams, and Being a New Age Wackadoodle
Reply #33 - Sep 2nd, 2007 at 4:52pm
Have been reflecting a bit on the possible background to Don's tendency to take a tilt at people and views he regards as 'new age wackadoodle'.

What's going on here probably reflects something we've talked of before -  that realisation involves a seamless integration of higher egoless awareness with the intuitive/sensing/feeling (call it the romantic) and more objective/thinking/logical/conceptual/ intellectual (call it the rationalising) aspects of mind.

For sure we find that most people's default gameplan in trying to make  sense of their experience is very clearly either rationalising or romantic. The romantic mind has come to be synonomous with the female, while the rationalising is basically male, although this isn't necessarily the case.

Romantic mind tends to involve sense making based on data arising from emotional responses to things as they appear at first contact. Resulting in a certain speediness of touch. Rationalising mind tends to be about use of intellectual thought to build or apply theoretical/conceptual frameworks to the raw data make sense of what's seen. Resulting in a rather heavy and inflexible touch. Both in undeveloped egotistical form are infexible and wedded to their own way of seeing a situation.

The tendency is for polarisation to occur between the types - the rationaliser sneers at the shallow knee jerk responses of the romantic, and the romantic at the intellectual coldness and lack of sensing of the rationaliser.

This wasn't/isn't necessarily always the case, and isn't everywhere the case even today. But it's possible to argue that the age of Pisces now passing was all about the development of the rationalising mind. Somebody like Ken Wilber writes very persuasively about how it was the inevitable consequence of the development of agricultural and ultimately urban societies.

Rationalising mind delivers lots useful including science and technology, freedom from superstition and ability to handle complex scenarios, objective driven behaviours and the ability to live much more comfortably in the world.

As usual in matters human we seem to have managed to massively overshoot however, especially in the Western world.  Selfish egotistical urges combined with this new way of understanding our environment ultimately led us so deeply into a mind made world of ideas that we largely lost contact with God, nature and our intuition (inherent wisdom and compassion), and came to suppress female knowing and nurturing sensibilities.

And out of the resulting fear and shortfall in compassion into use of dangerous and unwise technologies, and into abuse of our ecology, the environment, and whole populations. A position from which we urgently need to reverse so we can evolve in a new direction  - although many slow to realise the lode is mined out (especially the more committed rationalists) will seek to apply the old ways in ever more extreme forms. Which explains the rise of fundamentalism and the like. 

That's not to say that the undisciplined romantic mind can't cause a lot of trouble too - it's knee jerk responses to what it perceives can lead to a world of grief.

This is all relevant to the spiritual path.

Realisation requires relatively little conceptual understanding, just a pure experiencing of the total reality revealed by higher awareness undistorted by egotistical cravings. Pure sensing/awareness in fact.

Rationalising minds (like most today) that have become highly habituated to characterising their circumstances by theories and living from these find it extremely difficult to get back to this direct mind way of sensing, especially since the resulting tendency to perceive selectively in accordance with our mind made and ego driven theoretical framework also blocks higher awareness.

So now we have the story. The higher awareness enjoyed by sensitive people is often partly the result of a highly romantic/sensing mind, and certain lightness of touch. (one which is not compelled to dicker with the data) Meaning that they perceive greater realities, but maybe sometimes jump to not very well figured out theories as to what it all means. Wackadoodle theories in some cases in fact.

Trouble is that the rationalising types often don't have the awareness to perceive these greater realities - which probably can't be fitted in their theoretical frameworks anyway. So they sound far fetched. Or if they do have the required awareness their supposedly rational framework causes them to deny their own and others' experience. Or to stand with a foot in both camps - trashing the wackadoodles while theorising within entirely predictable but delusional conventional (so called scientific and academic) frameworks to explain their experience in their own way.

And as usual neither the twain shall meet. And each is to the other 'wackadoodle', although it's the rationalists that tend to be most aggressive in expressing their sentiments. But meet they must, because the truth combines both views.

Meaning that it behoves us all (both groups) to be tolerant and patient with our fellow man - realising that while their view may not compute within the particular sense making framework we are addicted to that it very probably does make sense when viewed the right way. Or when applied in a specific context. That we can and must learn from each other, and that with lightness and openness this will happen.

Understanding also that when we reach realisation that this apparent dichotomy will fade in the light of a new awareness that combines a higher awareness with both views. 

As must happen if we are to live in wisdom and compassion, if the human race and this world and all of its inhabitants are to survive.

Love to you all, hope i've managed to keep a foot in both camps.....
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Re: Of Daydreams, and Being a New Age Wackadoodle
Reply #34 - Sep 2nd, 2007 at 5:11pm
Hey varja,

grats! A great post consisting of so much truth about rational and romantic minds, reflecting how they work and one seems to be contradicting another.

But a few short words on technology, I agree, some are dangerous, but I don't really agree that it is technologies fault to fall apart from god. It is more that some of them working on this field, mostly in the "earlier years" of modern technologies had a wrong pov concerning technology.
They indeed thought they would be able to reign over nature by using technology, forgetting what technologies true values are, and they are more profane. Technology is just there to make things like work, travelling and communication easier. Just devices that are helpful, not devices to rule the environment. If spending money right, technology can be put on the next level, working environment-friendly, like solar cells, but at the moment, these alternative types of technology are far away from replacing the old, polluting ways.


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Re: Of Daydreams, and Being a New Age Wackadoodle
Reply #35 - Sep 2nd, 2007 at 5:17pm
Thanks P. I guess the point is not that we shouldn't use technologies. Only that in making decisions on which we develop, adopt and need we have to apply the lightness and intuitive wisdom and compassion of the romantic mind as well as the intellectual discipline.

The danger follows from the loss of wisdom and compassion that arises when ego driven rationalistic tunnel vision sets in. And unfortunately it's those on that wing that occupy most posts of business, military and civil responsibility today....
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Re: Of Daydreams, and Being a New Age Wackadoodle
Reply #36 - Sep 2nd, 2007 at 9:02pm
Hm Vajra, I don't think there ever was a really "romantic age". Even in the earliest times we have informations of, there has been a very elaborated system of religion, social system, and technology. Very strict and often brutal. It's rational rather than romantic, only of a different type. People weren't more compassionate, or more gently treating their environment back then (they had of course not the technical means, and weren't that many as today). It has been always about putting the untamed human emotions into channels- only of a different sort than now. What is different now is this "mechanistic" view. Earlier, one might felt chosen by a god to put effort in a project, today one might feel instead like a meaningless sack of crude ideas, if this one has been trapped by the mechanistic worldview, the decrease of personal meaning.

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"I'm going where the pavement turns to sand"&&Neil Young, "Thrasher"
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Re: Of Daydreams, and Being a New Age Wackadoodle
Reply #37 - Sep 3rd, 2007 at 8:50am
I guess maybe romantic wasn't the word to use Spooky for the sensing/intuitive/instinctive mind in that it implies 'niceness'. In it's raw form that mind is that of an instinct driven brute. Nor was it the aim to imply that somehow there was a romantic and idyllic golden era that we need to get back to.

Rationality seems to have really grown from its priveleged roots (as the consciousness changed and education became more widely available) during and after the Renaissance, and rescued us from much of that, but even applied in good faith it's become over relied upon and led into it's own pitfalls as described above. Meaning that we need to back away from over reliance on it too.

So for sure both methods of making sense of our world have their positive aspects and their negatives. Both in all their forms are still alive and well.

The core point though is that  as above those seeing from one or other of these perspectives cannot afford to write off the others' view.  That's not to say we must ignore garbage, but closed mindedness is not an option.

It's a delicate balancing act, but the magic ingredient to make it all work is probably as ever lightness and love. And as said before love comes through the sensing/intuitive channel.....
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« Last Edit: Sep 3rd, 2007 at 12:56pm by N/A »  
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Re: Of Daydreams, and Being a New Age Wackadoodle
Reply #38 - Sep 3rd, 2007 at 1:03pm
Hi Guys,

I realize that there’s just something about conflict and or insults that gets the juices of creativity going. I’ve noticed that some of the best material/feedback regarding learning the lessons of love and tolerance have arisen from posts of close-minded individuals that have contributed throughout the years to this site.

Anywho, in attempting to understand what’s going on in my world of paid work in C-1, I came across a wonderful response, in the form of a letter, to those who “Cups are full” in terms of belief systems and aren’t really open to the possibility that the average “Joe” here today might have something new or innovative to contribute.

“Dear [Mr.Ms. K'n'it All]

As you must know, those who value knowledge can only obtain it by keeping their minds open. No doubt you have spent a considerable amount of time learning all you know. Perhaps you have also discovered that the more you know, the more you don’t know, and the more there is to know.

Every person has the potential to add to your wealth of knowledge, because everyone has a unique perspective, When discussing ideas, remember this and instead of shutting out others, find out what they are really talking about, Someone can suggest a totally bonehead idea that will never work, but the criteria that makes them suggest it may be worth it’s weight in gold.

As far as your attitude is concerned, we recommend that you become curious, and then fascinated with the differences in perception and in behavior between people.  In an age of information, where an entire encyclopedia can be accessed in Microseconds at the touch of a computer key, wisdom has greater value than knowledge. Wisdom does not come from age, for from the mouths of babes can come great wisdom. Wisdom is the product of an inquiring mind that’s connected to the heart.” (Dealing with People You Can’t Stand-how to bring out the best in people at their worst, R.Brinkman&R.Kirschyner,pg.178)

Of course all of us have had our periods of Know-It-All-ism, where we can’t or don’t want to hear the other guy, but most of us on this site are here to learn and do a pretty good job of using and expressing our inquiring by way of our heart through being kind to each other.

Keep up the good work!  Reading these posts and Alysia’s book are keeping me sane and giving me some much needed fun.

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Re: Of Daydreams, and Being a New Age Wackadoodle
Reply #39 - Sep 3rd, 2007 at 9:27pm
Hi Vajra,
yes Renaissance is indeed remarkable date of change. I think in the early times of R. there is a branch which could be a sort of balance of the two sides you mentioned, I mean Alchemy. It takes the traditional technical knowledge (still connected to some rituals of pre-christian ages), and adds  1. the new liking and freedom of experimentation and research, 2. a re-newed and increased system of corresponds, signs, associations. This branch, or approach to view the world and persons has survived, now in form of various esoteric and spiritual practice, in some forms of psychology (mainly therapy oriented) and philosophy (or simply in the ability to have an open-eyed view on other persons).

Hi Lady Jean!
Interesting notice about the "conflicts and insults" thing, and good article. Yes I do hear some strange things from people when they talk  Huh and then it's often good to wait a minute and figure  out where this person is coming from and why did he/she just said that, it opens up some channels of understanding and communication.

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"I'm going where the pavement turns to sand"&&Neil Young, "Thrasher"
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Re: Of Daydreams, and Being a New Age Wackadoodle
Reply #40 - Sep 3rd, 2007 at 10:17pm
I just had in interesting insight into the folly of destructive criticism and persecution.  In many cases, they can actually further the cause that the persecutor is trying to kill off.  Take for instance, "everyone's favorite" Fundamentalist Christianity. Grin  I realized today that attacking them head-on is a folly because it supports their cause for these reasons:  First, it reinforces their fears of Satan tempting them to think doubtful thoughts and magnetizes them to their cause even more, second, it actually strengthens their egos and reinforces their beliefs that Persecution means someone hates "the truth" and strengthens their belief that they have found the truth and that unbelievers have come to deceive them.

So, while your experience may be different, this is just one of my experiences that teaches how judgment and persecution can ironically further the cause it wishes to stop by actually putting in more energy to feed it's ego.  In fact, I could say that dualist belief systems have a dependence upon critics for their extra energy supplies, meaning that criticism will just keep it's object going.  Who knows, this may be a truth that rings true for you too.

Stephen Updegraff / Steve Edward
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« Last Edit: Sep 4th, 2007 at 2:38pm by N/A »  
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Tim F.
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Re: Of Daydreams, and Being a New Age Wackadoodle
Reply #41 - Sep 4th, 2007 at 12:35am
I swam over these posts fairly quickly...

Jean, you got some juice in yours that I like the taste of.

Yes, so many different flavors here, a real feast.

I have no problem with everything that one can experience being called imagination.

I already feel everything I experience is mind-born.

Imagination is Creativity.

I love to play with imagination. Imagination, Love, Play...

I connect with the world through Imagination.

I sometimes experience it as musical notes, spontaneous facial expressions passed among strangers, half-remembered dreams, verbal expressions that don't arise from the impulse to defeat or kill, love for nothing-in-particular, appreciation for the simplest things in my immediate envirornment, tears or laughter, it can arise as anything at all...

Minds can make themselves feel like they are so complicated, that life is a problem to be solved, a zillion answers to be answered before any resolution can be reached. I NEED PROOF!!!  

SHHHHH...... (relax)

* you find "proof" when you're relaxed *

then ( "later") you have to remember what you found and give it your fullest confidence....

What if it's ALL  dream-like ?

What if "proof" doesn't really exist? (Nothing you can hold in your fist)

Would you tense and shake your fist at the sky anyway?

Would it bother you if you find that it's ALL imagination and there is no such thing as an "answer" or "proof" ?  That there's only your engagement with the creative process, your own unique ability to play?

Or... what if the proof is so close to you, even now, it's never been apart from you, it's always been there, something so obvious, you just haven't noticed something so simple, you were looking for something complicated and missed recognising the answer & proof you've been seeking all these years. What if it's right in front of your face right now?

Your mind can't hold it in it's fist.

You can't find it staring at a computer,

You might not find it looking at words on a computer screen.

It's not that there isn't tremendous value in us connecting through a web-site, tremendous value in all of us getting to know each other here.

Ahhh, that real value has nothing to do with "proof". It's...




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Re: Of Daydreams, and Being a New Age Wackadoodle
Reply #42 - Sep 4th, 2007 at 2:48am
rondele wrote on Aug 31st, 2007 at 4:00pm:
...For example, let's take Nanner's story about the death of her friend and the apparent manipulation of her computer after her friend died.....

Therefore, if what nanner said can actually happen, it stands to reason that it shouldn't be unique or rare.  It should happen at least frequently enough that we could find many cases similar to it in the literature. So, the question is, why are cases like that so extremely rare?

....I propose a little experiment.....suppose all of us, when we go to bed tonight, leave our computer on with a word processing program open, with a blank screen and the cursor blinking

@ Rondele,
Keep in mind, that prior to this incidence, the doorbell rang those 3 times (short,short, long) which I (and my hubby) acknowledged in my mind, however dismissed within the "frame of reaction". The PC contact, happened thereafter. My vulnerability between the door bell night and that particular morning had been needless to say:
ironically spoken: WORLDS APART. Shocked

I am sure that others have had unexplainable "pc" problems and I`ll bet you a dime and a silver dollar  Wink  that some of these pc problems are attempted communications from the Afterlife, but because of the conscienceness level of that indivudual, they don`t even remotely think of the possibility of anything else ergo he/she tend to blame it on Bill Gates!  Grin .(Poor fella - as many times as he`s been cursed out by us all and to think its..... spirits, which are causing alot of crashes, black screens, for which he has to give explaination and create patches If that sucker knew that, then he`d even try to bill them for all that.

Let`s be for real - EVEN I myself, thought of a virus on my pc - until I was convinced otherwise.

To your proposal, I find it a great idea, matter of fact, (I am convinced that more people will learn to open their degree in conscieneness levels during the next 5 years anyway) and thats going to be the cause of normality of such an occurance.
It wasn`t very long ago Rondele, that people would have screamed and possibly committed suicide in the Dark Ages if they would have seen a refridgerator or a dishwasher, let alone a car as the one we take for granted just about everyday. We consider these things normal. People of the Middle Ages wouldnt have. It would have been demonic! However the consciousness level to "accept" such had to be slowly developed, and the most quick way "humans" adapt to anything, is when it proves to be able to make them lazier than they already

However I warn you ahead of time: Creation, doesn`t function according to "human rules and regulations". It has a complete set of it`s own.

Why I find Manuela ten Bulte choose the route of the pc is NOW simple for me to comprehend. Because I am dunce Rondele  Wink Someone has to literally take a hammer and hit me on the hand, for me to say "ouch that hurt"! Pinching, smackin me, pushin me just don`t do the trick.  I didnt open my eyes for any other occurances, and maybe she tried. Maybe she moved a picture from one place to another, but the Nanner does this all the time, so poop, I wouldnt have noticed. Maybe she did brush my face once or twice, but I get chilled sensations since I was 5 years old, so it`s not uncommon for me. Maybe she pushed a glass on the floor and made it burst, well donkey doo I am a clumsy chick anyway, so I didn`t pay attention, maybe she tried to call me on the phone, and since this happens to me about 30 times a year for the last 20 years, I will just keep on thinking its someone whom misdialed..

She was the only one whom "knew" that I am connected to my pc as she was to hers, just the same. She knew that if she blocks me long enough, that I would eventually get "pis**d off" as hell, that this would paralayze "all other thoughts" in me instantly. As she was the only one that knew, that I threw my last printer against the wall and shattered it to a hundred pieces. (Be aware children, don`t do this at home. HP printers have a lot of freakin pieces... Undecided) Rondele, no one would throw their printer against the wall, knowing that they don`t have the money to purchase a new I did that, so what I am getting at, she knew my temper! And she got me RIGHT THERE!

I grew through this experience Rondele, I grew afterwards, is what I mean. After I did not disacknowledge the possibility. That was the key for her to get to my attention. My sense of sensitivity has sharpend thru this.

I`m not saying that she`s my Guide, but I MOST certainly know that I have one now. Ergo, if it wouldnt have been for her and that contact, I would have not checked into creation like I ended up doing. Its called a "wake up call", as I am sure you already know. The more I learn, the more I listen, the more sensitive I am getting.

The way I have come to see it: I`ll compare it to a staffel race okay. (we humans always seem to need materialised visualization inorder to understand) Lets say I am cloned 8 times
(Boy oh boy, my hubby would have a blast with that!  Wink Joke aside)
Each one of me gets placed at a certain part of the track, ready to take over that staffel from the other clone of me, correct? However each clone must [experience what it feels like to run that freakin 1/2 mile long run, before to be able to give the clone infront of it that staffel. Meaning if I go back and take a good solid look at my life, then before I was allowed to go to a higher level of consciousness (to give that staffel to the next clone infront of me to run "forward" with) I had to learn certain levels of pain, levels of love, levels of understanding, levels of faith, levels of hatred, levels of forgiving and so on.

Ergo, this what happened to me with Manu, was sort of like going to the next level. I must have done something right honey, so to be able to open such frequency within myself. It was suppose to be that way. Like I said before the creation functions on its own terms and not that of the "25% consciousness level human beings".

And on another note: I didnt open up a word processing, starred at it and waited. I was working on a 1 Mill $ project and the pc rebooted itself in middle of my writing in the pages, it rebooted without probable cause!

Tricking creation into haveing to proove to us at our will = forget it, it will never happen, as I am sure the qualified mediums out there will agree with me on that one.

Take my incident as a "wake up call", I shared my expereince with you Rondele (It was`t mandatory) so instead of tampering with its existence use it to your advantage for growth my love. Use it as the starting block to dive into that pool of information, spiritual growth and advancement to furthure consciousness.

I`m over here in europe right now, but I hope you can feel the hug and the loving smile I just gave you. no one else feels unhugged today.. heres one for you too!

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Re: Of Daydreams, and Being a New Age Wackadoodle
Reply #43 - Sep 4th, 2007 at 3:18am
@ Blink,
This collective state of mind, can by far reach the skirts of existence, I really believe this! I`m in  if - we can get up enough people to really concentrate on the same exact vibe / frequency. Really using that exact preferred method (the pc) and not asking for anything more than that. Looking at Peter`s website in the link section, things of such nature have already been done.

It would be really nice to see a non-biased qualified medial person jump forth right about now and open up another thread for the purpose of setting the stage and rules for us all. Because tricking the afterlife is not gonna work. For Pete`s sake, does anyone here really believe that the creation doesnt know we are writing and thinking this..  Grin

Just on Sunday night, I watched "Galieo" and they did a study and an experiement using telepathy. It turned out pretty obvious that "collectively" the energy worked to perform that which they wanted, however they did state that it must be in conformaty.

And might I add, if it doesnt work to give us the resolution which we expect, doesn`t mean that it doesn`t work. It merely means that "collectively" we didnt reach for the same "goal", right?

Hugs and good thoughts,
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Re: Of Daydreams, and Being a New Age Wackadoodle
Reply #44 - Sep 4th, 2007 at 8:27am
Reading the last several posts it at one level sounds like we've lost the thread. Yet in truth it all links and just illustrates some of the multiple dimensions of this whole topic of consciousness, and the way we act within and make sense of the dream. To try to capture some of these:

For sure conflict and destructive criticism (JK ) get the creative juices going, but more often than not in an ego driven  retaliatory and self justificatory direction (Steve). Unless as many have done here one party consciously draws back from reciprocation.

I guess the trick is to transmute the urge to hit back into an urge to do right. The Buddhist principle that the better solution to any given issue usually lies between the polarities and at a higher level comes to mind - by heading for the higher ground and placing the issue in a wider and more loving/wiser more constructive context the cause of the aggression often becomes irrelevant.

The old adage that violence and aggression always escalate holds true unless one or the other party is prepared to take the risk of not returning  the last blow - the parties remain locked in a tit for tat reciprocation based on their mutually being locked by their ego driven anger into what is actually a very narrow and in spiritual terms delusional and selfish way of seeing the situation.

The rationalising/romantic split is one way of characterising how different individuals make sense of what they experience. And how they may discriminate against others. Becoming wedded to either way of seeing to the extent that it blinds all other perspectives is just another delusion.

Tim's very eloquent post on the need to relax and be open is central too. As is Nanner's. When out of ignorance (unknowingly looking at things the wrong way: e.g. as a result of ruling out certain things as impossible due to a limiting belief system) or out of ego involvement (fear, anger, hurt, prejudice, whatever leading to the emotion getting intense and heavy) we find ourselves blinded we become  unable to raise our view beyond the stereotype to see the reality of the situation, or to see the way out.

Maintaining a light and open way of relating to others and to situations (a strong Buddhist emphasis again) is so important.

That's not to say that knowledge is not important. Used correctly a training in how the mind works, and on how we should behave (along with the more usual stuff) is  critical to this process too - they provide a framework for personal behaviour and development of higher solutions of the sort mentioned above. Used wrongly knowledge becomes just another tool of the ego - something to be clung to, or used as a weapon against others.

I guess raising consciousness is the magic ingredient. When we come to know intuitively what's right, we above all else become unable to act except from love. It doesn't mean we'll necessarily have the most high brow solution, but we'll not be driven to do harm.....
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