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My proof of connected love from the Afterlife (Read 12395 times)
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Theres only AGAPE

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Hamburg, Germany
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My proof of connected love from the Afterlife
Aug 30th, 2007 at 3:26am
I`d like to share an experience with you, which had happened to me last year at the end of July and then in the beginning of August. If I wouldn`t have "saw it with my own eyes, heard it with my own ears and took a picture of it, plus had a witness" then I believe at that time I would have probably ran to a pychologist and asked for some medication out of disbelief. The only reason why people like myself would do such, is because theres still people out there that ridicul paranormal activities as being ill.

But here goes... (I am gonna write this detailed, so that you understand why it hit me like it did)

My husband and I were laying together in our bedroom on the night of 30th Juli 2006. We live in a 4 apartment complex, whereby our blind landlord (age 78) lives on the bottom floor, directly across the hall from us. Above our apartment lives another elderly woman (85) whom sits in a wheelchair and across from her apt. lives a single father (48) whom works nightshift. Its 11:20 a night and naturally the entire complex is quite as a mouse.

My hubby and I sleep "as God made us" ergo naked, but we were still watching a great movie that night, when the doorbell rang. It rang 1 x short, 1 x short and 1 x really freaking long. My hubby ticked off to the max as the doorbell rang, he`s jumps out of bed, trying to put on his shorts while he`s walking down the hallway to our apt. entrance and says: "what the f*** is someone coming over at this time of the night for"? My heart thumped as if it were about to jump out of my chest. I mean, we live in a little village in germany and at this time of the night even the barn yard animals don`t even make a sound anymore okay.

Our doorbell is the worst doorbell in the world - as it does not give off a sound like a soft  "ding dong"... Ours makes a screetching loud sound like this "eeeeeeeeeeek, eeeeeeeeeeeek", so darn it when you`re laying there not thinking of anything bad and it gets rung, it will startled the heck out of ya okay.

Well, to bring the first part of the experience to an end: I am laying there still in bed while as he is seriously ticked off, walking to the door - jerks it open and finds that no ones there. The hallway of the entrance is pitch black, unless you hit the light timer but no light was on. Noone standing at the door, not at our apartment door and not at the entrance of the house door. No one, nothing, notta! So he says: "Hmmm, thats wierd, no one there". I at that moment of him coming back say: "Maybe not at the door, but someone just died and told us goodbye.". He said, thats "bullsh**" and came back to bed. I got up out of bed, leaving all lights in the apartment off, I began to walk to each window looking for "people lerking outside", "a car which may start its engine prooving a prankster" or any movement at all. Especially was I interested in the motion sensors in the back and front yard. They were all off, so would anyone have been out there for any timeframe up to 10 min. backwards these lights would have kicked on automatically. They were all off.  The next morning at 7:00 we get a phone call that my best friend had passed away at 11:30 last night! (My friend told me goodbye, folks! She was right there using her new obtained ability 10 min. before they "officially" noted her bodily death, her soul traveled)

Oh, but it doesnt stop there.  Undecided

I believe everyone can understand that I was devastated of the loss of a wonderful person, which she was to me.  Cry She was my best friend in the whole world at the time. To me it was like loosing the only family member which exsists in your life! Heck I felt cheated out of love, laughter and the chance to see her. I was very selfisch at the time. I took it (life) for granted, I guess. I cried, mourned, freaked out and was angry all at once. She adored the color fucia pink and I hated We would make jokes about that all the time, as she tried to get me to convert from my favorite color to hers. After she passed away I was so angry that I threw away everything that had that color in it, so just not to be reminded of her in conjuntion with that color. I am sure everyone goes through something like this when loosing someone you love. In any case: 2 days later something really straight forward hit my life:

The ultimate proof for me that there is LIFE AFTER DEATH. My experience coincides with everything Bruce M. / and another wonderful teacher Peter Kirchner and others teach.  

You have to understand, I work from home, right. So my PC for me is as important as a Truckdrivers truck is for him. Without it, I pretty much screwed. Well same was for my friend. She also worked from home. We worked together. When I at 7:00 am would turn on my PC, Skype would automatically open up and I would see her online status as being "online" Well naturally hers stayed offline now. I felt paralyzed this one particular morning, because I just kept starring at the status, crying and wishing from the bottom pit of my heart for that status to change to "online". I sat there and balled like a baby, because it didnt.

I run MS XP Professional. Well like I said 7:00 am and no change in that online status. It took me about a hour or so inorder to get my mind halfway straight inorder to start my work. I began by opening up a document I had worked on last with her. All of the sudden my PC starts to freak out on me. Heres the exact steps my PC took. I swear "all of this to be true" Ladies and Gents and at first I had been so shocked that didnt even think she was behind it all, I was then more concerned with my pc, so try to feel my "feelings" thru this.  

  • My Pc turns itself off, in the middle of a sentence I was writing. (I am confused and say "What the heck?")
    About 45 sec. later it runs itself back up. (I even more confused, say: "okay did we have a power outage, so I get up and go look at the coffee mashine to see if the time is blinking)
    Then my PC goes over into a black screen. (I am starting to get angry at my pc, because I know my bossman is about to call and ask for the document and I am having this trouble) I set there looking at a black screen.
    About 1 min. later my PC runs itself back down and by then I am pretty ticked off, because I think I have a virus at that time. As soon as I reach down for to hit the "start button" on my pc, the darn thing turns itself back on BEFORE I get to the button!
    Okay, this lady starts "cursing" by this time.  Angry I look at my screen and this time runs itself back up and leaves me with a fucia pink screen, nothing more - just that freaking fucia pink color screen. No blinking curser, notta.
    I lite a cig. and ticked off so bad I say to myself: "This is unreal, everything that can go wrong is going wrong today, sh** - whats going on here! XP does not have an automatic DOS mode like Windows 98 did, you have to go into the program and pull it up manually in Extras, BUT I never made it INTO the program inorder to do this. BUT my PC was automatically taking me into DOS!

I threw my pack of cigs & lighter clear across my desk.

So me staring at this pink screen, I thought to myself: Take out a sheet of paper and write the occurances down, get the digital camera and take a pic of the screen so that when you call the repairman, he will know what happened. I did so.

For about the next 1 1/2 my screen went from black to fucia, turning itself on and off after each time by itself. Well, I have a temper okay. I had come to realise that if I didnt get up and fix myself a cup of coffee and calm down that I was going to smack my pc against the wall, thats how angry and frustrated I had been when this happens:

Then the black screen suddenly had the curser blinking (for the first time the entire time) I say Hey, okay maybe I can look into the directory and find the virus.
I wrote: C:dir and hit enter.
The darn prompt takes me to a drive which I dont even have on my pc. Its stated M: (blinking)
so I do it again: C: enter. Then it shows me A:/ (blinking) (well I have an A drive, so I felt that my pc was starting to get back on the ball!)
I do the c: enter again and it comes up with T:/ (blinking)
However I wanted C, so I did it again. C: enter then the darn Pc shows me 3:/ (blinking)

Now keep in mind I was writing all of this down and taking pics of it in the process.

I do the c: enter again and it comes up with 0:/ (blinking) and I do it again c: enter and it comes up with S:/ (blinking)... I do the c: enter again and it comes up with 7:/ (blinking)

By this time, I am amazed that this sh*t is happening to me, I am at loss for words and pretty paniky, so I call my bossman and tell him that I am having pc problems and will send the stuff as soon as I am done with repairing.... I feel that this alphabet salad would have went on for ever if I didnt calm down and think for a min.  I couldnt make sense of why I couldnt get into my C drive.

So I look down on the piece of paper where I had been making my notes on and for about 4 min concentrated with my eyebrow cocked up thinking...and thats when I saw the relevance of it all:

Her first name begins with an "M"
Her last name begins with a "T"
My first name begins with an "A"
My last name begins with a "S"
The date she came to say goodbye to my hubby and myself was the night of the "30th" and
the month was the "7th" month.
Her freaking favorite color was "fucia pink!"

I immediately had gotten goose bumpy from head to toe and began to cry and speak out loud. I didnt give a rats as* whom in the world would hear me: I said

""Manni, is that you. Are you here, are you doing that? (me crying) Its really you isnt it? Your doing all of this. You are trying to tell me that you are still alive aren`t you. (I was ballin by then, man! ) Oh my God Manni, you knew that I would understand and listen if you hit me where it would hurt me the most honey, our pc!" Oh my God Manni, I love you so much that it hurts. Why the hell are you scaring me like that, with my pc gal!? (I laughed within my tears and literally pulled a nearby laying towel up to my face and blew my nose because snott was really just rolling down because I was crying so heavy) I laughed and said Manni, I cant see you, but I can feel you right next to me. I cant hear you but I understand your words.  Thank you Manni, thank you so much for letting us know. I will call Herry (her husband) as soon as I can and let him know. I promise you I will"...

I sat there for a min or two quite as a mouse. Sniffling. Thinking to myself. Okay gal, now you`ve lost your marbles. This was the last draw, you`re nuts. And then I spoke to her outloud again. "Manni, your too crappity smack*** funny, you know darn well if I dont get my work done then I am history and will get fired, so since you did this mess on my pc, I know that you can clean the mess back up, so fix my freakin pc okay." and as soon as I said it, the freakin pc ran itself back down and rebooted itself whereby my XP interface started perfectly without any problems. I have not since had such a problem with my pc folks!

I had my pc checked for any sorce of virus or secret remote desktop connections. NOTTA!

Ergo: Manuela ten Bulte lives!

Because of this experience I had come in contact with Peter Kirchner of and have come to heal, understand & learn more. I am thankful for people like Bruce Moen and Peter H. Kirchner.

Has anyone of you had such an experience? I am in dear believing that all of us are "linked" to another, all over the world. We have a duty to do loving, good things an obligation to learn and experience.

I wish all of you in this world love, peace and happiness.


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Re: My proof of connected love from the Afterlife
Reply #1 - Aug 30th, 2007 at 7:37am
Thank you Nanner, that was simply amazing to read!

love, blink Smiley
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Theres only AGAPE

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Hamburg, Germany
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Re: My proof of connected love from the Afterlife
Reply #2 - Aug 30th, 2007 at 8:54am
Hi Blink.
Yeah I understand what you mean. However it was even more amazing to be a part of. Especially if you don`t expect or understand what is really happening at that given moment. Ever since that day and getting educated about the afterlife everyday more, I can sincerely say that I have dropped all, and I mean all discriminating thoughts out of my mind and life about people.

There is not one human being alive that I hate, and I used to be very discriminating Blink. A know it all, a better than others type of person. After I had realised that our being here is a package of love, togetherness, humble learning and experiencing I changed my ways and life out of respect for that which comes afterwards. Our human body is nothing more than a vehicle and no one crys when they trade their Ford in for a Mercedes. Thats what my friend did, she traded her vehicle and she let me know it! So I felt fortunate to be made aware of this.

Love all of you dearly,
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Rob Calkins
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Re: My proof of connected love from the Afterlife
Reply #3 - Aug 30th, 2007 at 11:37am
Absolutely amazing Nanner (Anja).  Thanks for posting your experiences.  I remember reading that disembodied spirits can mess around with electrical things, but this is the first time I've read about messing up your PC and sending messages via computer. 

Did you know Bruce is going to have a workshop in Germany sometime this fall?  You might check it out if you haven't already.  Near Berlin end of September as I recall.  And, if you're near Hamburg there's another one in English in Denmark right before the Berlin workshop.  Bruce said the place where they're holding the workshop near Berlin is pretty fantastic.

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Theres only AGAPE

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Hamburg, Germany
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Re: My proof of connected love from the Afterlife
Reply #4 - Aug 30th, 2007 at 11:58am
Hi Rob,
I can seriously say that I have had experience with "people close to my family saying goodbye in some form or fashion". As my grandmother  (fathers side lived in germany) did so in 1977 (we lived in the USA at the time) via turning on a TV with my father have told us to pull the plug out of the electrical socket because we had a bad lightning storm that night. My sister and I being 7 & 12 at the time scared beyond recognition as we sat straight up in bed, because we knew the TV had been unplugged (for petes sake we were the ones whom had been told to unplug it!) but right in front of our eyes - it is on at 2 am in the morning! We recieved the Red Cross notification via Telegram the next morning, that his mommy had deceased.

Then a few other things of that nature later on in years with other people.
HOWEVER this obvious it had never been for me.

This occurance was just too specific okay. Just her, me, the pc and pictures of this fucia pink screen and then the Drives (which I really do not have on my pc) so - I cried Rob, I cried out of love for this beautiful spirit whom cared enough about me and everyone else to want to let us know, not to stop believing, not to stop searching, not to stop loving!

Its just beautiful!

Thank you, I would like to come to see Bruce. It would be nice. Need some more info though. Can you pass it to me please?

Thanks aŽbunch and live, love and laugh!
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Re: My proof of connected love from the Afterlife
Reply #5 - Aug 30th, 2007 at 12:39pm
Hi nanner,

That's a wonderful experience!  You tell it with much spirit too--- thank you for sharing it.  Smiley Smiley

My iMac has used google searches to lead me to topics that i wasn't seeking but they  have become prophetic of personal events to come. I think the category for this is called 'divination.'---I follow inner urges or sometimes a word that comes up seems magnetic, almost electrically, so I put it in the next stage of the search and keep following the magnetized words; in about 5 steps I find information that is directly related to some aspect of my life.

Your friend chose a very effective means of catching your attention and giving you information !  She must think very much of you!

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There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
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Re: My proof of connected love from the Afterlife
Reply #6 - Aug 30th, 2007 at 12:45pm
Smiley Nice one!!!!
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Re: My proof of connected love from the Afterlife
Reply #7 - Aug 30th, 2007 at 1:05pm
That story is amazing. The more i read stories like this, the more confident I am that life DOES exist beyond our physical existence. Ever since the passing of my grandfather--i have been trying to gather a bit of proof.

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Re: My proof of connected love from the Afterlife
Reply #8 - Aug 30th, 2007 at 8:48pm
Thanks for sharing that, Anja.

By the bye, the International Morse Code signal "dot dot dash" is the letter "U".   I don't know if that means anything.  The other ways to break up the doorbell ring would be :

"dot dot-dash" = E N
"dot-dot dash" = I T
"dot dot dash" = E E T

I'd be interested if that adds anything.

Thanks again for bringing us your story!
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life is too short to drink sour wine
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Re: My proof of connected love from the Afterlife
Reply #9 - Aug 31st, 2007 at 12:27am
interesting story.  i've had plenty of PC problems and never seen anything like that. 

there are so many stories of people waking up and being alerted at the time a loved one dies, sometimes by a voice, sometimes by their ghost, sometimes just by "knowing" they died.  the idea that it's all coincidence or not real is laughable.
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Theres only AGAPE

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Hamburg, Germany
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Re: My proof of connected love from the Afterlife
Reply #10 - Aug 31st, 2007 at 1:58am
dave_a_mbs wrote on Aug 30th, 2007 at 8:48pm:
Thanks for sharing that, Anja.

By the bye, the International Morse Code signal "dot dot dash" is the letter "U".   I don't know if that means anything.  The other ways to break up the doorbell ring would be :

"dot dot-dash" = E N
"dot-dot dash" = I T
"dot dot dash" = E E T

Hey Dave,
you have a very good point there, which I hadnt even thought of. The doorbell! Help me please. What could the short, short, long mean? Morse code wise?

Love to all,

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Theres only AGAPE

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Hamburg, Germany
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Re: My proof of connected love from the Afterlife
Reply #11 - Aug 31st, 2007 at 2:25am
betson wrote on Aug 30th, 2007 at 12:39pm:
Hi nanner,

That's a wonderful experience!  You tell it with much spirit too--- thank you for sharing it.  Smiley Smiley

My iMac has used google searches to lead me to topics that i wasn't seeking but they  have become prophetic of personal events to come.....
Your friend chose a very effective means of catching your attention and giving you information !  She must think very much of you! Bets

Thank you Bets,
however I can only relay the story the way it was. The emotions I went thru that morning, were like riding the largest roller coaster from Six Flags!  Shocked (Anger, frustration, hurt, dismay, deep rooted love, scared, amazed and then relieved) I ended up as an emotional wreck that day! But that wreck took me to Peter H. Kirchner on where my journey of education finially had its GO sign. Now I am tailing Bruce Moen, as he too has important messages and insight for this world.

There are so so many esoteric and religious impactors out there whom may be sensitive, or have a certain medial ability, its very hard for me to single out those that merely "feel" and those that "really know". This not meaning that they are any less worth than another okay. Merely meaning that some can help me more effectively than others can. I guess what I am trying to say is: For "me" Manuela ten Bulte evolved and picked the best way she knew how inorder to shake my attention so vividly that there could be no room for misunderstanding at all! And even though it took me a while that morning - for I was closed minded & dunce to the material at hand, she did not "let go of my attention" until I reacted the way she wanted me to.

She must have been "earth bound" at that time that this happened. Meaning her spirit and then her "Guides" allowed her to make that "wake up call" to me. I naturally passed this on to her husband and all of her kids, whom sat there in aw looking at the proof and also cried like little children OUT OF LOVE and being RELIEVED, each one of them "felt" that THIS was definately Manu! Hinse I pay attention to the world much more. I am much more aware.

According to many books out there, the deceased -if consciously able- can use "Radio frequencies" inorder to communicate. After a year of thinking and researching I have come to terms with the suspision that PC also uses "Frequencies" doesnt it. Meaning that if a deceased person wants to and can, he/she can use ANYTHING which possesses "FREQUENCIES", right?

Hugs to all,
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Theres only AGAPE

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Hamburg, Germany
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Re: My proof of connected love from the Afterlife
Reply #12 - Aug 31st, 2007 at 2:33am
the_seeker wrote on Aug 31st, 2007 at 12:27am:
interesting story.  i've had plenty of PC problems and never seen anything like that.  

there are so many stories of people waking up and being alerted at the time a loved one dies, sometimes by a voice, sometimes by their ghost, sometimes just by "knowing" they died.  the idea that it's all coincidence or not real is laughable.  

Hi the_seeker,
I can`t really say that I have had many problems with XP, however with windows 98 I do recall that the DOS prompt can be pulled up to the beginning of the reboot, okay. I HAVE XP now! never, never, never had I gotten a freaking "FUCIA pink" screen with Win98!  Undecided
So maybe you can understand howcome I was angry at first. Cause I was "helpless" Maybe its because she and I had always worked together with the PC that she used this form of communication, however the door bell ringing is still the first factor. The short, short, long.. Still havent figured that one out.

Have a great day!
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YaBB Administrator

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Re: My proof of connected love from the Afterlife
Reply #13 - Aug 31st, 2007 at 10:31am
Nanner wrote on Aug 31st, 2007 at 2:25am:
[quote author=betson link=1188458813/0#5 date=1188491983]

I guess what I am trying to say is: For "me" Manuela ten Bulte evolved and picked the best way she knew how inorder to shake my attention so vividly that there could be no room for misunderstanding at all! And even though it took me a while that morning - for I was closed minded & dunce to the material at hand, she did not "let go of my attention" until I reacted the way she wanted me to.

She must have been "earth bound" at that time that this happened. Meaning her spirit and then her "Guides" allowed her to make that "wake up call" to me.  Hinse I pay attention to the world much more. I am much more aware.

According to many books out there, the deceased -if consciously able- can use "Radio frequencies" inorder to communicate. After a year of thinking and researching I have come to terms with the suspision that PC also uses "Frequencies" doesnt it. Meaning that if a deceased person wants to and can, he/she can use ANYTHING which possesses "FREQUENCIES", right?

Hugs to all,

Hi Anja,

Welcome to this site, it's nice to have you here sharing your story.  It sounds like it had quite an impact on you.  I wanted to comment on a couple things you said. 

The way she got your attention with the computer...I think those who have passed over will use whatever opportunity for communication that is available at the time.  You being so focused on your computer and work made the PC a good way to get your attention.  Or it could be that there were other ways she was trying to reach you that you didn't notice.  It's always an interesting subject, the different ways spirits get our attention.  I agree with the "frequencies" thing although I don't know much about it.  But there are many stories of spirits using the TV, PC, phone, or recording devices for communication.  Again, it might just be due to the world we live in.  We are surrounded by these things and these are things that we pay attention to.  I myself have had three seperate occasions of mysterious phone calls that sound like they were spirit communications. 

I wouldn't say she was "earth bound" at the time she contacted you.  The very determined way she contacted you sounds to me like she was in a good place, just where she needs to be, when she contacted you.  That kind of contact sounds me to like she is thinking clearly and doing that gesture out of pure love.  The term earth bound to me denotes a spirit who has not "crossed over", going to their place in the afterlife.  These kind of spirits would be sad, mad, scared, or confused it would seem, not able to express the loving gesture your friend gave to you.  Your story was dramatic! 

*note to any of my loved ones who might die...don't mess with my computer!  Move a picture or something, but leave my computer alone please!*   Smiley

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Theres only AGAPE

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Hamburg, Germany
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Re: My proof of connected love from the Afterlife
Reply #14 - Aug 31st, 2007 at 12:34pm
Vicky wrote on Aug 31st, 2007 at 10:31am:
[quote author=Nanner link=1188458813/0#11 date=1188541527][quote author=betson link=1188458813/0#5 date=1188491983]

*note to any of my loved ones who might die...don't mess with my computer!  Move a picture or something, but leave my computer alone please!*   Smiley


Hi dearest Vicky,
OMG - when I saw your picture I would bet my buns on it, that I know you from somewhere, but where?  Undecided (Just want you to know that)

Thank you for the loving answer. Yes I agree with you on that, and yes it was VERY dramatic - especially after I realised what was going on, thats when it really hit me!

As far as your comment about the loved ones messing with your PC, I should have thought of that priorly..  Wink Maybe I could have saved myself a heck of a lot of heart throb that day!

Have a great day!
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