thanks for your response Orlando. I noticed you are studying Buddism? a good study my opinion. I noticed you are in touch with your feelings and express them well. believe it or not there are many of us not in touch with feelings and even if they are, loath to express them. so I see you in a good light, on a path and making progress.
I especially like the way you said you were glad that you are glad..
hope you enjoy Monroe's books, then the next step might be Bruce's books, as they seem to go together well. then when Vicky's book gets here, lol, we can make suggestions to one another anyhoo.
I don't know what your aggressive male voice is a spirit or just a part of your energy component.
there appears to be some conflict you will solve. perhaps being on this board will help to figure it out. I hope so. although I know the real work is not coming from a bunch of people on a board. the answer is within you. anytime you get messages if there is unrest in it, and not a peaceful feeling, not an aha moment with the attendant wonder, I would just gently tap aside any messages not like love. not offering to you something beneficial to think on.
pretty soon anything not good for you to know, it just stops coming in, as it has no home. that goes whether it is an interfering entity or just some paranoia or fear thought that does not need to be there.
it seems like to me, that thoughts are things, that they are alive, that they want to survive so they feed off the host.
can be bugging, so when there's that conflict, recognizing the conflict is there is first step. 2nd step is choosing to interact with the conflict to resolve it. heres what I have done sometimes. to show interaction
My chooser: (to thought I don't want) you again? thanks for your input, I am not needing your services, return to wherever you came from, I want to think a love thought, or a joy thought or something other than what you offer.
Unwelcome party: You are seriously missing some of your marbles...
My Chooser: I disagree. I am a child of the universe, I deserve to be here and have my unique journey without interference from the likes of you who says I have lost my marbles...I choose what I wish to think upon. buzz off.
Unwelcome party: I have come in my aggressive manner to help you realize you are a chump.
My Chooser: begging your pardon? Are you aware being a chump is a valid journey? Like I said, I choose the things I will think upon and what you are offering me is not love.
so you get the picture Orlando. if you get yourself a guide, the message will always uplift you, never tear you down. There are times in the beginning of development that voices in the head are accepted to be your own self and not recognized as nonphysical guides. This can be like noise that you can quiet down eventually, sometimes it may even be grid band noise. Affirmations I have found helpful to our minds, to keep out too much noise. Noise always has confusion attached to it. When the noise goes away there is a quiet place within you and you hear only the sound of quiet which means you have found your center point.
messages from guides, or call it intuition will be easily recognizable by a feeling of encouragement that you are doing well, which I for one think you are, or I don't think you would even have found us on this board if you weren't well on your way. we are not an easy bunch to understand Ijust realized!
love to you, alysia