this is a response to everyone in this thread...
Quote:Bear in mind too that the afterlife is fairly clearly a part of this same reality - it's not an escape. Death simply sets us up to come around around again, but next time for reasons of karma or whatever our circumstances may not be quite so fortunate.
it's an escape from earthly things, though. our body and brain alone account for a lot of misery, not to mention the myriad countless troubles being on earth and living with other humans brings. it's become a cliche that "death is not an escape," but it really is i think, if you want to stop reincarnating. because unless you're forced to reincarnate, then you could just chill in heavenly happiness and say "so what if i couldn't handle earth? i don't have to go back there and work through the same problems again."
Quote:Or, suppose we had a method perfected, as a society, and this method was available, say, on every other street corner.
i think suicide would be a lot more common then. that's just a guess on my part. researchers do know that in countries like the US where guns are readily available, suicide by gun rates go way up. so it stands to reason the easier, more painless and convenient the suicide method, perhaps the more suicides will occur, to a point.
Quote:You would not be punished by some external foreign judge or jury. In spirit, you can see from different perspectives, and when you feel your effect on others, you usually judge yourself.
fair enough. but there are around 7 billion people on earth now, meaning that there are 7 billion different responses we would have in judging ourselves. maybe 1 person would feel extremely guilty over a suicide, and another person wouldn't feel guilty at all, instead saying "it was my only choice."
Quote:But as for your claim that getting most of what we think we want would be unpleasant, I'm not sure!
there's some validity in that... many rich and famous people have killed themselves with drugs. i highly doubt being rich would make my life worse, but some people would be happier poor or not famous.
Quote:More or less killing myself. (This lifetime I am afraid of water and drowning.) Is this the same as suicide? Should I have been sent to some hell or something?
there's a story in, i think
journey of souls where a woman doesn't try hard enough to save herself when caught in a snowstorm and she says she should have tried harder not to die (it was essentially a suicide). but other than regret, no she did not go to hell or anything like that.
as i said in another thread, i think "suicide" is a misunderstood term, as you could say that everyone who eats junk food is committing suicide, or everyone who drives too fast, or smokes cigarettes, or watches TV instead of exercising, or doesn't go to regular doctor's visits....
Quote:Lots of suicides probably wonder why they did it when they get to a point where they have a clearer, less conditioned and much wider overview of what their situation was.
but that's what makes life so hard, isn't it? every tragedy feels like it will last forever. no angels swoop down and solve our problems for us. why doesn't God show up and save whoever is about to commit suicide? but God doesn't save people from rape or murder or torture, either. i wish i knew why.