As you probably recall, I performed an emotionally powerful and cathartic retrieval of my formerly girlfriend Janet who shot herself. Once I discovered the power and realism of lucid dreams, I reluctantly came to the conclusion that my retrieval (and another that I have performed since) was bogus! Experimental experts on lucid dreams are emphatic that all the core elements of OBEs are easily replicated in their lucid dreams and they have, sadly, convinced me.
Still, I applaud your prompt response to try to retrieve Shane. I see no significant verification in your description, but that too may come with future efforts. The efficacy of retrievals should not simply be decided by armchair reflections on the skeptical research, but by actual retrieval attempts which may ultimately hone astral skills to the point where Swedenborgian calibre verifications become routine.
I'm in contact with a graduate of Bruce's course who posted regularly on this site for years. He was distraught over the death of his father, but could not contact him through Bruce's methods and asked Bruce for direct help. According to this graduate, Bruce promised to comply but, I guess, procrastinated and failed to keep his promise. The graduate's inference--and mine--is that Bruce is simply not capable of routinely contacting discarnate spirits he has never encountered. If this is correct, I merely wish Bruce would revise his website's implication that he, indeed anyone, is capable of such feats.
But such complaints lose their warrant when people like yourself at least make the effort. Swedenborg demonstrated the incredible verifications that are possible. But his successes poignantly raise this question: are most modern efforts counterfeit states of consciousness which fail to contact the deceased? Or do we actually succeed in contacting the dead, but with a lower level of consciousness that lacks the focus and controls to secure meaningful verifications? Sadly, I currently opt for the former, the pessimistic interpretation. But I would gladly be refuted by someone like yourself who honed his astral skills to the point of Swedenborgian calibre verifications. In fact, if such a qualitative leap in astral performance manifested itself, I would be eager to take Bruce's course myself--and perhaps the Gateway course at TMI. Currently, I have concluded that the Gateway tapes by themselves just don't work--at least not for me.