hard question Lucy. your last question "how do we show that to someone else?"
some would joke around
and say speak softly and carry a big stick. but thats just a joke to me too so insert laughter.
I think the answer seriously how to show, is by behavior example.
when I was driving my twins home one day they started hitting each other and screaming at the top of their lungs. now, I don't know about the rest of you mothers and fathers, but I have a problem driving whenever I hear an F# scream off the scale; I turn into a nervous wreck.
Had to pull the car over and take control. I suppose u might say it was my purpose for incarnation to be their mama. but at the moment...
since I couldn't drive right then as I would surely injure some innocent person if I tried, I pulled over and taught my kids what would happen the next time they acted badly. I simply started walking home and left them in the car (fortunately, home was only 8 blocks away.)
kids, like adults, don't listen to reason when they're fighting for supremacy. so behavior did the job. since they didn't want to end up walking home and destroying the mom's nervous system, they quit fighting while we were driving at least.
I don't know how I got some respect that way and some drastic measure is often needed when raising kids, but it boils down to walking your talk without having to injure the child to get its attention.
but there seems to be an inner child in all of us, me included, but we end up disaplining ourselves somewhere along the road and then since we're all connected, people notice other people's behavior more than the stories they tell.
its really none of my business what anyone believes, as long as their belief is not harming life or keeping me from doing what I enjoy.
and I do believe we create our own personal reality and this effects others.
I see religion as having degraded through too many interpretations over the years, but that we all needed those guidelines, otherwise we would be committing adultery, stealing every thing not nailed down, making cowboys leave town, having a war every 20 years or so, well, you get the picture. religion has some road signs to follow. its just that you can't believe anything you hear until you take it inside you and see where that thought goes, and make more decisions whether it rings true or is just more spam and commercial.
if you go way way back before we had so many religions, you go to myth stories. imagine this, this is gross. spirit was producing weird animals within matter. thats when man/woman came about, but spirit had to go back to the drawing table, what a mess! thats what Noahs ark was, I conjecture, there began to be 2 of each kind so we wouldn't mess up (as this curious spirit thing, which had no idea what to do with Earth!)
so no I don't believe there was a real ark, its symbolic of spirit moving over this planet.
but then we have this 10 commandments thing, like thou shalt not kill. kinda religious? you'd think it would be an easy road sign to follow, religious or not. but nope. we still make certain kinds of killings ok with society agreeing. then we have dont commit adultery. we should divorce our spouses first and THEN play around! we don't follow that one. too old fashioned. but its common sense and saves a lot of trouble in our society if we followed that commandment.
I dont know what the other commandments are, maybe stealing is a no no. but they are good guidelines so we can't blame the inception of religion, nor the gun that kills people, so ban the gun. it's not that simple.
I know, religious people are pain in the....as they think they are right. I have an idea, next time the somebody comes to your door pushing religion, put a fart toy under the cushion and position them unto it! see what happens. love ya, alyia