I guess knowledge has its (absolutely essential) place Orlando - both in 'normal' life, and as a helper in our progress on the path.
As potentially does good humoured, mutually supportive and constructive debate (not the winners/losers blood sport that some sections of our society have managed to make of it), and the respectful exchange of views.
Because learning (related to from the correct viewpoint) is one (arguably the second) major pillar of the spiritual progress.
Where debate, focus on knowledge, academic undertakings and the like get off the rails is when the ego gets involved - for example when people debate to put down others, become so focused on the intellectual side (which is only a tiny part of our total knowing/intelligence) that it blocks our connection to our true selves, to others and to the love and wisdom that come from God; or seek knowledge for its own sake (as an obsession) or for self aggrandisment.
Put another way. Knowledge is power, and with power comes responsibility. With increased power comes increased responsibility, and more difficult problems. We're already seeing the consequences of the irresponsible and egotistical use of technological and scientific knowledge on our climate, food chain, biosphere and in the perilous state of international relations.
Back here at the ranch it's a bit easier. We probably just need to take care that the debate is not getting too competitive. Because if it did the end result for others would be an uncomfortable and edgy forum environment.
One which some might be inclined to step away from, or not feel comfortable to come into. Or one which might attract those looking to for entertainment, or for a forum in which to dominate or to assert themselves - which of course would be just another example of the way this delusional mind made stuff propogates....