FYI - professional hypnosis circles do NOT disdain past life material and past life regression as unworthy of their consideration. In fact, what they disdain is "arm chair theorists" who get a wild hair up their RAS and spew out a bunch of metaphysical mumbo jumbo that is neither based on observation, nor predictive of outcomes. (RAS = Reticular Activating System - brainstem) Their counterparts are those with a mind closed to any but their own previous beliefs.
As a good place to enlighten yourself in this area, look up the International Association for Regression Research and Therapy. These are people who practice non-leading hypnotic methodology by which reports remain relatively pure. The problem is that it is terribly hard to do science in such a setting because of the difficulty of establishing experimental controls. They offer training - their convention is coming up soon, you might enjoy it.
Another interesting place to look might be Dr Shelley Stockwell-Nicholas' International Hypnosis Federation, from whom you can get a pretty fast overview of competent hypnotic methodology, as well as the basics of past life work.
www.hypnosisfederation.comDr Edith Fiori was a pioneer in this area of therapy, but those who DO DISDAIN past life work and suchlike turned out to be the California Board of Behavioral Sciences who acted to sanction her for doing psychotherapeutic work outside of known approved styles and methodologies. So its the orthodoxies who are afraid of ghosts. For the rest of us, it just means adopting a suitable clinical style and proceeding as before.