Those are some good thoughts Identcat. A nice way to start a group of their own, when and if they are ready to do that.
In the meantime, I don't think it is tremendously helpful for people to continue to speculate on what Juditha and Deanna have done "wrong" at this time. When people are discouraged it is the last thing they want to hear.
What is needed, in my opinion, is a break from that community and its perceived frustrations. I do not think it should be this exhausting for them to simply participate in group activities at their church.
Certainly, having gratitude for what they have received at the church would be appropriate, but agreement on other issues is not necessary in my opinion.
When people are trying to develop confidence their feelings can sway back and forth over a large emotional field. That is what I see happening: emotions swaying back and forth from happiness with current successes to grief based on a lifetime of a certain kind of loneliness.
Most artists of any sort suffer from this instability, and sometimes the very instability is the bottomless well of inspiration that they can draw from for their insights.
Artists are not generally spending much of their time thinking about how neat the tea service is, etc. etc., or even if there is enough money for tea in the first place.
Bruce calls his retrievals an "art" and so is mediumship.
I think the first thing is for Juditha and Deanna to recognize that mistakes are in the eye of the beholder. Change often causes upheaval...I think it's a natural thing. I personally take the stand that a little "craziness" from an artist is sometimes the price you pay for their gifts.
Often, that craziness is just the truth.
love, blink