Hey Albert; you guidance was absolutely correct. good for you, give your guides some kudos they just blew my cover.
I was laying there this morn just waking up..this is the place my head starts receiving impressions left and right, I can get valid messages in the morn.
so I was thinking about the Tennessee waltz thing. scratching my head thinking you were nuts..
(no offense intended) first I remembered a retrieval I did, a lady on a pedestal, a southern belle who rescued the downtrodden. one of my patterns. then I idly thought she may have lived/living in Tennessee. then I meandered over to memories of doing a fine waltz and dancing.
all that didn't cause a message. all that life amounted to really was that I shouldn't meddle with the whole town as struggling with poverty and all that is part of the greater plan of the divine source. you can care, but burn yourself out by caring too much in other words and the ego gets to thinking how wonderful you are, when you're just like them. poor in other ways.
heres what the Tennesse Waltz means to me aside from disc reflections:
in the song theres the issue of changing partners and losing love, so it seems. all of humanity during this age seems to be changing partners too much where I believe, I always carried the ideal of once you marry, you uphold your vows to cherish that person and stay there and work it out. have faith, and all that. that was not my experience in this life. that was what I wanted in this life. instead I was a Tennessee Waltz pattern. during my life trek I looked to develop love and trust within relationship and often would forget to cherish myself, so I needed much work to understand that what I gave out, was what I would receive and I was introverted, so I didnt' communicate ouch when it hurt. I assumed it was all my fault the changing of partners.
what I was observing on another level was a hormone driven planet at first, where people differentiated the act of sex from the act of making love. this never set well with me although nowdays thats an accepted tenet. even on TV, its ok to go get your breasts enlarged to football size just to attain a lover. its ok to advertise you might need viagra in order to get some love.
theres something wrong with this scene where the act of sex is applauded while no mention of love, nor committment is taken into consideration.
so I see how I never fit in, I never got with the hippy program either of free love. I changed partners until I got tired of that and turned celibate, seeking the perfect love of Christ as the way, remaining single to look after the affairs of god, rather than the affairs of the passing lover I might be involved with. I was the goodbye girl, I was Penelope whose husband was away at war. Penelope thought she was too ugly for love anyway. she lied to herself for the experience of being here. she took what was handed to her.
whew. its human drama at its best I suppose, and this I'm giving you is only the shortened commercial! haha! well, on a positive note which I always end up on these days, love lives here now. it makes your feet steady, your eyes wide open, your heart light, and everything smells good and the sky is always blue, even death looks like the most incredible journey to walk into with eyes open and grateful.
so yea, you got it right. You just got my respect with that one dearlight!
tell your guides to leave me alone and not blow my cover..just kidding!
why did they say I was important to you Albert? I do not feel important to anyone because I think this planet is only just beginning to learn of what PUL is with this shift in consciousness coming in..but we are on the threshold and that is what gives me hope.
I wish each of you love of the most sublime..the kind that passes understanding, the perfect love of Christ. the life abundant.