Vicky wrote on Jul 24th, 2007 at 10:59pm:Hello everyone!
For one thing, one of the most important parts to Bruce's workshop is his Feeling Love Exercise. What Bruce will tell you is that if he could teach only one thing it would be feeling love. Experiencing the feeling of love raises your perception beyond its normal limits. I have found this to be true many times. It's quite amazing how true this is. As with most all of his teachings, I apply Bruce's principles to all our experiences in life, not just retrievals. As I
Any one of you could use my experience above and remember to try it for yourself. Anytime you are feeling crummy, sad, or depressed remember to work on remembering the feeling love exercise. Another piece that goes along with this that Bruce taught in the workshop is that when you are projecting love to anyone, remember that you are only projecting the feeling of love, you are not projecting intention or will on anyone. This is important in a couple ways. I realized that true PUL comes with no strings attached. And giving love this way instantly opens your perception beyond its normal limits. It's very true!
Hi Vicky/Rob;
Thank you for sharing your experiences.
Vicky; on the Feeling of Love; totally agree here.
You guys brought back lovely memories and tears to my eyes today, and seeing those pictures of our dear friend Bruce was icing on the cake...
Will take his course again just to see him in person again.
Much love guys