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Choose this Day
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I like that Blink, "no matter where you are, there you are."
the brain is still a mystery to me, but it is a vehicle of consciousness can be affected by drugs we feed into it orally or otherwise. have never had a sleep disorder, so have never taken sleeping pills, but clicking out physically is much different than clicking out as defined by TMI.
Dude defines it really well. I can add that my brain supplies to me images, when I click out, I click back into a different scene, aware that I've just changed the scenery and must quickly make an adjustment to the new scene or I will click back to C1, or my brain pattern will change to cause me to not recall a thing perhaps.
I know that we are multi dimensional beings David9. we are merely at the beginning stages of ascertaining our multi dimensional beings.
tonite I just realized I have some more verification for you all, maybe not for all, but just for me, Kate, and Juditha. for what it's worth here, you all must know how much I enjoy doing PE. Well, Kate had a dream that she met me and Juditha out "there." and that Juditha and I were cooking something up.
when I first read Kates's dream, I listened up because so many come here and relate something that does occur later. I knew that in C1 I watch Juditha, I see her grow, I enjoy that, but I wasn't sure about Kate's dream until today.
we have indeed been working together on this board out there. We are on the orb thread suporting each other, we are on the humor byways together to lighten up this board, we are both mediums. I am not traditional medium like Juditha is studying, but I can do the same work as a medium if I choose to. so why wouldn't we be meeting out there? thats what friends do of like mind, they meet out there. someday we will remember, but right now we have people like Kate, who help us connect the dots.
love, alysia