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clicking out (Read 3677 times)
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clicking out
Jul 2nd, 2007 at 8:13am
The other night I had had a few wines .My happy hour...Later on I took a sleeping tablet you may have heard of the brand"StillNox"I was reading a short story to my wife when the next thing I remember was waking up in my bed hours later still in my clothes.!!!!!According to my wife I just fell off my chair onto the floor and couldn't be awakened.I was mumbling a bit but had to be carried to bed by wife and step son.The amazing thing was how my daily consciousness just vanished without any warning!Total "Nothing" until I awoke some hours later.It annoys me that I have so little control over my awareness.Is this what you call "clicking out"?If so what is clicking out?What happens?What is the mechanics of clicking out?Someone of high knowledge and armed with great spiritual tech please explain.
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I Am Dude
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Re: clicking out
Reply #1 - Jul 2nd, 2007 at 12:29pm
I would say that there is most likely a difference, if not a large difference, between clicking out during meditation and "clicking out" due to drugs and alcohol.  I have done both.  The obvious difference here is one click out is natural, and the other is induced by a substance.  I would refer to what happened to you as "passing out", or even "blacking out".  These are common terms that are used when alcohol or drugs are involved.

Clicking out occurs when the "perciever" aspect of your consciousness takes over, and the "interpreter" aspect, which translates your experiences into things you are familiar with or things that your are mentally capable of dealing with that make sense to you, fades into the background of your consciousness.  Often times when an experience becomes too abstract, the interpreter part of your mind has nothing familiar to relate the experience to, and your waking consciousness will simply totally forget that entire part of the experience. 

Sometimes upon regaining consciousness during a click out I would be clueless as to what just happened, as to what I just experienced in my altered state.  However, other times I would regain consciousness with impressions, feelings, and ideas which seeped through to my waking conscious state.  For example, feelings of just being somewhere amazing, feelings of just doing something really important, or simply feelings of awe and excitement.

To relate this to what happened to you.. perhaps due to the alcohol and sleeping pills, you fell into an altered state of consiousness  so deeply that your waking conscious mind was unable to handle what you actually experienced.  However, it is a totally different ballgame when you mix in substances.
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But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added unto you.
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Re: clicking out
Reply #2 - Jul 2nd, 2007 at 8:01pm
I Am Dude wrote on Jul 2nd, 2007 at 12:29pm:
I would say that there is most likely a difference, if not a large difference, between clicking out during meditation and "clicking out" due to drugs and alcohol.  I have done both.  The obvious difference here is one click out is natural, and the other is induced by a substance.  I would refer to what happened to you as "passing out", or even "blacking out".  These are common terms that are used when alcohol or drugs are involved.

Clicking out occurs when the "perciever" aspect of your consciousness takes over, and the "interpreter" aspect, which translates your experiences into things you are familiar with or things that your are mentally capable of dealing with that make sense to you, fades into the background of your consciousness.  Often times when an experience becomes too abstract, the interpreter part of your mind has nothing familiar to relate the experience to, and your waking consciousness will simply totally forget that entire part of the experience. 

Sometimes upon regaining consciousness during a click out I would be clueless as to what just happened, as to what I just experienced in my altered state.  However, other times I would regain consciousness with impressions, feelings, and ideas which seeped through to my waking conscious state.  For example, feelings of just being somewhere amazing, feelings of just doing something really important, or simply feelings of awe and excitement.

To relate this to what happened to you.. perhaps due to the alcohol and sleeping pills, you fell into an altered state of consiousness  so deeply that your waking conscious mind was unable to handle what you actually experienced.  However, it is a totally different ballgame when you mix in substances.

I am sure what you are saying is true dear Dude.
What I am getting at really is if we are an immortal soul that never sleeps then where does consciousness reside when one is totally blacked out as if one had never been?Perhaps as beings we wink on and off all the time.
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I Am Dude
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Re: clicking out
Reply #3 - Jul 3rd, 2007 at 6:10pm
Our consciousness resides at all places in existance at all times.  When you click out, you still have consciousness and you are still aware of what you are doing- but your awareness is not on the waking consciousness level.. when you click out, your waking conscious mind cannot interpret your experience... but that does not mean you dont have the experience, because you do. Its just a matter of our conscious minds at the waking consciousness level being able to recall these experiences.
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But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added unto you.
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Re: clicking out
Reply #4 - Jul 3rd, 2007 at 6:18pm
[quote author=David9 What I am getting at really is if we are an immortal soul that never sleeps then where does consciousness reside when one is totally blacked out as if one had never been?Perhaps as beings we wink on and off all the time. [/quote]

We are in varying states of consciousness at different times, in my opinion. But, as I see it, these levels are constantly in motion, so a portion of your consciousness may appear at any time.

When you are totally blacked out you have suppressed your ability to have physical conscious awareness, but there is activity on other levels at all times, as Dude says.

While in meditation a person may "click out" and that is not a state in which information is necessarily suppressed. It simply may appear in another part of the person's experience where it is more easily absorbed by the heart and mind.

This is the magnificence of creation, and our being, that everything in our lives is a reflection of our internal world. So, no matter where you look, there it is.

And there you are.

love, blink Smiley

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Re: clicking out
Reply #5 - Jul 6th, 2007 at 1:17am
I like that Blink, "no matter where you are, there you are."

the brain is still a mystery to me, but it is a vehicle of consciousness can be affected by drugs we feed into it orally or otherwise.
have never had a sleep disorder, so have never taken sleeping pills, but clicking out physically is much different than clicking out as defined by TMI.

Dude defines it really well. I can add that my brain supplies to me images, when I click out, I click back into a different scene, aware that I've just changed the scenery and must quickly make an adjustment to the new scene or I will click back to C1, or my brain pattern will change to cause me to not recall a thing perhaps.

I know that we are multi dimensional beings David9. we are merely at the beginning stages of ascertaining our multi dimensional beings.

tonite I just realized I have some more verification for you all, maybe not for all, but just for me, Kate, and Juditha.
for what it's worth here, you all must know how much I enjoy doing PE. Well, Kate had a dream that she met me and Juditha out "there." and that Juditha and I were cooking something up.

when I first read Kates's dream, I listened up because so many come here and relate something that does occur later. I knew that in C1 I watch Juditha, I see her grow, I enjoy that, but I wasn't sure about Kate's dream until today.

we have indeed been working together on this board out there. We are on the orb thread suporting each other, we are on the humor byways together to lighten up this board, we are both mediums. I am not traditional medium like Juditha is studying, but I can do the same work as a medium if I choose to. so why wouldn't we be meeting out there?
thats what friends do of like mind, they meet out there. someday we will remember, but right now we have people like Kate, who help us connect the dots.

love, alysia
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... Who takes away death's sting deprives life of bitterness
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Choose this Day

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Re: clicking out
Reply #6 - Jul 6th, 2007 at 1:18am
I like that Blink, "no matter where you are, there you are."

the brain is still a mystery to me, but it is a vehicle of consciousness can be affected by drugs we feed into it orally or otherwise.
have never had a sleep disorder, so have never taken sleeping pills, but clicking out physically is much different than clicking out as defined by TMI.

Dude defines it really well. I can add that my brain supplies to me images, when I click out, I click back into a different scene, aware that I've just changed the scenery and must quickly make an adjustment to the new scene or I will click back to C1, or my brain pattern will change to cause me to not recall a thing perhaps.

I know that we are multi dimensional beings David9. we are merely at the beginning stages of ascertaining our multi dimensional beings.

tonite I just realized I have some more verification for you all, maybe not for all, but just for me, Kate, and Juditha.
for what it's worth here, you all must know how much I enjoy doing PE. Well, Kate had a dream that she met me and Juditha out "there." and that Juditha and I were cooking something up.

when I first read Kates's dream, I listened up because so many come here and relate something that does occur later. I knew that in C1 I watch Juditha, I see her grow, I enjoy that, but I wasn't sure about Kate's dream until today.

we have indeed been working together on this board out there. We are on the orb thread suporting each other, we are on the humor byways together to lighten up this board, we are both mediums. I am not traditional medium like Juditha is studying, but I can do the same work as a medium if I choose to. so why wouldn't we be meeting out there?
thats what friends do of like mind, they meet out there. someday we will remember, but right now we have people like Kate, who help us connect the dots.

love, alysia
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... Who takes away death's sting deprives life of bitterness
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Afterlife Knowledge Member

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New Hampshire
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Re: clicking out
Reply #7 - Jul 9th, 2007 at 10:47pm
Dude--- very nicely explained.  When at TMI, that same explanation was verbalized to the participants.  When I click out--- I am "there" receiving a spiritual "blog" (rote of information) but my simple brain can't translate it into simple terms.  In order to prevent my brain from shorting out a fuse, I click out as a protection.  When persons experiment with drugs, there will be times when the user does not click out ---- thereby overloading the simple brain with exponentially superior information which cannot be translated --- causing the user to go berserk.  I worked with such a person who was always in a stupor when trying to express his experience after taking drugs to induce an obe.  He was still in counseling after 15 years.  He even went to Medjugorje in Bosnia to find his answers.  The trouble is, he can't even translate his questions.
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The three things you can never take back:
The spoken word.
The unkind thought.
The misused hour.
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