Lucy wrote on Jun 14th, 2007 at 11:23pm:Hi, my name is Greg, I am Lucy's son,
I wondered about that because sometimes I pick up smells that remind me of close people who have died, for example a very close almost grandfather to me smoked cigars alot and some times I pick up that smell at odd times in extremely peculiar circumstances, such as walking through a busy intersection.
The only reason I doubt the OBE possibility Is that I vividly remember being awake, and I remember checking to see if I could wiggle my toes. but on the other hand I usually get used to the dark and can usually discern objects in the room given approxamately 5 min. also I remember comparing the light I saw to the slivers of light that came through the shades and it was more like a consatnt glow rather than the light that came through the shades.
Also I was wondering if I was supposed to feel anything, because the light never took a definite shape, and I never got any overwhelming emotions, so I can't even determine if it was human.
I'm new at this so I'm sorry the only way I can "discuss" this is to just sort of splatter my ideas on the canvas of the screen.
thank you,
Hi Greg, you're doing fine with your canvas. you are most likely very sensitive and just becoming aware of it. Sometimes spirits first show up as light. the basis of our essence is what is called light, in truth, what appears as solid matter is actually found to be particles of light which move at certain frequencies.
you may have a friendly spirit watching your degree of development appearing as light. they do not want to frighten you by taking form. perhaps you might want to explore it further. its up to you, but guides are able to read what you are thinking, as a yay or a nay. the smelling of your grandfathers tobacco is imho, a sign he is around you now and then, perhaps watching you, to assist your development, perhaps the light was him.
do not fear the unknown, although we all do at first. its just natural. you weren't necessarily supposed to feel anything but I'm glad you were not terrorized, some are.
I know about the smelling phenonmenon. I lost my dog once and she smelled like sulfur in a pleasant doggy way. she came to say goodbye to me with her smell. it was quite an experience. come see us anytime and tell us if anything else happens! love, alysia