Kate quote:
If I was lucid then I'm excited all over again. That dream was unlike any other I've ever had in my entire life. I'm quite proud of myself. Grin
So you had a glimpse of your future? Wow. That's incredible. Has what you saw happened yet?
u should always be proud of yourself, I thing thats what your dad would say, and I believe he would be right! dreams can mark the future, or point out something we know, but forgot we knew. sometimes its not important they were lucid, they still most often hold a message. about once or twice in a 3 month period I'll dream and it will happen. some call it dreaming true, some call it precognition, some of the dreams show me where I should be working on my character or belief system to improve.
you might even get yourself a dream regarding the problem you have with your family on your husbands side. it can make everything all right!
for instance, I was having trouble with a neighbor and I went obe (or lucid dream) and met his guide with him and we three talked about things. next day we solved our problems! hey....keep up the good work! love, alysia