Hi Mendel, first, its good to see you here again. I have always felt close to you, if feelings count for anything around here
I will need to read every word from everybody here but its early and while my thoughts are this fresh I'll jot them down and return later..I'm sure we all have part of the answers part of the time, but not all the answers all of the time.
I spent about 10 years or so thinking about the meaning of the holocaust. book after book, personal story after personal story I scrutinized all the while thinking I had an obsession going on that I felt uneasy about just reading the holocaust. must have read 100 books. I was searching how a whole people could march asleep into their deaths.
I put myself among them and pictured myself there. another life? if we are all one, and this body is not the totality of what I am, where I have been and what I am to become, then it's not hard to picture oneself with a group of people who were in essense sacrificial lambs on the alter of life.
what I discovered is the Jewish people were martyrs. they were sacrificing themselves, and they had to be asleep to the machine which grinded up their lives, or they would not be this sacrificial lamb. They came to show mankind is capable of being brutal, the opposite of what god is. No one would willingly march into death and so they were conned insofar as their C1 awareness, which is vastly different from higher self consciousness which holds all the answers. this may be why the bible says they were chosen ones, but in another sense we all are chosen ones, to evolve ourselves into love, into one for all, and all for one, Oneness and self responsibility.
It was a path to learn courage most of all, and a few awoke to courage and joined the resistance ranks. think you not the learning of courage is a valid life mission?
It is only in the high drama of survival that true courage can be born. Elie Weiss (spelling?) gave me some of the best answers.
As a cloud of oneness the Jewish race once more descended upon the planet after being wiped out, children thrown into the ovens alive, think you that we could ever have heaven on Earth when such a thing is allowed?
they came back as a cloud of beings, dispersed themselves back into life after having earned the right to be born again. some would remember, some would not. What Weiss said struck me hard: he said: a chant was taken up by the Jews "NEVER AGAIN!"
They had returned. they would not allow this to happen again. They demonstrated as these sacrificial lamb journey, to the whole world, to be put in the history books for all to see, what man is capable of when man has no god, but worships instead the genetics, the body, the dna, the "white race supremacy." A lie it is as big as Texas.
When Weiss said that, my obsession was over with the holocaust. my heart rested easily. he had captured the truth in two words for me. Never again. He had spoken for god. he had told me everything I needed to know.
We are not to single out the Germans as the fault. They were asleep also. They suffered to know that they slept to the truth also. the point is as One, individuals are made up of the One. We are all responsible for what we each believe, and the order to kill stems from a belief system. Each are responsible to not be taken in by a voice of authority, of charisma, of "save the world, from this or that threat."
No, there's no set up here to prevent us from doing anything. We have only to get in touch with higher thought and the value of loving each other the same way you love yourself. This was even taught by a Jewish man himself a martyr.
we've got to get back to the premise we are one with our creator, as co-creators. the simplicity of it alludes us all.
now that I got that off my chest, I'll read you guys, and thanks for this topic, a good one!