Hi there Richman, interesting post. I couldn't agree more with some of the things you said. One of the things i disagree with (not with you, but in general), but don't try to concentrate on, especially in the New age world/community is the tendency for people to try to spend most of their time with those who are like minded and into the same stuff as they.
Sure, it feels good to be with those on a similar wavelength, and its not very challenging, but to me its much more rewarding though sometimes a bit more challenging to be an energy transformer (though its not really us, but the Spirit or Father within us).
Much like you wrote in the below:
Quote:My problem with those false "masters" was when they were afraid of being "contaminated" by "demons" or "people that were negative" . These JOKERS were "condemning" beings that were in darkness, and trying to go "HIGH" so they could be "pure". GEE, these people in darkness, are our brothers and sisters, and they need to be "loved" and helped, not have "negative" labels placed on them.
At that meeting i mentioned, there was some complaints about "negative" people, which again i do not agree with, but try to let it flow in and out like water.
As for the rest, i sort of see where you are coming from with the Chakras, etc. cause i've tried that perspective. Actually first i went with the 'higher" chakra perspective thing, then switched over to something like what you talked about, and then have sort of gone back to the original perspective but with more actual understanding of the metaphysics of it.
All in all, i've come to believe that the Universe works in really simple ways, on simple laws and princples, and once you understand the key parts, most everything else becomes easy to understand.
1. Like attracts and begets like on all energy levels, in all consciousnesses, dimensions, etc. 2. As above, so below.
3. There are only two states of beingness in this Universe , and one of them is ultimately an illusion because its temporal--yet the interplay between these manifests a amazing spectrum of relative degrees and shades of these two. These are Source-ness and unSourceness, which you can also call Love and unlove. One comes from Source and we can be potential channels for same, and the other is a creation or rather a manifesting of our own making and is not of Source originally except in the sense that it came from us and we are of Source.
How does this relate to Chakars, to concepts of "higher and lower", etc. Pretty simple, the more loving and Source like one becomes, the more one opens up as a channel of that, the faster the rate of their vibration gets.
Love is all inclusiveness, unity, Oneness, right. Hence its the most "expanded" state possible, the "Spirit" spectrum of what Bruce calls the One field. That which speeds up in rate of vibration, automatically "expands" though this is a misnomer since physical space as we understand it doesn't exist.
Our Chakras, and our endocrine glands are patterned after this Universal truth of vibration. It's in a represenational image in our body, because that's what the body is, a reflection, a image, its in a sense "encoded" info. A pattern of the real, but not quite real itself because its a temporal reflection.
In the Earth, in the physical, we have states of contraction and expansion, the Earth is a collective manifestation of those who chose to manifest reality in an unSource like way. They took a spiritual pattern, changed it, and in doing it they stepped down the rate of vibration of what once was a pure consciousness free of form. The Earth as always existed as a consciousness, but not always as a "form".
In spiritual energies and dimensions, there is the state of pure positive energy, or that of pure expansion.
To be continued..(because this post is getting too long).