I guess because you were "LOVING" or "wonderful state" as you put it, the "negative" or "dark" whatever-they-were shadows wanted nothing to do with you or you didn't have what "they" wanted. Seems to be the case with me , too.
Isn't it wonderful!
As to divorce, the 2 people that wrote before me, have the right idea. Divorce was a painful experience, that took me many years to get my head straight about it. I keep thinking that "she" would "wake up" and see what a "great" guy I was.
The opposite happened, after many years I was able to see that we just grew apart because I wasn't into what she was doing, and she wasn't into what I was doing. Anything Spiritual put her right to sleep. And stuff she was interested in bored me. Although, in beginning of relationship we both were into doing the same stuff and had a WONDERFUL TIME together doing it!
Problem was at time of divorce, I closed my HEART , and was too afraid to OPEN it for many years, for FEAR I would get hurt again. Worst mistake I could have made, and created depression and dark times. I OPEN my HEART for me now, because it's good for me, and by LOVING EVERYONE at all times (including, animals, plants,tree's,ect... I couldn't care less if someone doesn't "love" me back at all (I just see that person has a closed heart, like I used to have) . I had it all backwards, I was only going to "LOVE" the "right" person, but in my search everyone always had something wrong with them, so I never "loved" anyone. NOT ANYMORE! LESSON LEARNED!
P.S. Loving someone doesn't mean I have to do what they say I should do, to show them I love them, it just means I send out the same energy I receive and do what FEELS RIGHT in MY HEART, not what someone else's ego thinks I should do! FREEDOM!