New Member
Posts: 40
I sort of think that each person has to come to a decision about that one in their Heart, and after MUCH PRAYER!
Anyway, I once had "someone" say to me, "You are always talking about LOVE,LOVE,LOVE, what if you get to Heaven and God says, you shouldn't have loved everyone, and GOD sends you to HELL, what would you do? I answered immediately, I would Thank GOD and tell HIM I"m only gonna continue telling everyone in HELL how LOVING GOD IS!
The other person had no answer to that one.
I will tell you one thing, if most of the people on this board are talking about LOVE , and bringing LOVE to those we sense have "passed on", then, so what , if it's all wrong and after we die, and find NOTHING HAPPENS and we are no more. It's a better trip to ATTEMPT to help, in a way that is LOVING.
One final point, I wouldn't be able to do any of this "love" traveling without the "LOVE" of God flowing into and out of me. So LOVE from above had to FLOW into me to be able to move into the NEW realm.
But, everyone has to come to their own decision on this matter, and it would feel horrible to try to PUSH someone to believe something that they didn't want to believe. And I respect everyone's beliefs about this subject.