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Afterlife Knowledge Member
Posts: 596
Missoula, Montana
-than eternal torture does, as far as the subject of "Hell" is concerned. Think about this. "God" wants people to choose "him" of their OWN FREE WILL. "He" wants people who DESIRE TO BE WITH HIM. Those who DON'T want to be with "him" (I myself fall rather neatly into this category, along with just about everyone who's ever meant anything to me) are to be discarded. The only question is: are they(we!) discarded into eternal howling torture, OR into peaceful oblivion??? Think about this. I'm sure that if the Christian god is for real, "he" isn't into INEFFICIENCY. "He" will want one nicely-defined group (the "sheep") and ANOTHER nicely-defined group (the "goats.") That way, nobody can cry foul - right? O.K.--- BUT - if eternal torture is the true option, then there will be a HUGE group of "Christians" who need to be discarded... the ones who converted to Christianity NOT because they loved "God" and wanted to be with "Him", but those who were AFRAID OF HELL. And this group would be, BY FAR, the bigger group of Christians - and they'd have to come over and go into the fire with us honest "God"-rejecters, wouldn't they now..? In other words, people wouldn't be GETTING WHAT THEY CHOSE! People who decided AGAINST "Hell", would get it! And "God" would be a word-mincer (why did "He" say "the wages of sin is DEATH", instead of "the wages of sin is TORTURE?" *WHAT SORT OF "GOD"* WOULD MINCE HIS WORDS???????????) And HOW INEFFICIENT! There would be a whole new, and un-economical step added. In addition to the welcoming of true Christians into "Heaven", and the tossing of honest un-believers (like yours truly) into "Hell", he'd have a whole THIRD class of people (the "bad God-acceptors") to deal with. What would be the point? With Annihilationism, it makes MUCH more sense. Why? -Those who chose "God", get "Eternal Life" as an undead creature or what have you. They get what they CHOSE, no surprises or word-mincing. -Those who REJECTED "God", get what THEY were expecting - oblivion! After all, it is mostly atheists/agnostics who actually REJECT "God", and they expect oblivion after they die. SO, with Annihilationism, they get what THEY chose - no surprises or word-mincing! AND, nobody can cry foul! With Annihilationism, Christians can truly say, that EVERYONE will get what they TRULY CHOSE. (After all, one can imagine millions of people choosing oblivion, but millions choosing ENDLESS TORTURE stretches credulity a bit too far.) ***SO***--- Unless you think that "God" will accept conversions based on rank, funk FEAR (and relative indifference toward "Him" on the part of the convert) - in other words, "God" is a LEGALIST, who isn't interested in the QUALITY of the convert's devotion, or the convert's motivations... that "He" doesn't care if the sinner is truly turning to "Him", all that matters is that the appropriate magical spell was uttered by the "sinner""- THEN if you want to be a Christian, you have to assume that Annihilationism is true, and NOT the eternal torture doctrine. (Just because legalistic Republicans tend to be Christians, doesn't make "God" a legalistic Republican, I'm pretty damned sure of that..!)