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Robert Monroe Visit (Read 5096 times)
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Robert Monroe Visit
Apr 29th, 2007 at 2:11pm
4/27/07 - Visit with Robert Monroe

After being wakened up by my dogs, telling me they had to go out, we took a short walk around the lake I live on. Being up about an hour or so, I lie back down, it is now 6:00am.

After a few breathes, I enter Focus 10, with the intent of visiting the Park, Reception Station (Grand meeting place – Spirit Hospital), in 27, to learn more, and to visit with loved ones.

As I lifted out, and went through the black void, and into the mist or fog, I could see the glowing city, and was now gliding over the great city. I saw the slopes, and the Reception Station, and willed myself down onto the white glowing pavement, at the entranceway.

People were filing in, as they passed by me. New arrivals dressed in normal Earthly attire, as well as some helpers, while the inhabitants of 27, wore, Greek, and Roman type robes, of white, and various pastel colors. For those not familiar with Focus 27, it is Robert Monroe’s label; it has also been referred to as an area of our Afterlife, known as Paradise, or Heaven. Myself, I label it as an aspect of Heaven.

I was about to enter, when a man in a blue suit, standing near one of the beautifully sculpted statues distracted me. He motioned me over, as I was now standing in front of him, he looked vaguely familiar. A little taller than myself, about 5’10”, I am 5’8”. He appeared to be in his late forties, early fifties, with dark short hair.

I never met him but knew instantly he was OBE traveler Robert Monroe, Mainly by instinctive energy, and by his thought impressions.

“Well, Rick, I believe it’s about time we met.” Mr. Monroe said.

“You know me?” I replied.

“I know of you. You’ve been too many levels and places, you remind me, of myself. It’s amazing, once you start you just can’t stop. Mr. Monroe said.

“I have had some very interesting experiences. Most find it hard to believe.

"But I encourage people to venture where I have been, to discover for themselves”. I said.

“That is why I met you here today. I think you are ready” Mr. Monroe said.

“Ready? Ready for what? I said.

“Why, the next leg of your voyage”. Mr. Monroe said.

I looked puzzled, but interested.

“Come with me”. Mr. Monroe said.

         We entered the great hall of the Reception Station, and walked past tables and chairs, that were occupied by thousands of new arrivals, to go through the acclimation process.

“You see all these people Rick, the one thing that sets them apart from you I, and many others that have discovered this place, is they had to wait until their physical life was over, to do so!” Mr. Monroe said.

As I stood there and looked over the huge crowd, Robert Monroe spoke to me again.

“Come with me, I want to show you something”. Mr. Monroe said, as he nodded his head in the direction that I should follow.

As we walked, I could see way across the room, there were countless rooms, with doors on each side that went on what seemed like forever.

Suddenly the scene around us changed, and we were now in one of the brightly-lit rooms. Wood paneled walls, carpeted floor, and light with such brilliance was coming through a huge window, but not harsh light, soft, white, luminescent, and beautifully comforting light.

“Come, lay down, it’s all right”. Mr. Monroe said.

As I lay down, I could feel this couch welcome me, as if it had energy, and a soul of it’s own, as it sculpted itself around me.

“Concentrate on my hand”. Mr. Monroe said, as he held his hand, palm side towards me, as he stood over me.

Just then, I felt, in my mind, the strongest frequency I have ever felt. So strong, that I found myself back in my physical body, with my eyes open, and awake. After I composed myself, I closed my eyes to evaluate what had just happened, still not being able to move, I was catapulted back to the room in 27, with Robert Monroe, and back on the couch.

“Now this time relax”. Mr. Monroe said, repeating the steps with his hand raised.


As the sound and frequency, grew stronger, and louder, this time it wasn’t so bad. As I lay there, the vibrations filled my body, and an image or code of numerical sequences raced through my mind. 4-9-1-6-9-4-1-6-6-9-1-4, and so on.


At that moment I returned to my physical body, and was up refreshed, and wide-awake. And the frequency that was in my mind now seems like a part of me, and just thinking about it, recreates it within me.


I will use this new frequency to see where it leads me next.

This page from my log also appears on my website,

Dimensiomally Yours,


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Mr. Nobody
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Re: Robert Monroe Visit
Reply #1 - Apr 29th, 2007 at 3:58pm
Fascinating Rick!

Maybe someone here can find significance in the sequence of numbers ( or not)

Of course the real adventure will be seeing where the new frequency will lead you.

How exciting! I'd be very interested in hearing more as your journey continues.

Tim F.

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Re: Robert Monroe Visit
Reply #2 - Apr 29th, 2007 at 5:38pm
hey! thanks for your website link. will check it out for sure Smiley

this sounds just like Monroe, would act this way. I believe it was a real meeting and you were supposed to post this today.
those numbers, denoting frequency are interesting as Bob worked with tone and frequency a lot, with hemi sync. I thought it intrigueing, you got catapulted back to physical C1, thats like a blinking in and out to me..fascinating indeed!
I often think about the way consciousness blinks in and out.

its like a mathmatical universe I'm reminded. and gosh, all those folks are transitioned and have to learn what you already are learning while still in a body. thats good news.

I'm so glad Monre still thinks about us here....thanks again Rick, you made my day. love, alysia
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Re: Robert Monroe Visit
Reply #3 - Apr 29th, 2007 at 11:42pm


 Fantastic experience. Sounds similar to a conglomeration of mine with Robert Monroe.
 That embracing light - PUL - Monroe introduced me to it after I requested it. He said it
 was a birthright, not something that generally needed to be given to me from someone else, I could receive it from within. A great lesson.

 This then points to what your numerical code might stand for. Each soul has a unique
 vibration/identifier, set of tones. Monroe may have either downloaded to you his or your own.
 I like the the title words of your site: Time travel. That has been one of my favorite activities lately
 while projecting.

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Re: Robert Monroe Visit
Reply #4 - Apr 29th, 2007 at 11:53pm
This is truly fascinating.  Perhaps there can be some "verification" for this meeting.  Apparently, Robert Monroe had a habit of writing esoteric equations and numbers down and giving them to people.  There was a post by someone from TMI - I think Mairlynn knows of this, who was getting ongoing messages from Monroe (despite Don's insistence that the family swore no one could still communicate with him).  Anyway, I recall reading some of the communications in which, from the afterlife, the seemingly esoteric numbers and equations were explained in detail.

If Rick hadn't heard or read of these instances it lends strong credence to this being a true after death communication (ADC).  Perhaps someone here close to TMI can try to find out more about the series of numbers Rick was given.

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Re: Robert Monroe Visit
Reply #5 - Apr 30th, 2007 at 12:34am
Yes, Matthew, I would require verification to be impressed.  Robert's daughter Laurie, the late President of TMI, attended one of Bruce's workshops and expressed disdain for claims that her Dad was still appearing to astral travelers.  If Robert were to appear to anyone, I'd expect him to appear to his own family and the employees at TMI.  To me, Rick's claim resembles all the Napoleons who show up at mass past life regression events.  On the other hand, I'd love to convinced that I'm wrong and have nothing vested in being right about this.  So, Rick, if you can contact Robert again and persuade him to offer you verification, I'd be grateful.  Of all poople, Robert should recognize how important verification is to promoting his cause.

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« Last Edit: Apr 30th, 2007 at 2:10am by Berserk »  
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Mr. Nobody
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Re: Robert Monroe Visit
Reply #6 - Apr 30th, 2007 at 1:22am
Hi Matthew,

The formulae that Mr. Monroe inscribed in books are of a different character than the sequence of numbers that Rick has described. Some of Monroe's formulae have been published; I have one personally inscribed. If you have access, look at them and compare.

Hi Don,

I know you are being sincere in your post, yet it still has an element of insult and disdain to it.  Those are qualities I've learned to associate with you in this forum. If you could leave those feeling tones out of your posts, it might help with the process of communication....

My own feeling is that Robert Monroe is interested in anyone who is actively pursuing the paths he trailblazed. To say that he would only be interested in meeting his family and TMI co-workers is ludicrous and shows a very limited viewpoint of the nature of the soul.

I've met Robert Monroe physically and non-physically. I feel no need to prove it to anyone.  Rick doesn't have to prove it. This is a safe place to share non-physical experience, right? If anyone doesn't like the lack of proof... don't read or engage the thread. Rick's intention isn't to convince anyone or convert you to his beliefs or viewpoint.  He's just sharing his experience for those that are interested in it. If you don't like the story he's telling because you want "proof" I say.... get your own personal proof.

There's nothing preventing you from doing so... except a belief in the limits of your own potential.

        Tim F.

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Re: Robert Monroe Visit
Reply #7 - Apr 30th, 2007 at 2:01am
I met Monroe nonphysically and wide awake. I don't have to prove it either.
He's a very loving person, sort of like a big shining sun in my mind, felt brotherly vibes. I did this imagination exercise where I tried to meet him. it didn't happen so I forgot about it. then later, and this has happened with several other guides and spirits, where I'm in C1 and they step into the room.

I was actually asked to seat myself. I did and he told me a few things and then just smiled like an old friend. then I was recalling how I had tried to reach him that one time. I felt really lucky he came to see me, as I've never been to TMI.

thanks Tim, I didn't know you  met him nonphysically too. I'm glad to hear that.

Smiley  feels like a coming out party or something around here!
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... Who takes away death's sting deprives life of bitterness
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Re: Robert Monroe Visit
Reply #8 - Apr 30th, 2007 at 12:18pm
I don't believe I have ever meet Mr Monroe yet , non-physically , but I believe he could travel to Astral Realms and meet other people who had died. 

So, it seems strange that the family of Mr Monroe would say NOBODY can meet him just because they couldn't.  I can see the "problem" come up , if some people start telling their Center to do what "Mr. Monroe is telling them inwardly" to do, second generation people start to put in place RULES so they can maintain POWER.   And we all realize well-meaning people would have SECOND PHASE experience of useing their imagination and make up stuff.  So, as general rule, Center would be wise to dis-courage people reporting Meeting Mr. Monroe.  How about Jesus, or Buddha , the Church would say people can't talk to Jesus only the POPE (maybe), and Buddha doesn't talk! Smiley

So is this TRUE about seeing Mr MONROE in Astral Plane, could be, I like this WEB site because it adds NEW dimension, get verification from second physical person that you experienece the same thing the same way.  Love the idea of PHYSICAL -ASTRAL companion! Smiley
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Re: Robert Monroe Visit
Reply #9 - Apr 30th, 2007 at 1:04pm
Hi alysia,

Thank you for your kind comments. I am also pleased that you also have met Robert Monroe. For a moment after the encounter, I thought I was alone. And yes, for me it certianly was, an amazing experience, be catapulted back to 27, sort of like being shot out of a cannon, or pushed off a tall cliff.

PUL to you always, alysia

Thank you for setting some straight, on their commenting. I never try to decieve anyone about my experiences. I only wish to share with humanity, what I have witnessed, through my explorations.

I have never seen any of Robert Monroe's written codes, and only briefly read through a couple of his books.

And as far as the family stating that they never had any contact with Mr. Monroe, this I was not aware of. I feel that they have, but wish to keep it private, as there might be some important work that he is still working on, and transmitting through those close to them, of for personal reasons, wish to discourage this yype of publicity. I respect their choices, and respect what TMI stands for.

For myself, family has the closest ties to him, and the eternal link of love binds us all for erternity. I have made contact with my late Wife, and mother several times, and have spent many good times on the other side with them. And I still have daily contact with my wife, through the use of crystals, and a couple times a month, I visit her where she resides now, or she visits me through my OBE's. And it has been two years since she transitioned.

Anyway I know that Mr. Monroe is constantly around family, and the institute, he was  so much a part of, and visits it, and them frequently.

The only way anyone can verify, or believe what I am saying, is for them to explore for themselves. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, as they search through second hand, written,or recited, information, and can believe, or not believe what i have stated. So the question is, do you believe a man that says he has fallen off a cliff, or the man that is now lying at the bottom of the cliff

In short, you can believe what others Skeptically deny, or believe someone that has been there in the spirit realms, and witnessed this for themselves.

If I have another encounter with Mr. Monroe, I will galdy post it. In my book, BEYOND THE REALM..."We Are More Than Physical Beings!", I also state my encounters with, Marlyn Monroe, and Frank Sinatra, both already deseased. And not in my book an astral encounter, with the now living Cher, in her astral sleep state.

For what ever the reason for these encounters, for myself, and others, remember, we are all conected, and all answers will be revealed to all, once we make the final transition.

Dimensionally Yours,

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Re: Robert Monroe Visit
Reply #10 - Apr 30th, 2007 at 1:13pm
richman wrote on Apr 30th, 2007 at 12:18pm:
I don't believe I have ever meet Mr Monroe yet , non-physically , but I believe he could travel to Astral Realms and meet other people who had died. 

So, it seems strange that the family of Mr Monroe would say NOBODY can meet him just because they couldn't.  I can see the "problem" come up , if some people start telling their Center to do what "Mr. Monroe is telling them inwardly" to do, second generation people start to put in place RULES so they can maintain POWER.   And we all realize well-meaning people would have SECOND PHASE experience of useing their imagination and make up stuff.  So, as general rule, Center would be wise to dis-courage people reporting Meeting Mr. Monroe.  How about Jesus, or Buddha , the Church would say people can't talk to Jesus only the POPE (maybe), and Buddha doesn't talk! Smiley

So is this TRUE about seeing Mr MONROE in Astral Plane, could be, I like this WEB site because it adds NEW dimension, get verification from second physical person that you experienece the same thing the same way.  Love the idea of PHYSICAL -ASTRAL companion! Smiley

Hi Richman, you bring up the same concern I had, that the reason people don't report their explorations and experiences here in any detail, is because these are personal experiences and important only to us for what was revealed.

in my case I'll fall back on this particular guideline: you can only receive info that you already have inside of you but which is unconscious to you. Monroe did not divulge any great secret of the universe to me. he simply revealed to me I had some plans in my mind and he joined in with those plans and approved.

nothing to anybody else, but an inspirational thought for myself and about myself and in the end it doesn't matter whether anybody believes me.

Imagination is the doorway only, more of us could read Bruce's books and discover wonderful methods of self exploration and making connections with others, both physical and nonphysical. I'm glad that you find this board stimulating Richman, I have always found it that way too.
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Re: Robert Monroe Visit
Reply #11 - Apr 30th, 2007 at 1:26pm
Hi again, Rickt. I'd like to read your book someday. I sometimes meet movie stars that I like out there as well, just brief encounters but I always remember and write it down for future reference. and I like to read other's stories of their encounters. I have recently woken up to that the physical world is a movie, but the nonphysical world is where the action takes place before it manifests into physical I'm a little blown away right now, in a good way of course. I'm very happy these days and I too wish to pass on whatever I can, in the most gentle way and nonthreatening way, but people do tend to be very afraid of this other world, its just human nature to fear the unknown, me included.

love, alysia
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