Ex Member
Don't think Revelations is really about the future much, if at all. I think its more like a dream, encoded info about a spiritual process of inner awakening that John was experiencing and which bodily wise (as related to mental and spiritual energies) is also rather universal in nature though yet with differences potentially.
There is a lot of numerological and astrological info encoded in there, which i also believe relates to the 7 main Chakras, which in turn relates the physical manifestations of those subtle energy centers which we call endocrine glands.
For example if anyone is interested from the Cayce readings. If read from this perspective, then it becomes a fascinating journey into how the body relates to the emotions, mental, and spiritual aspects of a Soul, the process of a Soul within a body raising that body's vibrations towards that of Spirit or pure Light again which is what E.C said Jesus did.
"The Revelation study as this: Know, as there is given each emblem, each condition, it is representing or presenting to self a study of thine own body, with all of its emotions, all of its faculties. All of its physical centers represents experiences through which thine own mental and spiritual and physical being pass. For it is indeed the revelation of self." Reading 1173-8
"If you will read the Book of Revelation with the idea of the body as the interpretation*, you will understand yourself and learn to really analyze, psychoanalyze, mentally analyze others. But you will have to learn to apply it in self first." Reading 4083-1
*there is a constant and repeated teaching from this source that the body is a pattern of spiritual/nonphysical energies, and thus it is like a projected image/reflection of same which encodes info related to spiritual energies.
"The Revelation is a description of, a possibility of, thy own consciousness*, and not as a historical fact, not as a fancy, but as that thy own soul has sought throughout its experiences." Reading 1473-1 *meaning i believe towards that of Christ or all inclusive, full Oneness consciousness.
"17. (Q) Does Babylon symbolize self? (A) Babylon symbolizes self.
18. (Q) Does Rev. 18 give some idea in symbols of the effect of the fall of self - selfishness? (A) It does.
19. (Q) Does the marriage of the Lamb symbolize the complete spiritualization of the body? Please explain. (A) As there has been given through the whole portion of Revelation; first how the symbols of the activity of the body mentally, spiritually, physically, are affected by influences in the earth - and as to how now the body has been raised to the realizations of the associations with spirit and matter through mind, the builder, and comes now to that as represented by the Lamb - or the mind, spiritual - that has now so raised the body as to become as a new being; or as was given by Him - the body is the church, the Christ- Consciousness is that activity which motivates same within the individual." Reading 281-36
"(Q)- What are the four angels that are bound within the river Euphrates? (A)- As has been indicated, the four influences that are as the Air, the Earth, the Fire, the Water." Reading 281-32
"In considering the study, the seeking of the Group as here, and that as has been given: The Book thus far, as has been given, is the study of the body, the mind, the soul; the physical body, its attributes; the mental body, its associations and attributes; the soul body and its attributes.
4. Now we have reached the point as implied by the book as eaten, the rod as given to John; that these understandings are now to be, and are, applied in the experience of the individual ENTITY - in its relationships to its fellow man. [Rev. 10:10, Rev. 11:1]
5. Hence we see in the symbolized form that as now gives place to the references as to the influences from without, that have had, do have, their influences upon these activative forces in the human experience - or the individual experience in this material life.
6. Now: In the study of the rest or the last half of the Revelation, we find this is referring to the application, the effect, the influence - and, as in the end, "Whosoever will may come, drink of the water of life and be whole in Him."
7. Ready for questions.
8. (Q) What is meant by the 2 witnesses mentioned in Rev. 11:3? Are they the mental and emotional bodies of the soul of man? (A) As has been made reference, now - the Book of Life has been eaten. It is in the mouth, sweet; in the belly (or the body), bitter.
This may be the interpretation then: the mental or the subconscious; but rather is it the CONSCIOUS PHYSICAL lives, or the attributes and the consciousness in the EXPERIENCE of the soul in the attributes of a physical consciousness!
Do not confuse self; and many of you are wondering just what it is. Then, as has been so oft given, all of this was recognized by John. Hence all of this is given in form, ritual, the emblems, what we may term numerology, astrology, and all the forms of the ancient wisdoms; yet it is represented by the activities of same upon a physical being.
As has so oft been given, an individual experience in the earth plane is motivated by that which arises from its sojourns in the influences of the consciousnesses outside of the physical being - or as ye would say astrologically the sojourn in the environ of Venus, Jupiter, Mars, Neptune, Saturn, Uranus, Sun, Moon, and the constellations and those effects upon same - emotionally from the INNATE forces; AND by the EMOTIONAL effect from sojourns in the earth. Both of these are witnesses.
As the Book of Life then is opened, there is seen the effect of that which now has been attained by the opening of the system, the body, the mind; all of those effects that have been created by the ability of the entity to, in the physical, being attune self to the consciousness of being at-one with the divine within.
Now we see those in the material world using these influences for self-exaltation, self-indulgence, self-glorification; and yet we see those using same for the glory, the understanding, the knowledge, the wisdom of the Father.
These then are the witnesses. The innate and the emotional; or the spiritual-mental, the physical-mental; the subconscious, the superconscious.
9. (Q) Explain the symbol of the death of the 2 witnesses. (A) As in the symbol of - Does the individual, unless - Let's illustrate by what has been given: The Master gave, "Before the world was, I AM! Now if ye abide in me and I in the Father, then I will bring to thy remembrance ALL THINGS - from the foundations of the world!"
Yet these are as dead, or the only consciousness that arises from same is that which is fanned into life or activity by the application of the laws concerning same. Hence they are as dead, yet become alive again by remembrance, by the application of thought. In what? The light of that which has been attained by the entity or soul that has applied the former lessons in its experience.
10. (Q) What is meant by the "great city which is called Sodom and Egypt, where also our Lord was crucified"? (A) As has been so oft given, all places - as Egypt or Sodom or the Crucifixion, or the Lord - are conditions, circumstances, experiences, as well as individual places. Then in the minds of those who would attempt or that would seek knowledge, they represent their own experiences. Thus these to the people represent - Egypt, the release from bondage; Gomorrah, as a reckoning with sin - as the Lord was crucified there. As has been given, there has never been an experience when His Christ-mas, His death, His birth, wasn't an experience of the age, the people. Though it may go under many names, as an individual may be under many names, in many environs, there is one - ONE that ever comes as is shown in that later given as to those who have the name in the hand, in the head or in the forehead and the like; that is, what is the intent and purpose. Just as the Savior of the world, as Lord, as Christ - what do these as names indicate? That which is as a help in a time of trouble alone? or that to glory in, in thy joy, thy gladness, thy happiness? How many, O how many have there been that have laughed with God, that have wept with Jesus, that have gloried with the Christ! or rather has it been, "My happiness and my joy is of myself"?
No condemnation; but rather is there the pattern pointed to as was set by Him. He was ALL things to ALL men; rejoiced with those that did rejoice; He wept with those that wept. He was glad, He was happy, He was sorry, He kept the faith.
11. (Q) What is signified by the revival of these witnesses? (A) How hath He given? "If ye meditate on these things, I will bring to thy remembrance all things." The reviving, the renewing, by the abilities of the soul to take hold upon the witnesses of the life itself! And what is life? God!
12. (Q) What is meant by the sounding of the 7th angel? How should time be interpreted as given? (A) Remember, as has been given to him that was given a measure, as a mete, as a rod to measure heaven - as to how large his heaven would be. Alright! Then we have as to how much time - What is time? Is it a record merely of the events of self or of the glory of God? What is the extent of the glory of thy heaven or of thy God? This is as a reckoning. Yet as is shown by the indication of so many days, so many weeks, it is the INCLINATION of the individual mind in materiality to set (as was said of John) metes and bounds; and we judge from - How many days or years have ye set? Nineteen thirty-seven (1937) is what? And thy Lord has been continuous! yet ye say only 1937!
13. (Q) In Rev. 12 we find the symbols of the Woman, Dragon and Child. Do these represent the part played by souls in the creation and fall of man? Please explain the reference of these symbols. (A) Rather is the reference given to show to the individual entity that from which or through which the soul in the earth has passed in its creation, its activity in the earthly sojourn, see?
For as we go on or interpret further we find: The war was in heaven, see? The woman - or the mother - earth; the source from which all materiality is to become a conscious thing - and these are brought forth.
Now, as is given, ye have reached to that understanding of thy perfection with God; how in materiality ye may attune the attributes of self.
Now, from what have ye arisen? These are emblems, significant of that as given as the name of Satan, the Devil, the Dragon or the like, through which man's rebellious forces arise, even though he has attained to the Book even itself in his body! And these are the experiences then to be met.
14. (Q) What is meant here by the war in heaven between Michael and the Devil? (A) As has just been given, as is understood by those here, there is first - as is the spiritual concept - the spiritual rebellion, before it takes mental or physical form. This warring is illustrated there by the war between the Lord of the Way and the Lord of Darkness - or the Lord of Rebellion.
15. (Q) What is meant by the symbols of the wings of eagle given to the woman for escape and "the time and times and half a time"? (A) This is as the entrance into or the flight from materiality into those influences through which the body may rest within itself; as physical, or the mental flight, or that to the astral forces as about its various changes. It is figurative of the transitions from the various spheres of mental experience; by the mind, the spiritual influences as arise - and are as the use of same. Remember, all of these should be then in accord with that ye have attained to, that the Book of Life is given thee. What is the Book of Life?
The record of God, of thee, thy soul within and the knowledge of same." Reading 281-33
"(Q) Are we correct in interpreting the 7 churches as symbols of 7 spiritual centers in the physical body? (A) Correct.
4. (Q) Do we have these correctly placed? As each is called, comment on each in relation to an individual's development and experiences in connection with these centers. Gonads - Ephesus; Lyden - Smyrna; Solar Plexus - Pergamos; Thymus - Thyatira; Thyroid - Sardis; Pineal - Philadelphia; Pituitary - Laodicea. (A) Rather than the commenting, it is well that these are correctly placed, but each individual's EXPERIENCE in the application of that gained by each in his or her experience will be different. To give an interpretation that the opening or activity through a certain center raises or means or applies this or that, then would become rote. But know the way, then each may apply same as his or her environment, ability, experience, gives the opportunity. For know, in all and through all, the activity of self is only as a channel - and God giveth the understanding, the increase, to such; and in the manner as is best fitted for the individual. It is not then as a formula, that there are to be certain activities and certain results. These are true in the sense that they each represent or present the opportunity for the opening to the understanding of the individual. For, as has been given, man is free-willed. And only when this is entirely given, and actively given to the will of the Father may it be even as the life of the Christ.
5. (Q) Which is the highest gland in the body - the pineal or the pituitary? (A) The pituitary!
6. (Q) Are we correct in interpreting the 24 elders as the 24 cranial nerves of the head especially related to the 5 senses? (A) Correct.
7. (Q) Is the frequent reference to the throne indicating the head in which are found the higher gland centers? (A) Correct.
8. (Q) Are we correct in interpreting the 4 beasts as the 4 fundamental physical natures (desires) of man which must be overcome? Give us more light on each of these. (A) Correct.
In all of these, let this be understood: These are symbolized; they are as in these representing the elemental forces - as the body is of the earth, is of the elements. For as has so oft been given, and as may be found in man, every element or every influence that is outside of man is found in the LIVING man - not a dead one but a LIVING man! For the LIVING force is that OF which all that is WAS brought into being. Hence all the influences, all the forces, all the activities are in that. And in man, man's experience, there never has been, never will be found in material activity an instrument, an action, that is not shown as a replica or expression or manifestation of that in a living man; whether it be in this, that or the other of the forces of nature, of activity. For when such is active, unless found in man - or an answer to some thing within, it would not be cognizable by man.
9. (Q) Do we have these 4 beasts placed correctly in relation to the centers in the body and the ancient elementals? Air - Eagle - Thymus? (A) These are RELATIVELY, yes. Relatively correct.
10. (Q) Fire - Lion - Solar Plexus? (A) Correct.
11. (Q) Water - Man - Lyden? (A) Yes.
12. (Q) Earth - Calf - Gonads? (A) Yes.
13. (Q) Is the book with the 7 seals the human body with the 7 spiritual centers? (A) This is correct.
14. (Q) Do we have the opening of the seals correctly placed in our chart? As each is called, give advice that will help us in properly opening these centers. (A) (Interrupting) First, let's give as this: Do not attempt to open any of the centers of the book until self has been tried in the balance of self's own conscious relationship to the Creative Forces and not found wanting by the spiritual answer in self to that rather as is seen in the manner in which the book itself becomes as that in the whole body which may be assimilated by the body, when taken properly. In these then there has been set as ye have in thine outline. These are well. DO NOT misuse them!
15. (Q) Gonads - White Horse? (A) Yes.
16. (Q) Lyden - Black Horse? (A) Yes.
17. (Q) Solar Plexus - Red Horse? (A) Yes.
18. (Q) Thymus - Pale Horse? (A) Yes.
For a reference to these, let each in your study of these, as in relation to the centers themselves, consider the effect of the color itself upon thine own body as ye attempt to apply same by either concentration, dedication or meditating upon these. For as has been given, color is but vibration. Vibration is movement. Movement is activity of a positive and negative force. Is the activity of self as in relationship to these then positive? Proceed.
19. (Q) Thyroid - Souls slain for Word of God? (A) Correct.
20. (Q) What color here? (A) Gray.
21. (Q) Pineal - Upheavals? (A) Correct, but this would have to be RELATIVELY so. For these are at those periods when, in the colors that these arise to - which are of the purple, they become rather such that there MUST be the DISSEMINATING or the giving away of the egotism of self. Consider as an example in thy study of same, the servant Moses. For these become as may be found even for and from that record as ye have, the stumblingblock at Meribah.
22. (Q) Pituitary - Silence? (A) Silence, golden; the forces upon which the greater expression has been set of all the influences of might and power as may be seen in man's experience - SILENCE if ye would hear the Voice of thy Maker!
23. (Q) Do the planets as placed in our chart [See Source File Key #281 for chart re 281-48] have proper relation and significance? Pituitary - Jupiter; Pineal - Mercury; Thyroid - Uranus; Thymus - Venus; Solar Plexus - Mars; Lyden - Neptune; Gonads - Saturn? (A) These are very well done. These vary, to be sure, according to the variation of an EXPERIENCE. For these are the variable forces in the very nature of man himself, for he partakes of all and from all the influences and forces. For remember as has been given, it is not that the planets rule the man; rather has man, as man of God, ruled the planets! For he's a portion of same.
Then these are as we have given; only relative. Relatively, these are correct. At times these are represented by others. It is here the application of these influences in the experience of the individual rather than there being set, as it were, a blanket to cover each and every individual.
24. (Q) Does the outline of the Lord's Prayer as placed on our chart have any bearing on the opening of the centers? (A) Here is indicated the manner in which it was given as to the purpose for which it was given; not as an ONLY way but as a way that would answer for those that sought to be - as others - seekers for A way, AN understanding, to the relationships to the Creative Forces. It bears in relationships to this, then, the proper place.
25. (Q) Pituitary - Heaven? (A) Correct. In all of its activities these open, for the upward lift of the thoughts of man as in relationships to that which becomes - how has it been given? - "He is alpha, omega, the beginning and the end." Hence as we find in its relationships to man, it becomes then the beginnings, the endings, of all things.
26. (Q) Pineal - Name? (A) Relatively, yes.
27. (Q) Thyroid - Will? (A) Correct.
28. (Q) Thymus - Evil? (A) Correct.
29. (Q) Solar Plexus - Debts? (A) Yes.
30. (Q) Lyden - Temptation? (A) Correct.
31. (Q) Gonads - Bread? (A) Right.
32. (Q) How should the Lord's Prayer be used in this connection? (A) As in feeling, as it were, the flow of the meanings of each portion of same throughout the body-physical. For as there is the response to the mental representations of all of these in the MENTAL body, it may build into the physical body in the manner as He, thy Lord, thy Brother, so well expressed in, "I have bread ye know not of."
33. (Q) What is meant by the 7 lamps of fire burning before the throne, described as the 7 spirits of God - Ch. 4:5? (A) Those influences or forces which in their activity in the natures of man are without, that stand ever before the throne of grace - or God, to become the messengers, the aiders, the destructions of hindrances; as the ways of dividing man's knowledge of or between - good and evil. Hence they work ever as those influences that stand between, as it were; being the helpful influences that become as the powers of activity in the very nature or force of man.
34. (Q) What is meant by the angels at the 4 corners of the earth as given in Ch. 7? [See Source File Key #281 for all current reports, supplements and professional commentaries re 281-63.] (A) These are only as from the body-forces ever. There are those four influences or forces in the natures of man from his source; as in environment, heredity as of the earth and as of the mental and spiritual. These are as the four corners that become represented here as the very natures or forces to which all approaches to all these influences are made in the very nature of man.
35. (Q) Are we correct in interpreting the 144,000 who were sealed as being spiritualized cellular structure of the 12 major divisions of the body? (A) Correct. And this is as of a man, and the name of same.
36. (Q) Are the zodiacal divisions of the body proper and do they have any relation to this? (A) Only relatively. For this is as we have given again and again in reference to same; for as they have been set as the zodiacal signs, correct. As they have moved in their orb or their sphere about the earth, these have just recently passed and have become - as has been indicated - a very different nature to them.
37. (Q) Is the multitude before the throne as described in Ch. 7 the rest of the cellular structure in process of spiritualization? (A) This is correct.
38. (Q) Are we correct in interpreting the sounding of the 7 angels as the experience during physical purification? (A) Correct." Reading 281-29