Ex Member
I largely agree with you Recoverer, and i think there is a very good reason of why Yeshua warned us and his disples about our age, and its very corrupt and illusion filled nature where many would come proclaiming themselves as teachers or even Christs, and said that the best way to discern the false teachers from the real and helpful is by their fruits.
Now, other than doing channeled readings, what did Roberts do for others? Or the lady who channels Elias, she sure charges enough money but how does she give back? Look at how Roberts ended up and her emotional/mental state.
But more generally speaking, everything is energy and information (in the form of unique vibratory patterns relative to other vibratory patterns), a book a person picks up is energy in "disguise". Energy, especially in the form of other consciousnesses, has a more powerful and often largely unconscious affect on us than we might consciously realize. There is much going on below the surface at a subconscious level, and everything literally affects everything else, especially Souls affecting Souls.
If for example, Seth is a real nonphysical Consciousness and not a created thoughtform from Roberts and Co, then when you read one of their books, that books acts as a tuning in device to the energy and consciousness of "Seth".
Be careful and wise about what you choose to tune into, and allow yourself to be affected by. Would you knowingly put harmful toxins or poisons in your body? Most sane people wouldn't do that unless they are already addicted to a negative substance or energy to begin with (like cigarrettes and smoking), and so why would we do that on a mental, emotional and spiritual energy level? Maybe on some level that we're not aware of, we still believe we "deserve" that, and so while consciously we may think we are freeing ourselves by reading such material, we're really only keeping the ego alive.
Even before i read or knew of Seth's derogatory statements about Christ and the denial of not only his death, but his resurrection, just picking up the book and reading a little, i got "bad vibes" from it. I repeat, it was not a conscious thing where my conscious belief systems clearly differed from or conflicted with what Seth was teaching. On an intellectual level, i found some of what i read to be interesting and "novel" in some ways.
But on a Heart level, i felt darkness, a subtle form of negativity and manipulation, and thought that such a reaction was a clear indication to stay away from that material however intellectually interesting it might be at first glance. Whatever Seth is or comes from, to me it comes more from ego than not, and thus keeps ego alive, for like always attracts and begets like.
When i picked up Bruce's books, Rosie's books, Monroe's latter books, i got "good vibes" from them, and at the same time they were also intellectually interesting.
But at the same time, i also think that we choose to have experiences with negative or even misleading conditions, consciousnesses, etc. for deeper reasons too at times.
So, its not black and white, and even if Seth is a deliberately misleading consciousness (which he very much is regarding the guide of guides Yeshua), then while i would think that it would be wise in general for people to stay away from him and his teachings and energy, realistically speaking there may be something there which may teach them something about themselves or about life in general even if it means being mislead or what not temporarily.
We have negative, misleading, and painful experiences for ultimately good reasons, usually, i believe. It's good and noble to want people to not have to go through any such things, but from a more expanded spiritual viewpoint, its not realistic or even completely desirable.
Sometimes the child needs to touch the hot stove to learn better or to learn something about self, to simplify it. Sounds harsh, but its so often true when considering humans and our commonly rather stubborn nature as a species.
And, no one person, nonphysical consciousness, book, etc. is all negative. There is wisdom and good things to glean or pick up, from Seth or any other person. Again, we just need to learn how to discriminate and balance the right brain (the acceptance, and all is good part of us) with the left brain part of us which sees the individual affects, reactions, or relativity of things. All in all, balance is more important.
But relativity again, if something is more toxic and harmful than not, usually its best to just completely leave it alone.