Thanks EE. well said. I might share a little more what I got out of Elias, as I derived far more from Elias, and I read Seth many years ago and can remember learning something valuable there but cannot be so specific. I like to think about the original poster, what the original question was, and I was thinking today about Albert and about this thread that we did get away from the discussing just Elias somehow and launched right into an attack on Seth and Elias are related personages but different in their approach. Heres some of the differences I noted:
Elias is an easier read, more relaxed. Seth seemed more volatile now and then.
Seth focuses more widely on humanity's creative ability, while Elias focuses through the individual readings on the specific question the person has about their self and their essence.
People pay for this personal touch, to get their own personal questions in alignment with their purpose and intention for incarnating.
I never felt the need to get a reading, as I like to study humanity, so I would myself skip over the personal questions and sooner or later Elias would broaden his answers to show how belief systems we get attached to, do produce a manifestation into society.
and thats what we talk about here, our belief systems.
I noticed Elias is nonjudgmental in his approach. thats why I said he was relaxed. I also noticed he did say he was called here by the people whom he serves. this on another level. I am in agreement with him that we as a people do have collective agendas we have agreed upon to enact into earth plane.
this means we are responsible for our reality, not someone else, or some other force. In our oneness, we do create reality and the good thing about this is it puts reality in our hands, thats where freedom lies.
following briefly whether JC had a sense of humor, I do believe a sense of humor is necessary and it is a human trait.
I do believe JC was also a human, and that is the reason we can relate to him, as our father in heaven is a formless abstract thing. and he would be speaking of PUL I assume, just as we try to speak of PUL also.
if he were joking about loving your neighbor as yourself, then he must have met my neighbor I had one time. my neigbor carried a shotgun around and shot cats. I think his mother may have loved him..just joking, can't u tell?
all right. I did retrieve him, but I had to call upon help in these situations.
back to JC. he's our brother and he was a human and divine at the same time. I am sure he wants us to realize we are also human and divine at the same time, and the main point of ACIM is it teaches foregiveness over and over, which is merely a release from your system the holding in of negative energy feelings.
negative energy can create illness on your body. forgiveness frees your spirit to a feeling of joy and well being, so it's very scientific what the Course illustrates and I can well imagine this is indeed the voice of JC.
also the word itself fore giveness. needs defining, like everything does. when you were a child and got into a fight, ever notice how the fight was forgotten right away? its because kids release the negative energy faster than adults as they are closer to home than we are with our belief systems. to fore give is to give as before the grievance took place.
you give yourself, you give your joy, your livliness of a positive nature away as before the grievance. you become a child to reenter heaven, leaving your belief systems by the wayside.
the real gist of this post is to say, not from any book, but from my experience, releasing negative energy by foregiving adds a spiritual composite to your life that may have been missing before, at the same time it's an emotional thing...the left brain is always working on the solution by focusing on it and creating the solution, the foregiveness part is the negative energy we don't need to allow to build up.
peace of mind, that is what we all really desire. I never knew this before I read the Course. I do enjoy peace of mind and I would like to say for the most part this board has been instrumental in my thoughts and growth. I wish to extend gratitude, and I would like to not have to define what gratitude is.
Right now, I'm grateful to Shirley and Eternal Essence. tomorrow I may be grateful to someone else.
ok, my neck hurts sitting here!
goodnite B-man.