AhSoLaoTsuAhhOmmra link=1176336624/15#16 date=1176996930] Your welcome Alysia.
It seems strange, but i haven't seemed to found any other person out there who is fascinated with the idea of how genetics relates to consciousness and the evolution of the body physical towards that of what Bob Monroe called H plus humans in about a thousand years or so.
keep an eye on the kids Justin. you will notice the fresh views there. also I don't think linear anymore personally. I think alternate realities. in that way, the future exists right alongside dimensionally speaking, this particular time frame we are in.
Some of my own communications with E.T.'s (mostly via dream state) also indicate that some groups are working towards this end, trying to refine the human body to be able to handle more and more pure Light frequencies. You can't send a high ampage and voltage current through a system which is only designed to handle so much at a time. Yet, we have to do our part as well.
you're right, a high ampage current can aid or kill; the recepticle tank, the physical organism can receive the higher frequencies only when it has been emptied out first of thoughts, emotions which don't serve the higher good. this is how we do our part, so we can receive the higher frequencies of light. to keep our channels open through our desire to serve the forces of light, which is PUL energy rather than dissention, division and condemnation of one another.
on another note, we can only speak personally. I have been monitoring my energy body which permeates the cellular mass.
I call this influx of energy that is upon the Earth now, a shift in consciousness. I find its a steadily increasing phenonmenom that each will express in their own way. for my part, I found the influx is physcial too. I can no longer sit at the computer for hours but i am required by this energy to get up and dance. lol.
its a happy circumstance though. it appears each cell of the body is desiring movement and the feeling of total aliveness is what I wish to impress is part of the shift, within the body. I used to be quite the thinker and not value the physical part of me, the body..I had bought some religious values, the body was sinful. I throw that away now, that we come to this earth to experience being physical. therefore I think back on our previous conversations about the body, and I support your endeavors now to focus on your physical expression, not to the exclusion of mental and emotional, but it should have equal time, as the body can indeed become spiritualized.
Just for an example, having a child more out of lust and not mutual love, tends to create slower vibrating bodies which
tends to attract "younger" Souls (who
tend to be more self/other destructive in the Earth), which then perpetuates the cycle until some brave and unusually strong Soul breaks it. [/quote]
you're right, like attracts like, and a child should not be conceived in lust or by accident, but the ideal situation to attract higher evolved souls to this dimension would be both parents desiring a child, with those thoughts being sent to the soul who chooses the parents and what they are offering in the home environment, for children do choose circumstances on a higher level. this is the future dimension ideas you bring forth, we are still as a whole not there yet...but move towards that.
I think it helps in our small way, to express these ideas, like seed thoughts, that sprout in time. was thinking about the 100th monkey concept.
I know you're right, there's many evolved souls don't want to come here. so we prepare the way for them with our seeds, we take the flack so they don't have to. thats the way I see it, now let me qualify, this is my opinion.
(new rule on board)
I think you might be a very good father Justin. that just occurred to me, you are possibly this moment being considered by a few as father material..what a cool thought!
I'm dancing as fast as I can...
enjoy your life Justin and don't sweat the small stuff.
love, alysia