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Focus Levels (Read 40156 times)
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Re: Focus Levels
Reply #15 - Sep 13th, 2008 at 3:13pm

I cannot forget that feeling of love and belonging while busy being a part of something that was helping those on C1. That feeling had none of that waiting for the other shoe to drop that we might tend to get when  working with others on C1. This love felt more eternal and was deeper and more unconditional.

I came back here with some resignation yet with an acceptance that I needed to continue with my "purpose?" and that's why I sort of demanded a message 'cause I knew that I could from working with Bruce's material. I sensed that my request was made with almost a joking/teasing attitude.  I received, "Our reality is what we focus on" and it was later confirmed for me when I read your book with the description of the planning department.

I never even noticed that it was a 2007 thread when I posted this, I just wanted to get some clarification on UJ again because all my books are in CA and I referred to Monroe on the 9/11 thread.

Definitely been an odd year and so glad everyone's still here and even Ginny's back.  Wow!

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Re: Focus Levels
Reply #16 - Sep 14th, 2008 at 12:30am
yes, same here. no shoe was dropping. as a matter of fact, ACIM reports that our journey are already it is as though we speed on to catch up with our future selves. hmm. here's an image of that hologram I call meself:

yes, the love was familiar, comfortable, and we all didn't say it, but we knew what we did, was a done deal, we were just attending detail, like facilitating movement. its ok to demand something, if it's higher purpose involved. it works where just asking sometimes does not.

I see you carry your sense of humor into these areas, sure helps. glad u saw in my book about our reality is what we focus on.

I think it's good, we need reminders, I sometimes have to read what I wrote to remind myself. if I focus on fear or judgment I start a head yammer, looking for verification of the fear...then if I focus on love, I have to choose that..where I don't have to choose fear, it's a natural yammer is fear.

I just have to able to tell the difference between fear and love. so easy to get sucked into it.  Smiley
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Re: Focus Levels
Reply #17 - Oct 31st, 2008 at 5:17pm
Found a focus level 3 in Ultimate Journeys:

can't find the page now. appears to be adjacent to C1. anybody?
yes, alysia, I shall now describe focus 3 for thou.
smile.  Focus 3: = Mind-brain synchrony (pg? donno. I wrote this in my notes.

here's a quote from pg 253 regarding self retrievals:
What surprises many participants (TMI programs) is that while they are engaged in their mission they discover that at the same time they are retrieving lost parts of themselves, these may appear as past life selves who remained in focus 23. Some are found who settled in the BST's of focus 24-26, and who had begun through gradual doubt of the beliefs they once held, to "fall through the cracks," as it were of their particular system. Others may appear as fragments of current life personalities (see retrieval thread) aspects which had fled or been torn away from the Core Self, for example, child selves who had escaped from trauma and pain of physical or emotional abuse in their families and now seek to be reunited.

page 224  subtitle: These to me are Knowns

1)This our Creator: is beyond our comprehension as long as we remain human:
2) is the Designer of the ongoing process of which we are a part.
3) has a purpose for such action beyond our ability to understand
4) makes adjustments, fine tuning, in this process as needed
5) establishes simple laws that apply to everyone and everything
6)does not demand worship, adoration or recognition
7) does not punish for "evil" and "misdeeds."
8) does not intercede of interdict in our life activity

the desire to return with gifts is an integral part of the design.
Continuing: Most important, I realized that no words I could write or speak, no music I could compose, would be able to transfer fully such knowing to another human mind. As a belief it might be possible, but not as a known. This could come only through direct individual experience. How to provide this was the essential item.

Then I became aware the process of transfer was two thirds complete, operating and in place within the learning system we had devised at our institute.
First I had to ascertain why there was a need to help this transfer to others. I recalled my meeting with the Aperture. I was incomplete, I had been told. I was too "small." There was not "enough" of me and I knew nothing of the gifts that were to accompany me through the Aperture.
(skipping down from page 225-226)
I understand now what small meant, why I was incomplete and what they gifts were. I know why I became involved in the retrieval process of those who left the physical. I had no desire to become a guru or spiritual leader. It was not fame, my other life activities had taken care of that. It was not fortune; I had done well enough in that respect long before my first obe. Nor was it the many personalities of me in the I/there of me. Individually, they were as unknowing as I. They were simply part of the mosaic.
It was the Basic; the collection and unification of the "parts". not only the errant and missing ones in my own I/There, but the parts of the entire I/There cluster to which I am bonded

Why is there a need for total unification? So thta we can become truly One. Complete, and with a multitude of gifts of experience and love. Then we as a totality can wink out and pass through the Aperture.

And what then? (he continues) The ANSWER IS UNKNOWN.

my addition: Love for another is to become a known and may well be the purpose of ELS, but developing a will to live according to this, is a choice factor and we can delay our growth by refusing to forgive and the non cultivation of love within our characters.
loving, can be as simple as liking people.
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« Last Edit: Nov 1st, 2008 at 8:32am by LaffingRain »  

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Re: Focus Levels
Reply #18 - Nov 1st, 2008 at 8:45am
just brushing up on the focus levels for those who are interested about that.
focus 3 Mind - brain synchrony.
(assuming this level is achieved with the tones used by hemisync.)

Focus 10: Mind is awake and alert, body is asleep.
my notes: can occur with the phenomenon known as sleep paralyzation.
Focus 12: Expanded awareness
Me: this happens when I'm not thinking a single thought, nor feeling a single feeling. it seems automatic.
Focus 15: No time
Me: here in 15 I am familiar with this, as here I can view probabilities to actualize. which quite often do just that.
Focus 21 Time/space edge; other energy systems.
Me: here you can meet what we term aliens. being on the edge of time/space, seems rather close to focus 15, of no time.
Focus 22: humans with partial consciousness: such as delirium,chemical or alcohol dependence, dementia,comotose. Experience here is like hallucinations.
Focus 23: the recent nonphysical; the undead. unable to release addiction to earth. all periods of time.
Focus 24-26 BST's. some form of past physical existence.
Focus 27: Reception center, Park, hub of it all, way station, designed to  ease trauma and shock of physical transition.

Focus 28: Beyond time/space and human thought. Residence in 28 limits any return to a human body.
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Re: Focus Levels
Reply #19 - Nov 20th, 2008 at 9:46pm
Greetings, been holed up with Ultimate Journey, my 3rd or 4rth time through, I've been studying slower..get more that way out of it.

just a few more chapters, I may be able to a good book review and put up on myspace, as there's enormous ground breaking work he has done which we've never even touched on here, for the most part.

for instance, BobM. discovered the park by accident and then forgot about the park until he came upon two physicians occuping half way house (medical building) where he met two deceased doctors who told him how to get to the park, and he rediscovered the park at that time.
just a detail but significant to me.
the park is described as a place to rest up from Earth travails and make new decisions. no mention yet of focus levels, they might have been developed after this book.

most interesting to me is energy trails. my words. this is where, a trail is made first. (take Monroe as a trailblazer) then that makes it easier to find the trail by other explorers. I see in my mind these trails.
I see them as currents. I have ridden these currents many times.
I sense them as movement of a portion of my awareness.

and away from the body of physical matter, yet my life force is still connected to the body by a thin thread, sometimes called the cord.
looking forward to writing about this book, sort of as my tribute to Monroe. I'm connected emotionally, because there were few book out there to let me know what was happening to me when I went out of body. just like him, I feared insanity. Monroe was not crazy! therefore neither am I!  Smiley

love, alysia
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Re: Focus Levels
Reply #20 - Dec 17th, 2008 at 10:12pm
This is from a friend calls himself Ashes. A TMI explorer.
many blessings for this apt description for the serious explorer. it's in two parts because of the length

It is important to realize these focus levels are merely arbitrary numbers and signposts to identify the state of consciousness one is in. In case you're wondering, there is no focus 14 or focus 16. However, beyond focus 21, several other focus levels have been identified further removed from the physical, and which involve among other systems the perception of belief system territories (" astral planes"). Thus, The Gateway Experience is meant as a platform from which to explore further on your own. For more information, I suggest you visit the website at the Monroe Institute at

Purpose of the current paper
So what is the purpose of this paper? While exploring the focus 10 state I found there was surprisingly little information as to what this state entails. Do a search on the Internet and you won't get much further than "body asleep/mind awake" to describe this state. This is in itself not a bad thing, and the Monroe Institute is not in favor of sharply delineating the focus levels by stating in detail what is, and especially what is not possible in a particular focus state. Rather, the message of the Monroe Institute is that they would encourage you to trust your process as you progress through the focus levels.

However, I do think that some knowledge and ideas as to what focus 10 entails can be of help for some people if that information is presented such a way that it will facilitate the person to trust their experience rather than doubt it. Also, to have some idea of what to expect can help ease some fears, and in some cases, put an individual in the proper frame of mind as to how to approach the focus states. Lastly, there are those for whom the hemi-sync tapes have had no effect. This is not uncommon, and I hope that any lack of success with the tapes will at least in part be rectified somewhat with this paper. To illustrate these points, and part of the reason of why I was inspired to write this paper, the following quote from a person on the now defunct TMI-voyagers mailing list (From Leva, 1998, p. 165):

"I'm starting to feel like these tapes work for 99.99% of the population and I'm that 0.1% who stand outside watching the rollercoaster go by and seeing how much fun the people on it are having…so why am I posting? I guess it is to ask if there are any other people on the list who have had similar experiences/frustrations, and how do they solve them, or at least worked around them? Also what does Focus 10 FEEL like? It's described as "Mind Awake/Body Asleep', but what does this MEAN? Does the body feel numb, do you feel ANYTHING at all, is it something like when you sleep on your arm and can't move it afterwards due to lack of circulation, does it feel the way it feels when you are asleep, or what? Newbies, old-timers, your comments would be appreciated."-Fred

The following sections will focus on the early manifestations of the going 'out of phase' condition (or focus 10) based on my own and others' experiences with this state. However, despite my best intentions, there can be little doubt that this report is biased. I don't see a way around it. Everyone's experience is unique, and although I have focused on common manifestations of focus 10, I will likely have overemphasized some phenomena while downplaying others due to my own interests and tendencies.

Given the above, I do think another little disclaimer is in order before continuing to read. That is, too much focus on knowledge - especially "second-hand" knowledge- can severely hamper one's efforts while practicing trance states or achieving specific focus states. It tends to activate the "left brain", and often questions will arise such as "Am I there yet?; What am I feeling now? What will happen next?" In general, this type of 'left brain' activity interferes with achieving a phase shift away from the physical.

So after reading this article go on your own merry way!

Getting there
Any attitude of "getting there" is a serious impediment to establishing an out of phase relationship (Gateway manual, 1980). This holds true both for reaching focus 10, as well as kick starting non-physical perceptions in this state.

This point is well illustrated by the following post on TMI-voyagers (From Leva, 1998; p. 168-169):

"…it took this experience to make me see something. That something was that when I was doing tapes and had things happen before it was when I was not "trying". I knew that then because when I had that shift occur I was definitely not trying to do anything. I was just doing a tape to be doing a tape. I had no expectations whatsoever at the time and "bang", I got something most pleasantly surprising. After that experience, I thought back and realized that all those other things also happened when I was not trying. I just took some time to connect not trying with results. Since that time I have never tried or had expectations, but that can trap you too. I found myself trying not to have expectations, and since I was trying, I was held at bay again. So it's sort of hit and miss. -Michael

I think it's important to realize that the idea of "getting there" stems from our physical experience in space and time. However, for consciousness, there is no such thing as there and here. You may say: "That's all very nice and philosophical, but practically speaking, I am trying to get from one state to another, and therefore, I have to get there."

But how do you expect to "get there"? You certainly can't walk there. So if you follow that line of reasoning what exactly will you do to get there? This is exactly the problem with superimposing the limitations of space and time on consciousness - the idea that you have to do something.
Fact of the matter is, the less you do, the easier you will go "places". Of course, at some point or another you would want to set an intent. You don't necessarily want to be steerlessly floating on a universal sea of consciousness. But in general, after you have set your goal or intent, the less you do after it, the easier it will be "to get there".

So don't get too caught up in any "method" or "technique". Rather, if anything describes a successful progression through various altered states of consciousness, is that consciousness becomes increasing flexible and receptive to alternate forms of reality organization. I suppose this state of awareness, and indeed it is a state, is best described as mellow and gentle. This is not a mindless or selfless state, but a state of mind in which feel comfortable and relaxed without putting pressure on yourself to perform or fixate yourself.

So perhaps it's best to forget about techniques and first train yourself to be in a relaxed state of awareness, which is even more important than physical relaxation. This relaxed state of awareness is an awareness that is simply open to experience and doesn't continually asks itself whether it's "there" yet. You simply can't bully yourself into another state. Rather, cultivate a certain sense of mellowness towards the whole phasing approach.
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... Who takes away death's sting deprives life of bitterness
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Re: Focus Levels
Reply #21 - Mar 30th, 2009 at 1:22pm
woah... Shocked..i lost the plot after the 3rd or 4th post, do i get to understand all tht! Embarrassed
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Re: Focus Levels
Reply #22 - Mar 30th, 2009 at 6:02pm
Smiley hey, I've been at this for years and years...just start wherever you are recommendation is to read Bruce's first book, then the 2nd, then the 3rd, then the 4rth, then the 5th.
then to read them again the next year. good wishes to you!
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Re: Focus Levels - more of them
Reply #23 - Oct 11th, 2010 at 3:27pm
According to Wikipedia, Focus 11 is Auto-suggestion state:

And there is a Focus 18 - Love?
See also the Focuses 42 and 49!

I got the Patricia Leva book (see wiki reference) last week, but couldn't find anything about the levels mentioned above (11, 18, 42 & 49)!! So where are the Focus references?

In youtube at , for example at 4:20 - 4:40, S Atwater mentions Focus 33!
Look for example at , Skip Atwater describes Focus numberings, specifically at 7:37 - 8:05.

Atwater's explanation to why F 33 is different from F 27 was interesting.

As we know, F 27 is part of the ELS. F 33 is the first Focus Level beyond ELS.

Perhaps the list needs updated with some interview from someone at TMI? Smiley
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Re: Focus Levels
Reply #24 - Nov 13th, 2010 at 9:56pm
Perhaps Earth Core F 27 (EC F 27) deserves an entry of itself. I think that Moen in his Voyage to Curiosity's Father, stated that someone unfamiliar with EC F 27 might need some help to get out of there. Smiley
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Re: Focus Levels
Reply #25 - May 12th, 2011 at 5:58pm
LaffingRain wrote on Dec 17th, 2008 at 10:12pm:
This is from a friend calls himself Ashes. A TMI explorer.
many blessings for this apt description for the serious explorer. it's in two parts because of the length

Thank you LR, I think that's at least half my problem right there, the rest is fear, which equates to some belief or other.
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