The mind has two levels of operation:
1) Conscious waking objective mind
2) What is unconscious portrayed as dreams and subjective within degree.
I say within degree as we are energetic beings, and as such our thoughts are extentions of our mind and cannot be held within a location, such as the brain confines. To measure is man's proclivity objectivily within physical areas. Measuring is what we do, and it's natural and there is no bad or good assessment on that. It simply Is. Measuring is also a comparative analysis within subconscious territory.
To speak of degrees of subjecation within experience: ie: "this is happening to me!" is another lucidity measurement process within objectivity.
Consider dreaming to be experience gathering. Therefore, we can speak of subjective dream experience as in degrees of the awakening process towards full lucidity of just how unlimited our minds are when meditating upon our Oneness, rather than focusing on our differences within comparative analysis and judgment process.
In other more simple terms, we prepare ourselves in order to gain more degree of lucidity while in a subjective area through: 1) will, desire, or strong curiosity
2) Setting of firm intention
3) Performing a retrieval or other healing act, sometimes referred to as delivering boost or PUL, an energy which has no expectations attached to it which at first is an objective, then can become involuntarily a habit.
My studies have shown me the wish to express love, undistorted, or to relieve another from undue suffering within guidance, as through retrievals or simple exchanges of energy is what increases lucidity within journeying outside C1.
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