recoverer wrote on Mar 14th, 2007 at 1:37pm:Ahso:
Perhaps this dream was provided so you won't limit yourself during the next 17 years with the idea that you can't ascend during this lifetime. Perhaps Becky was provided with the dream instead of yourself, because your guidance is trying to let you know that they can't get through to you when it comes to what is possible for you.
Possibly, however, if i had had the dream myself, i would have been more apt to have interpreted it in a more symbolic and representational way such as you are hinting in the above and below. Perhaps that is the reason why i'm not the one who did actually have the dream? I have plenty of dreams giving me direct and very clear messages about my spiritual state, etc. and some symbolic dreams about same.
I rarely think or feel in "black and white" terms when it comes to such stuff as this, i approach from many angles and perspectives.
Quote:Perhaps at times you define things too much according to what you read in books. This makes it so that your guidance has to define things to you through the resulting filters.
Perhaps to some degree, i am "attached" to my beliefs to some extent and certainly am limited in my perception capacity as of now. However, as someone not fully "ascended", while i'm in boxes to some extent, they are flexible boxes and aren't rigid.
See, i'm not one who has had to even read too many books or get physically based sensory guidance. I've known what's important since little and its only been a matter of refining the concepts, synthesizing, and more importantly putting things into practice (which is always the hardest part and seemingly a universal for almost everyone). Since age 13 i was aware of the Oneness of force, i needed NO outside physical-material source (book etc.) telling me this, it was an intuitive truth i just knew and felt. Much in my life, much of my guidance has been more along the subtle lines like this, rather than having to have pictures, hearing things, etc. I occasionally get these when necessary, but usually its not, cause i work more through feeling intuitions and have for a long time. If i need really obvious messages or what not, then i have dreams which more often than not are rather clear and direct.
Quote:This is just hunch, but perhaps the three children are symbolic for Moen, Mcknight and Cayce.
Again, certainly a possibility, but then where is Monroe, or many of the other authors and sources i highly respect and am attached to? For example, i'm rather fond of Michael Newton's books.
However, is it just a "coincidence" then, that both Becky and i have received info from various sources all corroborating each other, that its highly probable that we will have exactly 3 children together? When enough different sources who don't know about each other say the same thing, then this approaches a verification of that info doesn't it? I don't believe in coincidencnes anymore.
Quote: I'm not saying they are wrong, but perhaps you should give them more room for error than you do.
As a long time spiritual student who has a very developed left brain capacity, i'm more than well aware of this. I don't think any psychic source that i believe in is "infallible" and oft point out that any channel whether Cayce, McKnight, Moen, Monroe, Steiner, Swedenborg, etc. etc. is going to skew the info to some degree depending, and their info will not be 100 percent correct all the time.
Do you think the info you receive from guidance, or rather more aptly your interpretations, perceptions, etc. on same are always 100 percent correct? No, impossible because you are not always and completley consciously operating from the White Light state of being like a Yeshua or He/She. Or what some might call complete Christ consciousness.
It's a matter of energy resonation, the closer you approach the completely Universal in conscious awareness and in a consciousness state of being, the closer you are to the fuller, more expanded and accurate truths in any given subject. The more difference between your vibrational patterns and energy frequencies to that of White Light state, the more "static" will be manifested, the less consistently accuracte, holistic, expanded, one's perceptions, etc.
It's really a matter of physics i think, though our physics is not yet at the level to be able to understand or show this kind of stuff to us, but many E.T. consciousnesses understand these concepts directly relating to energy and its various reactions, resonsation, etc., quite better than we do. It's not "mystical" at all to them, its just the understanding of energy and how it works, but in a more expanded, accurate, and holistic manner than we humans currently have. Take the info that Bruce received about the electromagnetic nature of gravity, expand that tenfold and relating to all subjects, and then we get an understanding of such understanding.
In any case, i don't just rely on books as you are hinting, that is a rather one dimensional characterization. What i do do, is look at a broad cross section of respected and more verified sources out there, find where they agree, and synthesize the commonalities of various sources all the while using my intuition and guidance to help out in a more "whole brain" process.
This, the resulting conclusions, perceptions, etc., i believe, then approaches the closest to accurate description (approaches the Universal) as can be possible when dealing with non enlightened channels, including myself in that mix as the interpreter. This is a kind of "humility" believe it or not, meaning that while i respect and seek my own experiences and guidance on things, i also bow to those who have come before me and laid a foundation for a more whole brain study. I also know that me myself, i don't always fully accurately interpret info based purely on my own guidance and intuition.
Or, also i give credit where credit is due. I see many who talk about their beliefs where its patently obvious they gleaned these from some book down the line and not "direct from guidance" and they pass it off as their own unique and completely original perceptions, etc. To me, that is not giving credit where credit is due. We all have our own interpretations of various "outside" info, but if our interpretations are based on other people's stuff, then cite the material and the more specific, the better even if one is just referencing to another's work.
For example, on another thread, you mentioned two supposedly conflicting concepts/ideas as found in Rosiland McKnights' books. It was a vague, generalized, and biased sounding statement which for all i know, you were completely subjectively interpretating according to what you believe or want to believe or want to see. I didn't remember seeing that.
So I asked for more specific examples and citations of such supposed major contradictions, and they were not forthcoming.
Perhaps, with your distastful experiences in the past with guru wannabe's, and various belief systems which you believe led you down the less expanded path in the past, perhaps you are too apt to distrust and look for errors and contradictions in other people's teachings and info? Perhaps you relied too much and were too attached to such modes and ways of being for awhile, and are now "projecting" to some extent?
My path and life, has been rather different than yours or so it seems from what you've shared. I never followed anybody elses views on things, i was always extremely independant and always rather open to guidance when it came to spiritual belief systems. I was led to the more accurate and constructive ones early on, and it became and is more a matter of refining and putting into practice such spiritual ideals.
I don't have any internal angst or distaste in my mouth because of having felt mislead or what not for a time. I was not very intellectual and overly left brain oriented neither like you were.
Quote:Even in the many cases when they are correct about a principle, the belief in such a principle could limit an intuitive/experiential experience of such a principle. Beliefs can act as blocks even when they are an accurate representation.
True enough and specific belief systems often block perception and perceptive capability. A truly open and unattached person in this Earth is extremely, extremely, extremely rare and again only happens when someone is quite close to complete Christ or Universal consciousness. But let's talk about our very different paths in this life as clearly shown by astrological symbols. Our astro. chart is quite reflective of our Life plan as set up by much more perceptive and holistically aware consciousnesses than our own immediate personalities. Its our Life Planning Council who collectively along with our choices, determines our exact astrological charts and hence the exact "time" of incarnation (time then being only a pattern of energies relative to other patterns).
In your chart, you have South Node in Taurus on the Aries cusp and Sagittarius Moon. This shows another life pattern of perhaps being too rigid in ones beliefs, more material and intellectually minded, though with religious impulses. For example, perhaps a religious monk in spain, or something along those lines. In any case, more "orthodox" oriented than in this life. You would have strong intellectual and left brain tendencies and impulses from such a pattern, but with the below indication you would need to move away from this innate pattern/karma.
Now you have North Node (your path in this life) in transfomative, testing, and mystery oriented Scorpio closely conjunct the mystical, very psychic, passive, very fluid and right brain oriented Neptune. Your path now, is centered around much more overtly psychical and mystical experiences, you are meant to concentrate more directly on "spiritual" issues such as a strong combo of Neptune and Scorpio would represent. It's no suprise that you have become so open to guidance in this life, you were meant too, it was part of your Life plan and in being more open to guidance you were and are to become more fluid and flexible in your approach to life, to others, to yourself see? In short, you've lacked a right brain approach and balance (feminine energy in other words as well such as "right brain"), and so you must for a time concentrate heavily on the right brain aspect of self to facilitate more Soul growth. Less purely intellectual and left brain oriented. Less masculine more feminine.
Maybe for you and your path, books and more concrete teachings as such, more so are not a focus or aren't as helpful and constructive in this life, maybe it was too much of a focus karmically and dharmically you as you are creating a necessary balance to that? I'm not pulling stuff out of my arse here, these are plain symbols and indications for those with enough understanding and knowledge to easily discern.
I have quite the opposite indication karmically and dharmically in my chart and Life plan. I was extremely psychic in some other lives, very fluid and flexible, didn't read too many spiritual or metaphysical books, had very little positive focus on the body and its health, too little left brain focus or balance i should say, etc. Much more balanced to the emotional and spiritual forces overall and i lacked a fuller balance between Soul, mind and body forces. In short, i was too polarized to the right brain and while i did develop the left brain, it was not balanced enough, too extreme and polarized in nature. I swung too much from the right to left brain aspects, but in my "last" life from a time perspective, focused alot on achieving a balance in this, especially as relating to my emotions and emotional state.
Pisces South Node and ruler of the 12th house in Libra conjunct 6th which is aspected to Uranus and Neptune shows strongly and repeatedly such a pattern as describe in the above.
Or in other, more plain words, you are meant to be more like i was in some of these other lives to create a better balance for you and your Total self, and i'm meant to be more like you were in other lives to create a bettern balance for me and my Total self.
No better or worse, lesser or greater, just different paths or more aptly different focuses within life leading eventually to the same goal, perfect balance and perfect attunement to Source. Do you see what i mean?
But, because we are limited in our perceptions, and because we are biased by our very inherent nature, we tend to think the path we are treading now, is somehow the more "right" or more true one in this life than someone whose approach and focus is quite different. But, suffice it to say Recoverer, you are doing what you are meant to do and i'm doing what i'm meant to do. Do not fault find my path because it is different than yours, and you are doing this though very subtly and indirectly. Both of our charts show rather obviously what we both are meant to do and that these are quite different, or almost reversed and opposite in a sense. And we're both doing a good job along these lines of what we are suppose to more so concentrate on.
I have Virgo North Node in the 1st. I am here to develop my practical reasoning left brain skills, synthesis, getting the body more intune with the mind and spiritual forces, practical everyday and more material service, health, etc. All Virgo concepts and Virgo is an earth sign (materially focussed) ruled by the mental and intellectual Mercury. Pisces its opposite sign and the sign of my karmic indication, the South Node, however is quite different and its the most expanded and evolved sign in the Zodiac representing pure Soul awareness and the death of the personality (not pure Spirit consciousness or complete transcendance of personality).
Quote:Sometimes people spend so much time trying to figure out the cosmologies about things, that they forget to look at themselves.
I've spent my entire life since puberty looking within whether via mediation, dream interpration or just letting myself feel different things. I've been so internally focussed for so much of my life, that i'm horrible with driving directions even though i have a decent memory. I "discovered" psychism and the reality of same because in early high school i noticed the phenomena of people being able to feel and register someone looking at them, and being open minded and inquisitive, i put these intuitions and "unusual" theories to the test. Till then, i was rather interested in more materialistic oriented science though i had these vague feelings and intuitions earlier about the connectedness of everything in the Universe, the balance between the polarity of yin and yang (didn't know it as such then), etc., and above all the very firm belief in the reality of a God or Creator force of somekind. To me, without is a mirror reflection of within, and i've gotten this concept quite deeply and for a while.
I've never sought money, popularity, useless "stuff", a cut body, or any materialistic trappings which happens when someone focusses too much on the outside. For the last 14 years of my relatively short life so far, i've focussed mostly on becoming more aware of self and becoming more spiritually intune so that i will be of better and ever more constructive and universal service to others. I've fallen often in that journey and have much work to do before full attunement to Source like Yeshua achieved though.
Perhaps because of your mistakes and side trips in your past, you are just concerned for me and that i don't do a similar thing, i do take that into account, i'm not looking at this in a black and white manner. I know you care about me and my path and giving advice because of that. I appreciate the intention or motivation though its not crystal clear as they say. However, i sense a certain amount of judgment and "i know better" in here, which is fine, but if you're going to do that with me, then at least be more direct and open about it. I'm not a fan of innuendos and what not.
But, i would caution you to not so automatically think you are more accurate and more perceptive about such issues just because you are physically older and have more experiences of overt and obvious guidance such as "obvious sensory signs" and what not. Those who start out powerfully polarized to the left brain and intellect often need such overt and obvious guidance in their lives, otherwise they might have never been too receptive to begin with. Others were born knowing much and being rather receptive from the get go. Even as a little kid, i knew what i was here for, hence why at age 4 i would tell my parents that i wanted to be a doctor to everyone everywhere, all the time for whenever anyone needed help. I was very aware of the world and of people and of how much suffering and disconnect to Source there is in this dimension with so many collectively speaking, and i had then and still have a burning desire to somehow help out in this.
Thanks for the reply