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News: Jesus' tomb discovered (Read 8669 times)
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News: Jesus' tomb discovered
Feb 27th, 2007 at 9:21pm
Today at breakfast, I heard in the radio that someone claimed to have discovered Jesus' tomb. My comment was: "Now, the next what they try to tell me is they also found his bones" and soon enough, they just told that ha ha! Yes, that gave me a good lough. You know if I was at the press conference, I had asked them: "As far as I know, the famous Jesus went to heaven in flesh, so where do these bones come from, haven't you read the bible?" or: "So you say you have Jesus bones? So then Jesus was more or less an ordinary guy, then you want to say you found the bones of a guy who died, now tell me what's so special about that?"

Don't believe all what "scientists" are claiming, especially this, and very especially when Hollywood is involved, you know shortly after the success with Dan Browne. I think I get me some underpayed scientists to state the ark of the covenant has been found in my cellar...

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Re: News: Jesus' tomb discovered
Reply #1 - Feb 27th, 2007 at 9:58pm
I think the tomb was found about 10 years ago.  Even if Hollywood is involved, it's an interesting story.  It looks like Christianity "may" have been wrong for a long time.

As a personal belief, I think that Christianity lost the majority of its Wisdom few decades after Jesus death.  For me, Jesus was an incarnation of a very developed consciousness that was in touch in every moment with his higher self (his father).  He had control over subtle energies and matter.  He was there only to show us what love (PUL) is.  He was there to show us how to become a human+, just like him.  

I think it would be a nice thing to go in focus 27 and investigate on his life.  I would do it, if my skill and consciousness was developed enough.   Huh
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I Am Dude
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Re: News: Jesus' tomb discovered
Reply #2 - Feb 27th, 2007 at 10:49pm
PhantasyMan.  Awsome pic.  I love that movie.

I wonder how long it takes for this artifact to be discovered as a hoax.  I give it a good 2 weeks.
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Re: News: Jesus' tomb discovered
Reply #3 - Feb 27th, 2007 at 11:02pm
scuse me phantasyMan, I do like your pic too. sometimes I look like this with the eyes when I astral travel..heheheh
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Re: News: Jesus' tomb discovered
Reply #4 - Feb 28th, 2007 at 2:21am
I have followed versions of this story before, with the tomb being a new twist to an ancient debate. The prerequisites are of course whether you define Jesus, his attributes, etc. The debates, much like the Shroud, will be endless. I see this story and this discovery as a manifestation of  a larger internal question in the hearts of man and woman.

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Re: News: Jesus' tomb discovered
Reply #5 - Feb 28th, 2007 at 3:21am
I haven't heard or seen this; so thanks Spooky I'll look out for it.

lol PhantasyMan
He was there only to show us what love (PUL) is.

Seeing how we generally push and shove, tug and pull one another in life; I think the above statement is pretty full-on.
Also, the power of His love is magnificent being the Son of God. Awesome.

I don't tend to watch much movies but watched Narnia the other night (besides reading the books when I was younger) and was struck at the resemblance of the Spiritual history. Especially the Lion; sacrificing his life for Edmond (the traitor) to the winter Witch, whom has a spell on the whole land to keep it in winter and frozen. She kills the Lion amongst the most ugly creatures her slaves.  After a few hours, or days, the Lion comes back to life and kills the Witch and the land is freed from her wicked spell. Cool.
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Re: News: Jesus' tomb discovered
Reply #6 - Feb 28th, 2007 at 11:40am
the son of god did not wish us to get the wrong impression that he was the only son of god and that therefore his love was greater while we were of the lessor. he wished to say we are all the sons and daughters of god as one. the father is in us because we cannot be separated from the cosmic matter of which our being utilizes and his the same. we are now potentualizing as promised, so that he does not have to be the "only" son of god. He doesn't want to carry all that weight anymore and needs us to awaken the masses away from the churches lies.
something went wrong, they declared there was only one son of god. then we all became wretched and guilty of sin and bound to the laws as set forth by those who would control the sheep and have money and power. This was not his message that we would be enslaved to the church doctrine but it had come to this. The nature of christ love is that we should realize we are also his body and should do as he has done, miracles should be commonplace. it is time to realize god oneness. Our love will be perfect as his when we are able to lay down our life for another with no forethought. the quickening is upon the Earth now.
I needed to say this Caryn because you spoke of his love, which is the same love within you, just as big as his and you think he is the only son of god, he is not special, he is whole and holy as we are the same, except we sleep and dream otherwise.

I'm a pagan, a hippie who accepted christ while wrestling with spirits one day. I'm not even religious minded, but my guide DP goes on tangents like this.
he says he sees in Caryn a great warrior for Christ when she claims her power and trusts herself. she is almost ready.

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Re: News: Jesus' tomb discovered
Reply #7 - Feb 28th, 2007 at 12:56pm

EE said: ' I see this story and this discovery as a manifestation of  a larger internal question in the hearts of man and woman."

Could you or anyone explain that further?  I'm very interested in how Love with God and Love between man and woman inter-relate, if that is what you are inferring.
Everywhere around us, it seems, love within family is getting attention. This is hard for us who had to leave blood family to re-find the meaning of love and cause to love.


Please reclaim your angel smilie, E; he's missed!
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Re: News: Jesus' tomb discovered
Reply #8 - Mar 1st, 2007 at 12:28am

Not quite what I had meant, but an interesting turn in events. I was suggesting that men and women (I steer clear of the word mankind out of PC nicey nice) feel that there is more to the idea of Jesus than is offered to them. If we were satisfied with the story of Jesus, the debate would cease; however, our endless fascination with his story suggests that we are not satisfied with the answers that we have been given when our mind/soul, psyche is alluding to so much more. If Jesus was just a man, so what? If we find his bones, so what? What Jesus suggests in the larger sense is not destroyed or lessened because they discover his bones. His one great message has always been that the kingdom of heaven is within; so regardless of what the dig up two thousand years or more after the fact has no bearings on my view of the afterlife. There are larger sects in society that would be completely distraught over the fact Jesus might exist as a mere mortal. Heaven forbid. Their psyches could not take it, so they create a new issue: how many men named Jesus lived at the time of Jesus. It could be any one of them, which of course is going to deter them in a direction that is only hinted at here.

Now as to interesting side note on God and human love and the inter-related idea. We can offer ourselves whole-heartedly to God (or your choice of terms) but we withhold parts of ourselves from those we care about. The idea is similar. The larger sense implies that God is all seeing, all loving, and therefore there are no secrets. We have no reason to hide. We hide from things everyday, from thoughts, emotions. It's not necessarily bad, don't get me wrong. Imagine for a moment you, the reader, could have no secrets from anyone, that at any moment I could no every detail of your life. Immediately, your mind is filled with all the things you'd rather me not to know. But if you could know that about your partner and vice versa, then you could, theoretically, love your partner as unconditionally as many claim to love God.  These are just brain-goo thoughts right now. Onces I accessed a larger part of my being, I shall refine. My friend has yet to come through with a message offering any mistakes, but I sense his subtle "this is going to be interesting" buzzing in my ear.

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I Am Dude
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Re: News: Jesus' tomb discovered
Reply #9 - Mar 1st, 2007 at 12:36am
Straight from CNNs website:

JERUSALEM (AP) -- Filmmakers and researchers on Monday unveiled two ancient stone boxes they said may have once contained the remains of Jesus and Mary Magdalene, but several scholars derided the claims made in a new documentary as unfounded and contradictory to basic Christian beliefs.

"The Lost Tomb of Jesus," produced by Oscar-winning director James Cameron and scheduled to air March 4 on the Discovery Channel, argues that 10 small caskets discovered in 1980 in a Jerusalem suburb may have held the bones of Jesus and his family.

One of the caskets even bears the title, "Judah, son of Jesus," hinting that Jesus may have had a son, according to the film. (Watch why it could be any Mary, Jesus and Joseph in those boxes )

"There's a definite sense that you have to pinch yourself," Cameron said Monday at a news conference. He told NBC'S "Today" show earlier that statisticians found "in the range of a couple of million to one" in favor of the documentary's conclusions about the caskets, or ossuaries. (Watch Cameron talk about his involvement in the documentary )

Simcha Jacobovici, the Toronto filmmaker who directed the film, said that a name on one of the ossuaries -- "Mariamene" -- offers evidence that the tomb is that of Jesus and his family. In early Christian texts, "Mariamene" is the name of Mary Magdalene, he said.

The very fact that Jesus had an ossuary would contradict the Christian belief that he was resurrected and ascended to heaven.

Most Christians believe Jesus' body spent three days at the site of the Church of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem's Old City. The burial site identified in Cameron's documentary is in a southern Jerusalem neighborhood nowhere near the church.

In 1996, when the British Broadcasting Corp. aired a short documentary on the same subject, archaeologists challenged the claims. Amos Kloner, the first archaeologist to examine the site, said the idea fails to hold up by archaeological standards but makes for profitable television.

"They just want to get money for it," Kloner said.

Shimon Gibson, one of three archaeologists who first discovered the tomb in 1980, said Monday of the film's claims: "I'm skeptical, but that's the way I am. I'm willing to accept the possibility."

The film's claims, however, have raised the ire of Christian leaders in the Holy Land.

Stephen Pfann, a biblical scholar at the University of the Holy Land in Jerusalem who was interviewed in the documentary, said the film's hypothesis holds little weight.

"I don't think that Christians are going to buy into this," Pfann said. "But skeptics, in general, would like to see something that pokes holes into the story that so many people hold dear."

"How possible is it?" Pfann said. "On a scale of one through 10 -- 10 being completely possible -- it's probably a one, maybe a one and a half."

Pfann is even unsure that the name "Jesus" on the caskets was read correctly. He thinks it's more likely the name "Hanun." Ancient Semitic script is notoriously difficult to decipher.

Kloner also said the filmmakers' assertions are false. "The names on the caskets are the most common names found among Jews at the time," he said.

William Dever, an expert on near eastern archaeology and anthropology, who has worked with Israeli archeologists for five decades, said specialists have known about the ossuaries for years.

"The fact that it's been ignored tells you something," said Dever, professor emeritus at the University of Arizona. "It would be amusing if it didn't mislead so many people."

Osnat Goaz, a spokeswoman for the Israeli government agency responsible for archaeology, said the Antiquities Authority agreed to send two ossuaries to New York, but they did not contain human remains. "We agreed to send the ossuaries, but it doesn't mean that we agree with" the filmmakers, she said.

Copyright 2007 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.
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Re: News: Jesus' tomb discovered
Reply #10 - Mar 1st, 2007 at 12:43am

We must be in sync. I was just wondering if anything I was getting would pan out, and presto, you drop a news release.

Very interesting.

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Re: News: Jesus' tomb discovered
Reply #11 - Mar 1st, 2007 at 7:20am

A new day, a new beginning of refinement.  As it is expressed: Separation is a key. Without separation, there is no growth, no experiencing on this particular plane of existence. The idea of God is the idea of no separation.

The idea is that we arrive, separate in sense from the whole, and work toward removing said separation. This idea is manifested in relationships: We can love unconditionally at first, though it is often masked as lust. The idea is that you are not seeking separation, but companionship, unity or a union.

This is the smaller version of what I am currently exploring. Love, though an emotional reaction, a chemical byproduct, nevertheless has origins beyond the physical. Otherwise, those reporting feeling "love" like they never felt before during NDEs offer that idea. Nevertheless, in relationships there is a continuum: unconditional, conditional, unconditional (expanded).

Now, though it seems simple, the beginning is the idea, the conditions (everything nerve-wracking, what the heck was I thinking,  I could have done better) moment lends itself to the separation. There are expressions of discounting the self, of unworthiness, etc. Thus, the  thus is that if we work through the conditional back to the unity, stronger in the end than in the beginning. Here is an example: last night, during a retrieval, the entity that I encountered was very frightened and it manifested itself as such. Feelings take on a certain density and weight to me in my explorations whereas they appear as forms and entities to others. This entity that I encountered simply said that they didn't know what to do and was afraid. I felt the fear, but I surprised myself. I told this entity that there was no reason to be afraid and that I could help. I am aware that I manifested a healing energy for the entity, and told him that I would get him to a place where he could finish healing. The idea here is that I saw myself separate from this entity, but we existed as a similar form. Our forms were simliar -- energy -- but our individuality gave us separate identities.

Happily, I know this true for me: I can conceive of unconditional love (PUL). I have touched upon it briefly. We know what it would be for each of us and we can perceive it and send it out.

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Re: News: Jesus' tomb discovered
Reply #12 - Mar 3rd, 2007 at 3:20pm
The bones of Jesus will never be found on this Earth in any location, not that Jesus took them with him and left in the flesh as the supposed stoy of the Bible tells us. No, Jesus left for the spirit world as all of us will, in their spirit body. The truth of the matter is, the only true artifact that was found was the shroud of Turin. When Jesus was laid in the tomb, and covered with the shroud, and the stone was rolled in front of the entrance way, it was then that, a group of spirits came down, and by way of atom manipulation rolled away the heavy stone. It was at that time that Jesus was in the tomb in his spirit body, materializing a new temporary body from the elements, to emerge in to instill the faith of his followers. At that time Jesus removed the shroud, folded it and set it off to the side, and then dematerialized the destroyed flesh body he had once occupied back into the elements, and emerged out of the tomb. This is why the guard did not see him for he was put into a trance by the spirt helpers, so his etoplasm could be used to temporarily bind the elements together with his life force. And the reason Jesus did not want to be touched was, because it would have interupted the magnetic link between Jesus and the guard, and cause harm or death to the guard. It is after Jesus was seen by Mary Magdalene, his true soul mate and his followers, that he desended into the heavens, along with the other spirits that came to his aid, and not into the clouds as is written, but into the atmosphere. Yes Jesus asended as a spirit and and not in flesh, blood, and bones.
All these hidden truths are there for those that explore out of body, to find out now. For those that do not, you will find out these truths that I have stated, once you have entered the realm of spirit.  Jesus is the most evolved, spirit in the afterlife, and all of us have the same makeup to be great spirits also. It is amazing how through centries of translation, that the story seems to have lost it's original premise, almost like a story heard in passing in these times, as it is misqouted by the time it gets to our ears. So much as been added, while so much truth has been left out.

Dimensionally Yours,

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Re: News: Jesus' tomb discovered
Reply #13 - Mar 5th, 2007 at 5:36am
Ricktimet a wonderful post.  You know, talking about the body of Jesus is so sacred. If I may add my reply to the topic, I do so in humbleness and with love to you all.

Jesus Christ, the Son of God, was born into Earth, lived in Earth, and died in Earth.  He is a man with flesh and bones manifesting the image of God.

This statement deserves hours of contemplation for “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God”.

The Word is Christ, the Logos.  Christ is God’s action; For the Godhead, the Divine Trinity, is Silence.  Out of the silence comes God’s act in Christ.

When Jesus Christ was crucified on the Cross He gave up His Holy Ghost into our universe and his blood spilt into the Earth.  This day, Friday the 13th, a solar eclipse occurred which lasted for three hours.  When Jesus gave up his Holy Ghost the curtain hanging in Solomon’s Temple was torn from top to bottom.  The Earth shook and rocks split apart, graves broke open, and many of God’s people who had died were raised to life.  They left the graves after Jesus rose from death, they went into the Holy City where many people saw them.

Joseph of Arimathea asked Pilate for the body of Jesus and wrapped it in a new linen sheet.  Joseph of Arimathea and St. Mark cared for the body of Jesus and this sacred part of esoteric Christian history may be read in Adrian Gilbert’s ‘New Jersusalem’ for those who are sincere in Christian knowledge.

Just before the crucifixion of Jesus Christ people mocked Him ‘this is Jesus, King of the Jews’ and placed a crown of thorns upon His head saying ‘save yourself if you are God’s Son, come on down from the Cross’.  When Jesus died and gave up His Holy Ghost the people experienced the solar eclipse and the earthquake and the people risen from the dead and they were terrified and said ‘He really was the Son of God’.

And Mary the Mother of Jesus was fainting and Anna and the two other Mary’s were weeping and lamenting although they knew the prophecy from the beginning.  For they were the Women in the Essene Brotherhood in Mt. Carmel, the Order of preparation and dedication of those chosen to make the path straight so the Christ might enter Earth.

‘The Word was with God and the Word was God’.

Edgar Cayce:  He came, the Master, in flesh and blood, even as thou didst come in flesh and blood.  Yet as He then proclaimed to thee, there is a cleansing of the body, of flesh, of blood, in such measure that it may become illumined with power from on high; that is within thine own body to will: ‘Thy Will O God; not mine, but Thine, be done in me, through me”.

And we listen to Jan van Ruysbroeck, a great Flemish Christian mystic:

The Father dwells in the Son, and the Son in the Father, and all creatures dwell in Both.  And this eternal life and being, which we have and are in the eternal Wisdom of God, is like unto God.  For it has an eternal immanence in the Divine Essence, without distinction; and through the birth of the Son it has an eternal outflowing in a distinction and otherness, according to the Eternal Idea.  

For we know well that the bosom of the Father is our ground and origin, in which we begin our being and life.  And from our proper ground, that is from the Father and from all that lives in Him there shines forth an eternal brightness, that is, in the Son, the Father knows himself and all that lives in Him; for all that He has, and all that He is, He gives to the Son save only the property of Fatherhood, which abides in Himself.

And this is why all that lives in the Father, unmanifested in the unity, is also in the Son actively poured forth into manifestation; and the simple ground of our waylessness, but the brightness without limit which streams forth from it, this reveals and brings forth with the Conditioned the hiddeness of God.  

And all those men who are raised up above their created being into God-seeing life are one with this Divine brightness.

And the great Christian mystic Meister Eckhart:
The eye by which I see God is the same as the eye by which God sees me.  My eye and God’s eye are one and the same.

If I have anything, anything at all I give it to you, Gloria.
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Re: News: Jesus' tomb discovered
Reply #14 - Mar 9th, 2007 at 3:07am
I wanted to postpone my comments until I actually saw the TV documentary.  I may post a detailed refutation later.   For now I just want to make two observations.

(1) The scholars cited in support of the tomb's authenticity often have their comments taken out of context to suppress their disagreement.   

(2) The DNA testing of two ossuaries sparked my idea of what might constitute a decisive test.   In the 60s AD, the Jews were mobilizing for a revolt against Rome.   Dissidents were treated brutally and this created a crisis for the peace-loving Jerusalem church.   Their revered leader James [Jesus' brother] had just been stoned to death by order of the high priest Annas in 62 AD.  One day, they received a prophetic oracle accompanied by an angelic vision.  They were commanded to flee to Pella, a city 2 miles east of the upper Jordan River about 15 miles south of the Sea of Galilee.   So Pella is one of the most important but neglected archaelogical sites for Christian origins because the surviving apostles and members of Jesus' family relocated there.   After the martyrdom of James, the leadership of the Jerusalem church in exile was bestowed on Jesus' cousin, Simon the son of Clopas, Joseph's brother.  Jesus' cousin retained his leadership role for decades.

One of the most neglected Pellan archaeological finds is an early 5th century cathedral that was built over a first century Jewish coffin.   The significance of this location has in my view been overlooked.   Why would an encient Gentile Christian church be built over a first century Jewish coffin?  Most likely because church officials wanted to honor a first-century Jewish Christian founder of their community.  But Jesus' cousin looms as the most liikely candidate!  This is somewhat speculative to be sure.    But consider this.  What if this coffin yielded DNA?  What if that DNA matched that found in one of the ossuaries in the alleged tomb of Jesus' family or some other such tomb?   Or what if the DNA proved a family resemblance with DNA isolated from the disputed tomb of Jesus' brother James?   Such a match would constitute conclusive proof that both sources contained Jesus' family members.  I am no expert on DNA retrieval and such a project may not be feasible.  But just imagine if it were.

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