hi dude if you've ever played a lot of video games it can be like an imprint from the games in your brain cells, but theres more to it than that just a replay...you basically got it right to say killing emotions..you may have a view life itself is like a game board.
those instincts to survive come into play in a video game situation..I'm glad to see you grew your arms back...as u show yourself something there.
at that point you might have slipped into an obe by choice if you had been lucid enough to realize you were dreaming. its a different level of, maybe delta, maybe higher, I'd like to see you jump into the next level, that would be cool, where you go, oh, wow, lets change this dream! u might even be realizing that the body is not as real as the spirit and so some of those beliefs may be changing about the body and fears get produced around that. I always had this belief that a belief wants to survive on its own...takes a form, hangs on, becomes a pest. Bruce has a very good way of talking to a belief system: he says to it: Thank u for your service to me, but now I would like you to be laid off from work. The belief has no choice but to go away.