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The Piscean Age (Read 1214 times)
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The Piscean Age
Feb 21st, 2007 at 2:38am
Pisces – The Fishes

The Piscean Age

Pisces, The Fishes, the twelfth sign, completes the circle of the Zodiac.  The symbol consists of two crescent-shaped fishes swimming in opposites directions yet tied to each other by a connecting cord, indicating the restricting nature of this sign.  The dualism is obvious, and one may assume a third element, the water in which the two fishes swim, the universal solvent.

One interpretation is that the soul is bound to the body within the ocean of the Spirit.

One cannot easily fathom the Zodiac and its signs, least of all this sign of mystery, Pisces, the loftiest note in the sublime symphony.  Here is pure Spirit, virgin divinity, undifferentiated, yet to be made into manifest forms, spoken into being by the creative Word.  Something of the mystery of Pisces is sensed in the picture of the Earth, when it ‘was without form and void , and darkness was upon the face of the deep.  And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters’.

The manifestation of the Great Unmanifest is the result of the union between the Pisces feminine formless with the masculine form of the Saturnine Capricorn.  The ultimate ideas expressed in forms come to manifestation through the Son-Aquarius.  Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces are designated as Father, Son, and Mother, the Divine Trinity, yet One.  The trident of Neptune, one of the rulers of Pisces, is a symbol of the Trinity in manifestation.

Pisces represents ‘The Great Deep’, the water that is the universal solvent.  It stands for Chaos, as against Christian Aquarian Cosmos.  Thus, in Pisces may be seen the power of the unresolved, that which is to be born and built and brought to life and form through the instrumentality of the Christ, that all may be fructified with self-consciousness, yet clothed with Spirit-life.

At present, Pisces is especially important for all mankind, for we are passing through the Piscean Age; that is, by precession of the equinox, the vernal Sun now rises in the Fishes, the twelfth sign of the Zodiac, the sign of destiny as duty.
Through the formless Spirit’s imprisonment in flesh, there has now developed a phase of life so dense that the divinity in man has been largely forgotten.  This has produced a mode of consciousness stepped down to such an extent by the brain as to make man unresponsive to, and unaware of, the spiritual realms and beings, and of his true nature of soul and spirit.

In the development of the intellect, man lost touch with the truth and his soul.  The result is chaos, which Pisces gives in its negative phase.  This time of transition, terribly testing for all mankind, shows profound misunderstanding and the consummation of human sorrow and self-undoing, the purchase of pain self-wrought by man and being brought to a head now in this Piscean Age.

Pisces being the loftiest note in the Zodiac, the power of pure Spirit, the unexpressed essence of God, it is small wonder in an age so intensely intellectual and godless, that many people fail to express the spiritual and gravitate more easily toward intellectualism and materialism.  When the negative expression of this sign of divinity inverts the power of God, then must matter be raised from the dead by the Spirit, through the topmost facet of the zodiacal diamond, the pure Spirit of Pisces.

Having experienced the initiation of Pisces, and having received into himself those spiritual impulses that are the instruments of the Fishes-initiation, Jesus of Nazareth was prepared for the reception of the Christ and was enabled to baptize in the higher sense designated by John as the ‘baptism of the Holy Spirit’. 

So few as yet have been baptized by the Holy Spirit; many are obsessed by inferior spirits.  The negative, unindividualized members of Pisces are souls whose forces are scattered.  Some are usurped by spiritual thieves, spirit-controls, and earthbound human souls who victimize, steal from, and use vicariously the physical forces of such derelicts.  Moreover, the power of Pisces is to perfect the man through his life of feelings and emotions; the inner, silent, secret, subtle soul life is made subject to intense sympathies in the earthly and astral environment.  Large numbers of Pisceans are thus unknowingly, or knowingly subject to control by souls seen and unseen, to their great detriment in true evolutionary growth; they become psychic servants and astral carriers for the so-called dead.  Frequently do they become burdened with the earthbound dead, so that life for them becomes a terrible, wretched experience.

Some Pisceans become a dismay and disappointment to themselves, for often their souls in truth do not belong to them.  They are moved by all and sundry, by people here or in the unseen worlds, because of their scattered, uncollected, decentralized, psychic forces.  A large number of mediums are to be found in this sign, some of whom have made doubters and skeptics change their entire life of thought.  Through this avenue, however, one cannot reach the true goal, for mediumism is not the proper path to the Spirit. ‘I Am the door of the sheep’ St John 10:7 and ‘He that entereth not by the door (the solar I Am power) into the sheepfold, but climbeth up some other way (lunar mediumism and spirit-control), the same is a thief and a robber’ St John 10:1

The secret of their defeat, the source of sorrow and often sinister destiny in Pisces and through Neptune, lies in the lack of cohering Christ-will, which makes the man master of his life and makes him whole.  Piscean souls need to learn how to retain a grip on their own Ego and thus bring into focus their thinking and their self-consciousness.  When this is achieved, they can direct their own lives and give moral help and direction to others.

The purpose of Pisces is in large degree the purpose of pain.  In this restricting, inhibiting sign of sorrow, man is spiritualised, perfected, and purified through intense, subtle, silent, secret emotional suffering, the most exquisitely agonizing and poignant.  None but those allied to Pisces can know the power of this pain, and only those who have dedicated themselves to Christ hand have given their soul in full surrender, can know the magnitude of this mood of suffering, or the awful burden of a long drawn-out life incessantly frustrated by lack of achievement.  These forces compel renunciation of whatever is designated by them.  The very essence of this silent note, Pisces is, ‘If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find ‘ St Matthew 16:24,25

Because the pedagogy of pain fructifies soul forces for the spirit, man may truly rejoice in his pain, knowing that every pang of it builds his inner man, the psychic-spiritual being, whereas this cannot be true for the animals.  They derive no building power from pain.  Unconsciously do most Pisceans love and protect the dumb creatures.  One can resuscitate such a universal feeling, this all-embracing compassion.

By understanding the sign Pisces and its pedagogy of pain through Neptune via Saturn, we learn the nature of human death, and how through repeated earthly deaths the Father’s force works through Saturn in and on the soul of man, so that eternal life and Christ-youth are at last achieved.  Thus does St Paul declare with truth ‘the last enemy that shall be destroyed is death’ Corinthians 15:26

Most people fear death in this era of Pisces when the Spirit-light in man is relatively inactive.  Crucifixion of the Christ-Spirit in man continues when man, because of his intense intellectual darkness, believes that with the loss of his physical body by death all is lost and finished.

Every human Ego has created its own destiny.  There is no such thing as a helpless lot dealt out by life in some fatalistic scheme.  There is a design, in virtue of which the human Ego conditions by its own free will and accord the way it will walk.  It is part of man’s destiny, in Christ, to attain to full Ego or I AM consciousness and to freedom.  This has entailed a descent into matter, with all the consequences of not just one Fall but many falls.  In the course of incarnation, there comes to realization the means to regenerate the man, to resolve the karma, and to emerge from the prison house of the physical body as a liberated soul, willingly to make any sacrifice for the progress of humanity.
In this meditation on Pisces, we should ponder on the fact that, from our time onward, Christ is to be the Lord of karma, that is, he will bring order into karma and align individual destiny with the entire Earth-karma. 

Many souls feel the whiplash of Piscean destiny, a destiny that so often degrades in unspeakable ways, often because of total blindness to the purpose of life, but sometimes because of a refusal to work rightly with those forces that produce the marriage of the soul with the heavenly bridegroom in a human earthly body.

Yet, when we know how sublime, how divine, Pisces and Neptune are, and when we see the great unformed, uninformed, unfinished, laggard development of mankind, we do not marvel that there are so few evolved Egos, but are surprised that so many have already appeared.  In every age, this testimony of God and divinity has been vouchsafed.  Now, however, that time has come when there is to be made a leap in evolution, for many have matured and are ready to meet the Master; they have sufficient oil in their lamps to get the light.

The Light of the World, from the Father through the Christ, cannot be mirrored, unless the earthly brain of man in true and exact reflection, unless the desire or astral body of man is first cleansed.  With the purification of this soul body, a commensurate cleansing quality is passed on to the etheric body, which in turn conditions man’s sensitivity to spiritual truth.  The coordination of the various members of man indicates the union of the Holy Spirit, Pisces, with the purified astral body, which St John, finding it impossible to compass and confine by an earthly name, calls ‘the Mother of Jesus’ or the Virgin Sophia, Virgo.  In this wise, are the complementary signs, Pisces and Virgo, closely related.  They are referred to also in the feeding of the five thousand with the five barley loaves and two fishes – Virgo and Pisces – indicating the inexhaustible nourishment to be derived from these spiritual realms.

When there is a marriage between the intellect and the Spirit, the large work of Pisces will have been consummated, with growing numbers of souls becoming Christ conscious and thus free from fear, hatred, selfishness, and error.   The pain wrought in this Piscean Age is the travail of purification that is bringing to the Earth in our time the gift of God indicated by Christ Jesus when he spoke of a woman’s sorrow of travail in childbirth (Age of Pisces), but after that travail, the joy that a man (Christ-Aquarius) is born into the world St John 16:21.

To follow .. the Pisces Man

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