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Horoscope (Read 4677 times)
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Afterlife Knowledge Member

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Jan 31st, 2007 at 7:29pm
Are there any horoscopes that deal with our loved ones that are in the afterlife?
very curious about that, and any info would be very appreciated!

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Re: Horoscope
Reply #1 - Feb 1st, 2007 at 2:03am
  Hi Aras,

  I'm not sure what you are exactly asking?  Do you mean could we do charts for those in the nonphysical?   Or more do you mean, is astrology generally and at all connected to the nonphysical dimensions?

  Astrology ties in strongly with the physical energies (and Earth is very connected to emotional energy) and so if the first question is what you are asking, then no, i don't think a chart would be very helpful at all.  Most of a chart, is connected to physical lives and life symbolism, especially the Zodiac signs.

But astrology is also connected to the nonphysical, the other Planets correspond to  nonphysical dimensions.  After we die, we phase into these nonphysical dimensions and according to how we lived our life, and our strongest belief systems, we will be attracted to certain a consciousness "band" and dimension. 

   Someone who lived an unusually intune and loving life, may be attracted to the nonphysical dimension represented or connected to say, Jupiter or Neptune's energies.    If they were very loving, then they will phase into the Solar energies, and may become aware of the choice to leave this system via the main energy "door" or center out of here, which is the Star Arcturus.  Then, they may set up another physical life (or it's already set up as a continuum past our immediate awareness), where these nonphysical energies, will be prominent in the other physical personality...  So say you experirenced Jupiter inbetween your physical lives, and then want to bring this consciousness in strongly, then Jupiter in your chart will be highly amplified and usually the dimension of which we entered into the physical from, is the one closest to our Ascendant degree and/or otherwise very strongly highlighted in the chart.

   It seems that most folks eventually end up in the 4th dimension, and this corresponds to Venus mostly.   These dimensions are very connected to our Chakra/energy centers.  Venus and the 4th dimension correspond/resonate to the Heart center.  Venus's energy is that of harmony, kindness, getting along, being aware of others.

  Yet while there are 7 main dimensions directly connected to the ELS (and an 8th, which is connected, but not directly), even within each of these major dimensions, there are in a sense sub dimensions, which again correponds to harmonics of 7.   

   So a somewhat more advanced Soul might eventually phase into the 7th subdimension of the 4th dimension, and is in a sense "close" to moving into the 5th major dimension (which is where a lot of the average guides are functioning from).  This also corresponds to color patterns, in this person's example, their core spiritual energy will start to become more and more blue though not pure blue at this "stage" yet.

  I think once the consciousness is past the 7th subdimension of the 5th major dimension and coming close to the 6th, then it starts to surpass astrological energies?

  But something tells me that the 7th major dimension is connected to the Solar golden light energies.

  Dunno, if there is any way to clarify what you mean and what you are asking...i will try to give my perspective as best as i can.

  I remember reading about Bob Monroe and Miranon having an odd conversation, and Bob asked something like, "so are you still at the 49th level Miranon?"  I believe this is related to what i was talking about.  If it was the 49th, then this would indicate that Miranon was getting close to being able to completely graduate and phase out of our system into more expanded systems.   7th dimension, times 7th subdimension (=49), ready to move out of the 7th major dimension all together...?
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Re: Horoscope
Reply #2 - Feb 1st, 2007 at 9:04am
It is a great question Aras  Smiley and I enjoy reading your reply AhSoLao, i like the way you bring dimensions and colour into the picture!  I'd like to post here from Edgar Cayce ('tis long again but worth the read for those who are interested)

AhSo we spoke in the past about Cayce talking on the planets and this information I have is in my note book written out a few years ago but if I am correct it comes from 'The life story of Jesus' but will be able to confirm once I go through his books I have.

Bit of interest first though - Horoscope – In modern astrology the word horoscope is used to denote the symbolic figure of the heavens that is the Chart.  However, until the 18th century the word was used not with such a chart but with the Ascendant degree.  This 18th century use was etymologically correct, for the Greek astrology (from which much of the modern astrology derived) termed the Ascendant the ‘Horoscopos’, apparently from two Greek terms meaning ‘watching from a high vantage point’.
Fred Gettings.

In my understanding; the Ascendant sign together with the degree is the sign we will achieve in our next life or if not next life it is what we are becoming.  The Ascendant sign is the constellation rising on the Eastern horizon at birth.

Edgar Cayce wrote quite a bit about astrology and he theorized (through chanelling) the placements of the Planets in the Zodical signs shows the accumulation of one’s life before the present one.  The aspects in the Chart represent the challenges we face in this life.

Rudolf Steiner talks about the sublime Planetary Beings (humans maybe?) and the sublime Hierarchy who reside in the planets.  The Zodiac Beings are viewed as the Arch-Angels Hierarchy.

Getting back to Edgar Cayce; he chanelled this information-

In Saturn we find the sudden or violent changes – those influences and environs that do not grow, as it were, but are sudden by change of circumstances materially – or by activities apparently on the part of others, that become a part of self by the very associations.  Yet these are testing periods of thy endurance, or they patience, or thy love of truth, harmony and the spirit that faileth not.  From the combination of this with Uranus, we find the extremes; the material or mental environs in which the very opposites may be expected.  Remember only in Christ Jesus do extremes meet.

Each entity should know that every thought and act are the materials out of which they are building their very being.  The sojourns in the various spheres are but the results of their own desires.

In the earth, matter takes all its various forms of presentation of energy or force as radiated from the various solar aspects.  All force in the earth sphere assumes a three dimensional appearance.

In Jupiter, all ennobling influences are accentuated, whether they be from Earth, Venus, Mercury or Mars.

In Saturn, that (sphere) to which all insufficient matter is cast for its remoulding, preparation is made for returning or re-entering through those influences of the Uranian – which make for the extremes, very good or very bad, and making for extraordinary condition in relationships – throughout other experiences called in the Earth plane occult influences.

‘I thought I was on Saturn.  The ring around it was like a shield, and it was a place where entities learned that they couldn’t go all the way around the ring like they could on Earth.  They could go to this place (Saturn) but couldn’t get around it – where the band was around.  For the Earth and Saturn are opposites, as it were .. to Saturn go those who would renew or begin again; or who have blotted from their experience much tat may be set in motion again through other influences and environs that have been a portion of the entity’s experience.

In Soul development, that man may be one with Father, it is necessary that the Soul pass – with its companion, the Will – through all the various stages of development, until the Will is lost in Him, and he becomes one with the Father. As in Jesus’.

Past earth experiences, according to the Readings, express themselves through an individuals emotions – while at the same time the individual’s mental aspects are shown as being developed from indwelling in planes of consciousness (represented by the Planets) between earth lives.  Planetary relationships are thus explained as being symbolic of these dwellings and the development achieved in the experience.

Consequently, each individual varies considerably not only in mental and emotional traits, but also in the manner of degree that a given planet or planetary configuration affects that person.

The record of planetary influences found in the Akasha was explained as being emblematic of how an individual had reacted to various mental and emotional situations in the past.  This was shown to be a present and continually evolving relationship.

Then in giving the astrological influences, these would vary considerably from what would be seen from the spiritual or the soul-experience in the earth’s plane.

Were this entity’s experiences given from the purely astrological science, as accepted in may quarters, they would vary entirely from this (record) which may be given here – or what is viewed from here.

For these are the Akashian records of the entity’s or souls development.  As to how the present experience, with its environs, will be acted upon or influenced – there will be little influence from an astrological stand-point.

Each soul, each body, each individual is an individual entity.  What is done and what is thought becomes a living record of the experience of that individual entity – in whatever sphere of consciousness this activity may have been recorded upon the skein of time and space.

As to whether a soul is developed or retarded during a particular life depends on what the person holds as its ideals, and what it does in its mental and material relationships about that ideal.

Life is a purposeful experience, and the place in which a person finds himself is one in which he may use his present abilities, faults, failures, virtues, in fulfilling the purpose for which the Soul decided to manifest in the three-dimensional plane.

Know in thyself that there are immutable laws, and the universe about thyself is directed by laws set in motion from the beginning.  The Book of Life is the record that the individual entity itself writes upon  the skein of time and space, through patience and is opened when self as attuned to the infinite and may be read by those attuning to that consciousness.

As such, the Universe was created for our awareness and coming to understanding of its design and purpose.  As has been indicated by some, ye are part and parcel of a Universal Consciousness or God.  And thus (part) of all that is within, the Universal Consciousness, or Universal Awareness: as are the stars, the planets, the sun and the moon.

Do ye rule them or do they rule thee?  They were made for thine own use, as an individual.  Yea, that is the part (they play) the thought which thy Maker, thy Father-God, thinks of thee.  For ye are as a corpuscle in the body of God; thus a co-creator with him in what ye think and in what ye do.

When the heavens and the earth came into being, this meant the universe as the inhabitants of the earth know it.  Yet there are many suns in the universe even those (suns) about which our Sun, our earth, revolves.  And all are moving toward some place – yet space and time appear incomplete.

The time and space are but one.  Yet the Sun that is the center of this particular solar systems is the center; and as has been known of old, it (the Sun) is that about which earth and its companion planets circulate or revolve.

A beginning in understanding these (facts) and the influence upon the lives of individuals was thought out or evolved or interpreted by those of old, who were without the means for observing which are considered necessary today, in order to understand.

Since the Sun has been set as the ruler of this solar system, does it not appear reasonable that it does have an effect upon the inhabitants of the earth as well as upon plant and mineral life in the earth?  Thus we find given in the Bible: ‘The sun and the moon and the stars were made also’; this being the writer’s attempt to convey to the individual the realization that there is also an influence in their activity.

For remember: they … the sun, the moon and the planets have their marching orders from the Divine, and they move in these.  Man alone is given the birthright of free will.  He, alone may defy his God.  Planets were created for Man’s development then rather than have the stars rule the life, the life should rule the stars.  For Man was created a little bit higher than all the rest of the whole universe, and is capable of harnessing, directing and enforcing the laws of the universe.


Now, if only we could figure out why the world is in such turmoil?

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Re: Horoscope
Reply #3 - Feb 3rd, 2007 at 4:11am
  Kool post Caryn. Smiley  Don't know if either of us have answered Aras's question yet... but i enjoyed reading your reply, and i apreciated your appreciation for my post as well. 

  Funny enough, my Twin Soul and Fiance is also an Aquarius Sun and Aries Moon, like you.   She has late Capricorn ASC cusping into Aquarius, with Venus Rising in same.

   She has a friend named J.P. in S.A., and he is an Aquarius with Sun Rising in same (i think Moon in Leo).  I joke with her, and call him her other boyfriend.  She says that he reminds her a lot like me, who knows, maybe we are in the same Total self/Disk?  Would be interesting to think i have another life going on in your country.  Wonder just how many other selves are running around in this space/time, i know i've met one other, but he recently died and pretty young at that.

  Maybe you two (you and J.P. in S.A.) will meet at some point, that would be really far out huh?  I feel some kind of (somewhat strong) karmic connection to you, but don't know when, where, or in what capacity. Maybe more from the nonphysical dimensions...? 

Dunno, its 3 a.m. here and i'm getting really tired, fuzzy, feel kind of disconnected right now.  My progressed Moon is returning to its natal position, been talking a lot about childhood, past, my mom, prejudices, etc., lately go figure, there is really something to astrology after all.
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Re: Horoscope
Reply #4 - Feb 3rd, 2007 at 6:07pm
AhSoLaoTsuAhhOmmra & augoeideian,

Yikes... now that is a lot of information for me to digest.
I appreciate your replies, and yes you kind of answered my question.

Thank you all very much,

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Re: Horoscope
Reply #5 - Feb 5th, 2007 at 4:02am
lol Aras .. yes, swamped with writings above!  I hope your question was kind of answered - of course this is all through reflection but the ancient astrologers were rather nifty in sussing it out.

I think maybe a guideline to your question on a Afterlife birthchart would be what we experience in this life through  experiencing the different dimension of the planets and - the particular zodiac sign tuning into the planets - is our birthchart in the Afterlife - together with the accumalation of our past life experience which is shown in our present life birthchart. From here, in the Afterlife, we create a new birthchart in order to develop upon the past birth.  For example, I might find I need some more Libra in my soul/spirit and spend time in the Libra constellation in order to manifest Libra in me in my next life. 

I do believe sleep is the same state as death (although not completely loosened therefore everything is not completely revealed) and we go to our main residing place everynight (in the dead of sleep) as we do when we are completely loosened. 

These are my theories and maybe they resonant with you or maybe they don't.  It's important to go along with what you feel and what makes you comfortable thinking about these things or anything else.

Hopefully one day 'the official Astrology manual' will be given to us!   In the meantime it is great tuning into Astrology with the freedom and creativity which the zodiac bestows upon us Smiley

Sorry - I'm a bit of a mouthful this morning rattling on!

Heya AhSoLao

Hope you did enjoy the Cayce channelling - I get the impression the entity (the spirit in all its entirety) is a regular person/group just reporting back. Very nice.

Gosh, yes coincidences - aren't they incrediable.  I find they happening more and more.  Cosmic Ambitions mentioned the Celestine Prophecy - the most wonderful book (sorry didn't reply CA when I saw it) and the follow on the guidlines to experimental Celestine Prophecy - tells us the power of making wishes manifest in life.  Amazing.

I really resonant with what you wrote AhSo .. sometimes I have this strangest feeling someone is the part of someone although the first might not know the second - the third sees the connection.  And what you say its interesting to think you have another life going on in a complete different place!  Awesome and dimensionally mind boggling - there is something to it I'm sure.

Well now let's cast our minds back to Atlantis when we wore white and purple robes and sung in harmony!


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Re: Horoscope
Reply #6 - Feb 6th, 2007 at 12:20pm
AhSoLaoTsuAhhOmmra & augoeideian,

Very interesting posts. I don't know much about astrology, but I do know the moon stimulates my senses. I do have a question though. I am a July 22 baby, this puts me on the cusp of Cancer/Leo. I have been using each personality trait as needed. For example, I use the sensitivity of Cancer when needed, but when needed this "kitty" has claws. My question is, is there any significance of being on the cusp?

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Re: Horoscope
Reply #7 - Feb 6th, 2007 at 7:57pm
  Hey there Caryn, thanks for the reply.
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Re: Horoscope
Reply #8 - Feb 6th, 2007 at 8:25pm
daiseymae wrote on Feb 6th, 2007 at 12:20pm:
AhSoLaoTsuAhhOmmra & augoeideian,

Very interesting posts. I don't know much about astrology, but I do know the moon stimulates my senses. I do have a question though. I am a July 22 baby, this puts me on the cusp of Cancer/Leo. I have been using each personality trait as needed. For example, I use the sensitivity of Cancer when needed, but when needed this "kitty" has claws. My question is, is there any significance of being on the cusp?


Hi Daseymae,

  The concept of cusping is a contraversial one in many astrological circles.  Many astrologers believe in it, and many don't.   

  I'm one of the ones who does.  I also believe it applies to all factors in the chart, not just the Sun sign.  The Rising/Ascendant can be cusped, the Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, etc.

  One of the reasons why i believe in cusping other than i've observed it while doing charts, and that a psychic named Edgar Cayce said it exists, is that astronomers have said that we will not techically be in the Aquarius Constellation (meaning the Aquarian "Age") until at least another 200 to 500 years or so.   

  Aquarius is a sign that deals with group awakening, group focus, deals with invention and using the intuitive factulties in a clear, mental or intellectual way.  Technology can be strongly associated with this Sign.

  But while we are not technically in the Aquarius Age yet (which affects humanity as a whole over a long period of time) and won't be for awhile, and we're probably around 1.5 to 3 degrees Pisces right now, its plainly obvious that we have been feeling Aquarius for a little while now, that there is a strong cusping affect going on. 

  Look at the explosion of technology, and communication.  Aquarius is an air sign which deals with communication especially through very fast and instantaneous means.   

  People have started to become more group conscious and aware too.  Pisces is a sign which corresponds to faith, and to religion and mysticism, and it seems religion is on the down turn more and more lately.   More people are turning away from blind faith, and from institutions telling them what to believe, and relying more on their inner intuition and on experiential knowledge. 

   Aquarius deals more with experiential knowledge, verifications, basically its more scientific minded though much more open minded than mainstream science tends to be in the U.S.

  The fastest vibrating and most expansive area of the Zodiac is actually the one we are starting to near, its at about 1 degree Pisces where Aquarius and Pisces merge.  Aquarius as a sign tends to live too much in the head at the expense of the Heart, and Pisces oft lives too much in the Heart at the expense of the head.   Aquarius is rather "fixed" in nature, and Pisces can be too flowing, too yin and passive.

  But when they are cusping strongly, there is a good balance between them.  The Zodiac is like a color wheel, and the true violet point is at this cusping point of Aquarius and Pisces.   

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Re: Horoscope
Reply #9 - Feb 22nd, 2007 at 6:37am
Oh just seen this post now,

There are different ideas about the cusp influence.  The sun moves one degree every four minutes in a constellation so when a baby takes its first breath in the world the degree will be noted by the time and the sun will be in that constellation. So twins will differ by their degrees, degree working is the same as numerology.  Stacy to plot the exact position of the sun (and the other planets) your year, place and time of birth are the elements which plot a birthchart (the time must be as accurate possible if not exact) Just shout if you would like your placements.  Although nowdays the online astrocentre will send you one free chart.

I agree and appreciate what you said AhSo with the blending, the aura projections of the planets are vast.  Yes, the sun will be in Aquarius in a good few hundred years still, as officially recorded by astronomers.  Like you say though, AhSo, due to the cusping influence we can feel it now. I think the first Aquarian influence started with the French Revolution in the 16th century and of course the 60's felt this influence quite strongly - these influences may be the yard marks and forerunners of the Aquarian Age due to the people born in these era's and carrying the influence with them as well as those stalwarts (erm hippies!) from the 60's who experienced this wave of love and freedom. I think relationship may be a better word than influence though.

You have to say; evolution is not as rushed as us humans!  I enjoyed reading your knowledge on Aquarius and Pisces AhSo.  Thanks.

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