Hi there tmerc8
Good questions
If I may offer my thoughts as best as I can;
I think the biggest thing with dreaming; are they conscious or are they random unconscious thoughts. By saying conscious; to be conscious of the unconscious. And the unconscious expresses itself through symbols. Whether to say it is a realtime happening is the debate. The unconscious is our soul.
It is my thought; in developing the Ego one becomes conscious of the unconscious while dreaming. So instead of random thoughts the Ego is trained to become aware of its own unconscious and the unconscious world (while asleep)
If we look at the science of the spirit (Rudolf Steiner work) in order for the spirit to perceive itself and what is around it, it must bring itself and whatever is in that person's life, bring it up from the inside to the outside.
Therefore if one has a dream about a car travelling fast - the Ego is bringing up the unconscious in a symbol of a car, the car representing the Ego and travelling fast may represent being busy or going towards a goal of achievement, for example.
So what this is saying - we don't just float around and bump into things which may cross our paths it is saying I create my own world - it comes from me. However, you are also in my world therefore we are not seperate - I know you and to perceive you I bring you up from within myself. This may be what the collective consciousness is - we are part of the same substance therefore the law operates within this substance.
Also with this, there is different levels to dreams. Dreams would either be within our earth realm, that is under the Moon level or the more intense dreams would be beyond the Moon that is the start of the true spiritual realms. When we sleep we do, in fact, go to our spiritual home every night - this is a phenomena - it is two lives that we live. Our waking life reality and our sleeping life reality. And here we may look at an inversion of sort.
In this state of being in our second home is very rarely conscious as here we are not using any of our mental faculities in order to perceive us being there - it really is in our deep sleep, almost as if dead. I believe in exercising our Ego to be in a conscious state while in our deep sleep we may perceive our second home- this is rare though and I would say the art of the ascended Masters (or Madams).
Also, some dreams may be memory recall, some dreams are visions and some dreams come from our senses. We must always trust our intuition when trying to decipher anything asleep or awake.
Memory recall dreams would be flashbacks into a past life or the last year etc. When waking one would have a strong feeling that this was an past event. This is carried by our Ego retaining memory. Here we might say the past, the present and the future are rolled into one and therefore the memory recall relates to the present just as much as it does to the past.
Vision dreams are very strong in their nature and is the awakened Ego perceiving events and itself truthfully i.e. not randomly. For example; if you need to know an answer one would use the 'twilight' time - that time just before feeling asleep when the un-conscious mind comes to the front and the rational conscious mind slips into a different state. Again the Ego will use symbols to communicate to the rational conscious mind.
Sense dreams happen in the state of being semi awake - that is our spirits are very close to our bodies. Because our rational mind is in a state of being dormant our senses take over and randomly choose pictures to interpretate our feelings that come from our sub-conscious mind. These feelings are normally our supressed anxieties, fears or the opposite of happiness or joy. Therefore if we were anxious about an circumstance our sense will randomly choose pictures that we identify with. As well if, say, a picture would fall off the wall while we are sleeping our senses would hear it and create a whole dream about this one sound of a picture falling.
Indeed, dreaming is a very complex subject and this is my studies to-date.
I would say prophets are the same as psychics - both using an awakened Ego. Clairvoyant or Seer is a similar term.
Though, I would say a Prophet is a sacred word denoting an Ego immersed in the Holy Spirit.
Good question who was Edgar Cayce; the sleeping prophet whose work it was to allow himself as a vessel for spirit communication. Although, I have a feeling it is Edgar Cayce's Ego talking. He is a phenomena and it is easy for us to be blaise and say .. oh I think about this about Cayce and any other great spirit worker when .. these people are the giants and our opinions upon them are drops in the ocean. It has been said Edgar Cayce is the reincarnation of Ra from ancient Egypt.
So there you go now; I'd appreciate any comments.