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Posts: 3445
A thought just hit me that provides me with a sense of trust regarding afterlife and thislife matters, and I wondered whether it does for you too--
The more power any force has, the more sensitive it has to be. The most powerful forces are the most aware of other energies around them. They have to be because if they miscalulated, slambang! they would hit something else and self-destruct or their trajectory would be thrown off course, which, since they are immense, would result in disastrous changes. Giant forces are not chaotic or random. They are finely tuned to be super aware of their surroundings. God is/has such powerful force.
On Earth a powerful force or energy system might be shown as a large animal or man's creation of an invention. So whales have exacting communications systems like sonar, elephants are equipped with excedingly sharp memory. Nuclear plants are more sensitively tuned than windmills, and the winning robots in 'Robot Wars' are not the bashers but the ones with more finely tuned movements.
If God's power did not have this empathetic sensitivity, his creations could be so easily destroyed by any slight variation with his/its immense power. He/It is therefore attuned to even such small a spark as each human, IMHO. Does that make sense to you?