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Marijuana, the subconscious, and "Heaven/Hell"... (Read 4846 times)
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Marijuana, the subconscious, and "Heaven/Hell"...
Feb 11th, 2007 at 10:43am
Last weekend I did something I haven't done in a long,
long time...
I got stoned.
Something I noticed as I was walking down to the store to
pick up some beer...
I was missing "gaps" of time! I found myself a quarter of the
way to the store... with no memory of the time between
leaving home, and being a quarter of the way to the store!
It was as if I had instantaneously "teleported" to this place
along the road to the store from my home...
Now, here's my theory...
My conscious mind had been INOPERATIVE during that first
quarter of my journey. I had been operating as a pure
SUBSCONSCIOUS being! Indeed, I had a half-smoked
cigarette in my hand when I "came to" (walking and humming
a favorite tune to myself..!)
Perhaps then, THIS is what a "Heaven/Hell" denizen experiences...
NOTHING! No matter how much pleasure, or pain he or she SEEMS to be experiencing to an observer (Oblivion by any other name..!)
SO... Swedenborg, ect. could actually be right about the afterlife,
and "heaven/hell" could actually be true. The cool thing is, "you"
wouldn't truly be there! What went to "heaven/hell" would be like
an automaton, a "bot" - a mere copy of you. But this "discarnate"
would be in a state of oblivion, to ITSELF. Swedenborg observed
denizens of both "heaven" and "hell" and interacted with them...
BUT Swedenborg wasn't DEAD. The discarnates, on the other hand,
WERE dead... purely reactive, subconscious entities who were no
more aware of their suffering or bliss, than a rock is conscious of
being kicked.
What seems obvious to me, is that the CONSCIOUS mind... the "spirit" if you will, as opposed to the "soul" - is necessary for subjective experience of any kind. This seems to indicate that the Eastern concepts of the afterlife... e.g., reincarnation - are what we "ourselves" will truly experience, not the Egypto-Greco-Judaic "Heaven-and-Hell" scenario (which may indeed actually exist, but doesn't involve any sensitive, conscious, experiencing entities - but rather "recordings" of people who once lived, but are now simply eternally replaying "movies" of what once was. This could explain the total lack of change or personal development of the local inhabitants that is reported by explorers in these realms. In other words, "Heaven/Hell" is nothing more than the "collective unconscious" oft spoken of by Freud, Jung, ect.) But except for effects on the living (impressions from our past selves perhaps?) there is no "experience" as we understand it for the denizens of this "inner space" realm, which though is IN us (for lack of a better term!) is not truly a "carrot-and-stick" DESTINATION as Western desert monotheisms (Literalist/Pauline Christianity, Islam, extreme Orthodox Judaism) would have us believe.
THIS idea, makes sense to me.

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Re: Marijuana, the subconscious, and "Heaven/Hell"
Reply #1 - Feb 11th, 2007 at 5:05pm
Hi B-Man-
Primitive minds need primitive concepts.

Your remarks recall to me a Gold Coast saying, "Destiny is fan-shaped." The entirety of the "fan" seems to be constructed at birth - or before - but we choose which blade to follow as we wander along.

However, to lose 1/4 hour? That sounds like a Grade A sample of Mexican Laughing Tobacco! Are you certain that you weren't teleported?

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life is too short to drink sour wine
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Re: Marijuana, the subconscious, and "Heaven/Hell"
Reply #2 - Feb 11th, 2007 at 7:18pm
Hey Brendan..I've had that experience too often recount.  And..I use no mind-altering substances of any kind, legal or otherwise.  (only caffiene and nicotine which are not mind-altering)

I've found myself driving along..and realize I cannot remember the last several miles.  Now THAT is scary!

I don't know what it is..or what causes it.  Perhaps a part of me IS elsewhere and I'm on autopilot.

I'd be interested if this has occurred to any others?
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Eternity, Sisyphus and "Heaven/Hell"...
Reply #3 - Feb 12th, 2007 at 2:21am
Brendan said:  "This could explain the total lack of change or personal development of the local inhabitants that is reported by explorers in these realms."

Brendan, I was planning to start a thread about this on my own, but I think this is as good a place as any, so why not conserve space on the board?  The question is, why are people so fearful about the various concepts of heaven and hell?  Here, you hit the nail on the head.  It is the issue of gravitating toward one's position in the kingdom of God for eternity.  If it is a hell, the idea of eternally being caught in one scenario, like Sisyphus is appalling.  For those who don't know, Sisyphus is a greek myth:

As a punishment from the gods for his trickery, Sisyphus was compelled to roll a huge rock up a steep hill, but before he reached the top of the hill, the rock always escaped him and he had to begin again (Odyssey, xi. 593). The maddening nature of the punishment was reserved for Sisyphus due to the mortal's hubristic belief that his cleverness surpassed that of Zeus. Sisyphus took the bold step of reporting one of Zeus's sexual conquests, telling the river god Asopus of the whereabouts of Asopus' daughter, Aegina. Zeus had taken her away, and regardless of the impropriety of Zeus's frequent conquests, Sisyphus unmistakably overstepped his bounds by considering himself a peer of the gods who could rightfully report their indiscrections. (Edith Hamilton's Mythology, 312–313). As a result, Zeus displayed his own cleverness by binding Sisyphus to an eternity of frustration.

What bothers me, as well as it does you, is that when reading Swedenborg, one sees that immediately after death, we are exactly as we were in the world.  But after a life review, we tend to lose the outer aspects of our memories and activities and focus in on the inner ones (our true natures, not the mask we put on to be accepted in society).  Those who loved themselves over God tend to follow their baser natures and associate with others who feel the same.  One gets the feeling, in this system that an eternity is spent in a heaven or hell, without hope of change.  A sadist is drawn to a hell of sadism where acts are perpetrated on him/her and on others - again and again.  This lack of change is quite disturbing, much like the myth of Sisyphus.

However, we also hear from mystic sources "as above, so below."  And that angels (discarnate humans) know of their existence not by reckoning time, but by moving of one state of being to another (see my Swedenborg quote in Dave's thread/discourse on "time.")  This tells me that nothing in the spiritual world is set in stone for eternity - unchanging.  It also tells me that your "bot" hypothesis is likely to be wrong.  Those who have had contact with the deceased seem quite clear that they are not talking with mindless automatons.  

We also hear of helpers and angels continually working on assisting and rescuing others in the spiritual planes.  Again, this is a dynamic view of a spiritual existence, which has within in it a sea of constant movement and change - not the mindless drifting of automaton "bot" souls.

It is essential to understand if a spiritual/afterlife existence is an eternal proposition.  My readings and experiences lead me to say it is not, because the nature of our earthly existence is one of constant learning/flux and change, and it is logical that these thought processes found in our earth lives continue when we have passed over.  We hear of spiritual contact, where deceased loved ones tell living relatives that the grief of the living is "holding them back," in progression in the spirit world.  Holding them back from what?  Certainly not from an eternity of mindless repetition.

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« Last Edit: Feb 12th, 2007 at 8:57am by DocM »  
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Re: Marijuana, the subconscious, and "Heaven/Hell"
Reply #4 - Feb 12th, 2007 at 8:14pm
Aside from the potency of your smoke, I'd like to suggest a slightly different summary - based on  Swedenborg's observation of the way that newly dead people sort themselves out, as well as experience inhaling, and some automatic driving of my own.

This automatic transition through experiences seems especially easy for drug users because the controls of the ego are loosened - and the "bot" naturally gravitates toward its equilibrium. However, this "bot" is still a projection of our own nature that we have evolved over time.  The "ego mind" follows intellectul reasoning and rationality, while the "bot mind" runs on direct reactive tendencies - literally karma, the affective attachments that we have made. This is the common mode of interaction in the spiritual world, as far as I can tell, since the notion of hypothecation of alternatives tends to dissolve into alternative postures (diferent simultaneous states) without any organzational principle to pull them together because there is no geometry imposed on the space.s, existential states may differ, but aside from ordinality, they are dissimilar and largely incommensurable.

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life is too short to drink sour wine
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Re: Marijuana, the subconscious, and "Heaven/Hell"
Reply #5 - Feb 12th, 2007 at 10:29pm
B-dawg wrote on Feb 11th, 2007 at 10:43am:
Last weekend I did something I haven't done in a long,
long time...
I got stoned.
Something I noticed as I was walking down to the store to
pick up some beer...
I was missing "gaps" of time! I found myself a quarter of the
way to the store... with no memory of the time between
leaving home, and being a quarter of the way to the store!
It was as if I had instantaneously "teleported" to this place
along the road to the store from my home...
Now, here's my theory...
My conscious mind had been INOPERATIVE during that first
quarter of my journey. I had been operating as a pure
SUBSCONSCIOUS being! Indeed, I had a half-smoked
cigarette in my hand when I "came to" (walking and humming
a favorite tune to myself..!)
Perhaps then, THIS is what a "Heaven/Hell" denizen experiences...
NOTHING! No matter how much pleasure, or pain he or she SEEMS to be experiencing to an observer (Oblivion by any other name..!)
SO... Swedenborg, ect. could actually be right about the afterlife,
and "heaven/hell" could actually be true. The cool thing is, "you"
wouldn't truly be there! What went to "heaven/hell" would be like
an automaton, a "bot" - a mere copy of you. But this "discarnate"
would be in a state of oblivion, to ITSELF. Swedenborg observed
denizens of both "heaven" and "hell" and interacted with them...
BUT Swedenborg wasn't DEAD. The discarnates, on the other hand,
WERE dead... purely reactive, subconscious entities who were no
more aware of their suffering or bliss, than a rock is conscious of
being kicked.
What seems obvious to me, is that the CONSCIOUS mind... the "spirit" if you will, as opposed to the "soul" - is necessary for subjective experience of any kind. This seems to indicate that the Eastern concepts of the afterlife... e.g., reincarnation - are what we "ourselves" will truly experience, not the Egypto-Greco-Judaic "Heaven-and-Hell" scenario (which may indeed actually exist, but doesn't involve any sensitive, conscious, experiencing entities - but rather "recordings" of people who once lived, but are now simply eternally replaying "movies" of what once was. This could explain the total lack of change or personal development of the local inhabitants that is reported by explorers in these realms. In other words, "Heaven/Hell" is nothing more than the "collective unconscious" oft spoken of by Freud, Jung, ect.) But except for effects on the living (impressions from our past selves perhaps?) there is no "experience" as we understand it for the denizens of this "inner space" realm, which though is IN us (for lack of a better term!) is not truly a "carrot-and-stick" DESTINATION as Western desert monotheisms (Literalist/Pauline Christianity, Islam, extreme Orthodox Judaism) would have us believe.
THIS idea, makes sense to me.


I've had that happen to me quite a few times when I  got high!!!
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