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Afterlife Knowledge Member
Posts: 596
Missoula, Montana
Prayer is the active application of intent/thought as it applies to action and situations in the real world. The problem with the common notion of prayer, is that it is not often applied correctly, or for the right reasons.
There is a science behind proper prayer, much like a science of thought. The prayer should be stated with thanks and the belief that the request has already been fulfilled. Images of the after-effect of the prayer are important, for like a painting, it paints a broader picture of the belief that the request has been fulfilled. It should be done in a calm state of mind to quiet what Kathy on this site has called cross-purpose ideas and intentions. Prayers may be for material things, states of mind (focus), to end suffering, or ultimately for selfless spiritual endeavors.
Most people in the world turn to prayer only in times of crisis. If thought/intent is applied on a regular basis, in a church, or internet prayer group, and if intent is applied selflessly in the service of others, then one can grow and mature in a spiritual sense through the experiences.
Vin, as far as filtering the Big Cahuna out of the experience - that is up to you. You do not need to anthropomorphize God into one of Chumley's superbeings with a long white beard. Prayer and intent act by changing probabilities in the physical world when our belief is impressed on the very fabric of the universe. This can only occur through God's grace. If your concept of God is broad enough (to include each of us in it as a spark of the divine), then there is no reason to think that your intent won't reach him.
Matthew ***************** Actually, Matt, the image I always had of a "personal God" since childhood, has NOT involved a long white beard, or even an aged figure. I always imagined "God" as a very large, very muscular, and VERY VICIOUS man of about 35-45 years of age (or such was the image that occurred to me.) Think Bluto from the "Popeye" cartoons (only a LOT smarter and a LOT meaner) and you've (more or less) got the basic picture of "God" that I've had since my mother first dragged me to Sunday School...