How brutal and savage. That is from the Bible? NO WAY.
I'm sure well find someone here attempting to invent some kind of exuse or create a crazy abstract interpretation for this quote.
Here's a few more to add to the list:
Exodus 35:2. Six days shall work be done, but on the seventh day there shall be to you an holy day, a sabbath of rest to the LORD: whosoever doeth work therein shall be put to death.
Deuteronomy 21:18-21. If a man have a stubborn and rebellious son, which will not obey the voice of his father, or the voice of his mother, and that, when they have chastened him, will not hearken unto them:
Then shall his father and his mother lay hold on him, and bring him out unto the elders of his city, and unto the gate of his place;
And they shall say unto the elders of his city, This our son is stubborn and rebellious, he will not obey our voice; he is a glutton, and a drunkard.
And all the men of his city shall stone him with stones, that he die: so shalt thou put evil away from among you; and all Israel shall hear, and fear.
Leviticus 20:13. If a man lies with a man as one lies with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They must be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads.
Deuteronomy 22:13-21. If any man takes a wife and goes in to her and then turns against her, and charges her with shameful deeds and publicly defames her, and says, 'I took this woman, but when I came near her, I did not find her a virgin......
But if this charge is true, that the girl was not found a virgin, then they shall bring out the girl to the doorway of her father's house, and the men of her city shall stone her to death because she has (D)committed an act of folly in Israel by playing the harlot in her father's house; thus (E)you shall purge the evil from among you.
Let's see someone explain these away.
Word of God my @$$. Reading passages such as these makes me sick. How can anyone worship a god who promotes such things? Dispickable. All of the good teachings in the Bible combined could never cover up or make up for these sick "teachings." Wake up Christians.
Here's a link to almost 100 bible passages which promote attrochious acts of violence and savagry. Educate yourself.