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South Africa
The Revelation Chapter Sixteen
Great Voice Overself, superconscious mind.
Vials of the Wrath of God Karma, consequences.
Noisome and Grievous Sore Results of misuse of creative forces.
Blood of a Deadman Loss of sensitivity, deadened emotions.
Rivers and Fountains Sources of life and energy.
Saints and Prophets Spiritualized cells devitalized.
Sun Consciousness.
Fire Remorse.
Seat of the Beast Animal instincts.
His Kingdom (Beasts) Thyroid area Will.
Darkness Unconsciousness.
Euphrates Boundary.
Kings of the East New Beginnings.
Unclean Spirits like Frogs Distortions of intellect. Armageddon Conflict.
Air Mental level.
Great City Babylon Mans established systems.
Island State of Limitation.
Mountain Conferred, but unearned authority.
False Prophet self-delusion.
V1. Instructions are now issued for the purification of the gonads, which John witnesses. Physical diseases follow as a result of the misuse of the sex forces, in opposition to the pattern of perfection carried with them.
V3. The misuse of the forces of the adrenals result in sapped energies and the misuse of the forces of leydig bring about a shutting off of the powers of natural healing and supply.
V5. This has always been sensed by man through his emotional and mental-spiritual nature as the law governing each. (In other words, this has always been generally known).
V8. Misapplied love, as on the thymus level, reacts as a consuming force upon the individual. (Love must go out, not in).
V10. Also, misuse of the thyroid forces bring about the penalties of self-will. (Stubborness, bull-headedness etc.)
V12. When the Stream of Memory is dried up, on the pineal level in its turn (cosmic memory on conscious level) new beginnings are possible for the physical, the emotions, and the mental.
V13. Propaganda (distortions) stemming from wrong emotional, mental and physical action, become ranged in time against universal truth. This brings about conflict in the world between groups and government.
V17. Completion of the seven ordeals comes when mans institutions and structures (financial, educational etc) collapse, concepts and achievements are swept away, because universal truth is fixed, or crystallized.