Ex Member
I've noticed a percentage of folks acting rather unbalanced latley, dunno if its related to what you're talking about.. But yeah, increased Sun spots, solar storms, etc., can and do have this kind of affect.
Haven't been keeping up on that kind of stuff lately though, so couldn't tell you.
Have had some weird dreams lately.
Astrologically there are some rather intense transits going on right now. Pluto is just leaving an exact conjunction with the Galactic Center, and both are starting to cusp Capricorn from Sagittarius.
Pluto as a symbol is kind of like the dark collective unconscious, and also represents for the individual one's more dark and unconscious "shadow" self. Pluto is extremely unconscious, but also very OCD.
Galactic Center of course is somewhat representative of Universal Mind, pure Light. The general G.C. alignment and lately with the added Pluto conjunction to same, seems to really be "stirring" up the dark collective unconscious aspects of humanity.
The last time this conjunction happened, was during the American Revolution period in the mid/later 1700's (incidentally then it was in the sign of Capricorn, and right now its in Sag. but cusping Capricorn).
It has to come to the surface, so that it will get consciously worked with and then hopefully transcended. If we continue to repress this stuff as a society, as a civilization...well the Golden Age which is trying to bloom, may not bloom as optimally as it could.
Oh, forgot to add that Mars the red energy of strife, conflict, anger, activity just left a conjunction with both Pluto and the G.C. in the Fire sign of Sagittarius (like the other Fire signs, Sag definitely has a temper tendency). So Mars was adding its very red frequency energy in with Pluto (which is like a really deep reddish purple, almost like the color of an eggplant) and the G.C.
There's probably other stuff going on (astrologically), but i haven't been paying much attention to this kind of stuff lately.