It is inaccurate to assume that anybody who eats meat is a blood thirsty killer.
When hungry for something meaty, I tend to take preference to Chicken and other birds as well as tuna and never take any of it for granted at all. I like to add vegetables to the mix for a nicely balanced meal. I've found that meat is not my favorite food of all; Pastas are more along the line of my favorites but they go good with chicken too.
Interestingly, Bruce suggested eating raw hotdogs if one is feeling very "floaty" and unphysical.
Now, on the subject of Karma, one 'ought to distinguish "lesson" from the "a desire for revenge". In some cases, it seems that someone is just using the word to disguise something like a personal vendetta but not always.
In the end, have a very good feeling that one may leave the ELS at anytime they wish. Now, before I continue typing, I feel like exploring some more.
Quote:- Is afterlife based on free exchange of energy - sort of like everyone eats a bit of everyone else, but no real death or suffering happens... Or are there afterlife realms where being eaten produces as much suffering as here?
Now that is quite an idea...
(In math, Sigma means summation)